Get to buildin’ for some swag!
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Todd returns from E3 this week, so once we get the new releases out of the way it’s pretty much all Todd all the time. He tells us about some of the games he saw last week, a list of which you can find below. So if you were interested by the XBLA games being shown off last week, odds are we talk about them this week.
Please subscribe, rate and review the podcast on iTunes. We appreciate it! Check us out on twitter (@XBLAFans) where you can win codes for games, give us feedback or just ask a question. We are also now on Stitcher, so you can stream the show on your smartphone, give it a go!
Big thanks to Chris Green for the awesome theme music, be sure to check out his site BlurredEdge and why not follow him on twitter too @BlurredEdge.
[podcast][/podcast]Few things are more impenetrable than the mighty castle. Around the 10th century or so, major countries defended their population from sieges with these massive stone structures. Typically castles were constructed several miles apart in strategically superior locations. In CastleStorm, they’re right next door to each other.
Perhaps the real estate was good at the time or maybe the world of CastleStorm is just ridiculously crowded but things get cozy in this 2D tower defense. Your castle has a massive ballista on the front of it, which you use to mow down waves of ground forces and lay siege to the enemy castle. If the one-size-fits-all weapon weren’t enough, you can also dispatch your own forces and use magical abilities to affect the battlefield. Destroy the enemy castle or capture their flag to secure victory.
Real time strategy and the second dimension have blended before with games like Grim Grimoire and Swords & Soldiers, but it’s not the most common of sub-genres. That said, CastleStorm blends the RTS with even smaller genres including artillery shooters (Worms) and tower defense. The resulting smoothie is not only delicious, it offers a unique flavor. Read More
During all the hoopla of E3, Xbox Live Arcade snuck silently past a rather large milestone as noticed by friend of the site, @Lifelower. Our own XBLA historian, Andrew …
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Weekly Roundup compiles all the biggest news stories, reviews, and releases from the week into one handy post on the weekends.
Walking home from school these days is getting more and more hazardous. In the past, all you had to worry about were shady characters with lollipops, but it seems that now we have to worry about being teleported to mysterious planets. What is the world coming to?
In the 2D platform-puzzler Pid — the first title from ex-Bionic Commander: Rearmed developers Might and Delight — a schoolboy finds himself marooned on a mysterious planet inhabited by all manner of robotic creatures. You’ll encounter anything from giant missile-firing robots to small droids repeating simple tasks. Knowing nothing of this planet or its programmed population, making friends might be a bit difficult for Pid.
Couple these hostile automatons with hazards like massive spike traps and you’ve got yourself a dangerous situation. Thankfully you find the ability to summon light elevators (yes, light elevators) from your very finger tips.
As promised we’re delivering Trials Evolution tracks, even on a busy week like E3. Frankly if we didn’t our queue would be too full to handle. This week we’ve got quite a few themed tracks, a couple of interesting Skill Games, and a Supercross.
To download these tracks by entering Track Central, selecting Get Tracks, then pressing X to search. Enter the gamertag below to find the track. Be aware that the search is case sensitive. A big thanks to the Trials Evolution community for the borrowed videos. Hit the jump to see this week’s picks.
Once upon a time, the opportunity to play it was passed over in favor of speaking at length to the man behind it. A tough decision for sure, but one for which there are no regrets. But this is E3, with all its glitz and gaudiness, its bass and babes, its bombshells and busts — both on the babes and on the press conference stages. This is the show, and Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit might just be the game coming to Xbox Live Arcade. Abstaining from experiencing firsthand at The Big Show, one of the most promising upcoming games for XBLA, simply wouldn’t do. Even waiting just a wink longer until XBLA Fans’ scheduled time with the game later in the week arrived just wouldn’t do. Read More
That special time of year is upon us once more, as the biggest week in video games has hit with E3 2012 now underway. XBLA Fans is there bringing you all the news, hands-on reports and podcasts regarding the event. We’ve also made a hub to catch any E3 news you might have missed. If you are a fan of Kinect, please check out our sister site Xbox Kinect Fans that has a similar hub here.
The Walking Dead Episode 2 entering certification soon
Mini-editorial: E3 needs to drop the big presentation
Evil wins in Guardians of Middle-Earth gameplay
$99 Xbox bundle coming to more retailers this month
Dungeon Fighter Live coming in July for 800 MSP
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD E3 gameplay
Observe the Mark of the Ninja trailer
Dancing the day away with a bear and a hare at E3
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD E3 gameplay
Observe the Mark of the Ninja trailer
Worms Revolution gains WB as publisher
Happy Wars displays cuteness with gameplay and customization
Ascend: New Gods to use SmartGlass technology
Avatar Motocross Madness officially announced
New MTG: Planeswalkers game hits June 20
Dust: An Elysian Tail will feature casual and challenge modes
Avatar Motocross Madness gameplay shows big air and tricks galore
Shawn Saris and Perry Jackson join me to talk about some of the stuff we saw at Microsoft’s press briefing today at E3. First up is the Summer of Arcade announcement, then we talk some about the various new features coming to Xbox Live.
Please subscribe, rate and review the podcast on iTunes. We appreciate it! Check us out on twitter (@XBLAFans) where you can win codes for games, give us feedback or just ask a question. We are also now on Stitcher, so you can stream the show on your smartphone, give it a go!