
Multiplayer online battle arena

Awesomnauts Assemble! Review: An intergalactic blast
8 years ago

Awesomnauts Assemble! Review: An intergalactic blast

Awesomenauts Assemble! is a 2D action-platforming MOBA. It seems like such an odd and simple concept; taking everything you love about games Like DOTA and League of Legends and simplifying it …
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Guardians of Middle-Earth focuses its MOBA elements into the action
13 years ago

Guardians of Middle-Earth focuses its MOBA elements into the action

Guardians of Middle-Earth, the latest Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game to aim for the Xbox Live Arcade scene since Awesomenauts, wastes no time jumping into the action. We talked at length about the game in our preview from E3, but Monolith explains further how they manage to carefully select what elements of MOBA are strongest here. “We wanted to get players in and out of the game quickly”, designer Scott Compton told us in a roundtable press conference, “We wanted to get players in and out of the game quickly. 45 – 60 minutes is too long of a game.”

This Lord of the Rings MOBA was built from the ground up to be about the action and overall have shorter match times than other games in the genre. To achieve this, the foundation had to be set with the controls. While the answer to how a MOBA would work on a console has been of some debate lately, Monolith claims they had a rather easy time with it. Compton told us that “putting the player in direct control was a really satisfying experience. Using the left stick and “driving” the character around on the battlefield, rather than clicking and orienting your character that way.” Using rectangular, wedge and circle attack radii all aimed with the left stick, the game achieves precision even without a mouse. Read More

E3 Hands-on: Lord of the Rings goes core MOBA in Guardians of Middle-Earth
13 years ago

E3 Hands-on: Lord of the Rings goes core MOBA in Guardians of Middle-Earth

The Lord of the Rings franchise is no stranger to video game adaptations. Of the many we’ve seen over the years, most of them are translated directly from the fiction into a playable form. We’ve guided Frodo on his journey to Mordor and fought to defend Minas Tirith as Aragorn. Guardians of Middle-Earth is not an adventure but instead a war waged by good and evil in a massive arena.

Guardians of Middle-Earth is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game with many of the genre staples. Unlike other MOBA forays on XBLA (Awesomenauts, Monday Night Combat), Guardians of Middle-Earth is the classic isometric experience complete with three lanes (in the main map), creeps, towers, the whole shabang!

Well. Mostly. There’s no hiding the core MOBA-ness of this game, but the developers at Monolith also want to bring new mechanics to the table and tailor the experience to the console. For instance, you can upgrade your minions and towers, but there’s no shop and there are shrines to fight over which grant buffs. How’s that for new mechanics? Read More

One does not simply watch this Guardians of Middle-earth E3 2012 trailer
13 years ago

One does not simply watch this Guardians of Middle-earth E3 2012 trailer

We brought you the news earlier that Monolith Productions was working on a brand new Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game based on Lord of the Rings. They’ve finally unveiled …
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Awesomenauts Fully Awesome Guide
13 years ago

Awesomenauts Fully Awesome Guide

Your one stop shop for Awesomenauts know-how both for new comers and seasoned players alike!
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Awesomenauts review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Awesomenauts review (XBLA)

Awesomenauts was developed by Ronimo Games and published by DTP Entertainment. It was released May 2, 2012 for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.

In the year 2012, the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena genre began to proliferate, and gamers the world over wondered how it would evolve. From the pitch black void of space came Awesomenauts, a game which dared to bring MOBA to the 2D realm. Six mercenary heroes, ranging from an ex-rapper frog to a jetpack-laden monkey, are hired to work for red or blue (sometimes appearing on both teams at once, somehow) and destroy the enemy team’s solar drill. Solar is the form of currency in the future, so having a device which literally mines money is kind of a big deal.

Awesomenauts is a 2D MOBA and it makes no effort to hide that fact. Each player in this three versus three game picks one of the six heroes, each complete with unique abilities and play styles. Both teams have droids that run at the enemy base and attack each other in an effort to destroy the towers and solar drill. Kill them for cash, use your money to buy character upgrades and side-grades, push the enemy base and secure victory for your team.

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Awesomenauts Guide – Yuri
13 years ago

Awesomenauts Guide – Yuri

Abilities Breakdown [springboard type=”youtube” id=”uuANt_OoID4″ player=”xbla001″ width=”640″ height=”360″ ] Special 1: Time Warp – Yuri’s Time Warp, as it is now, is strange. By default it’s a relatively short aura …
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Awesomenauts Guide – Voltar, the Omniscient
13 years ago

Awesomenauts Guide – Voltar, the Omniscient

Abilities Breakdown [springboard type=”youtube” id=”P_VdG6XSXQM” player=”xbla001″ width=”640″ height=”360″ ] Special 1: Heal bot – Voltar’s heal bot is many things, but first and foremost it’s a useful. This ability places …
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Awesomenauts Guide – Clunk
13 years ago

Awesomenauts Guide – Clunk

Abilities Breakdown [springboard type=”youtube” id=”wBaLNZqM4RA” player=”xbla001″ width=”640″ height=”360″ ] Special 1: Explode – Clunk is a little on the unstable side, and like most unstable robots he tends to explode. …
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Awesomenauts Guide – Leon Chameleon

Abilities Breakdown [springboard type=”youtube” id=”0QAY7rNoMfk” player=”xbla001″ width=”640″ height=”400″ ] Special 1: Clone – Leon’s clone is one of the strangest abilities in the game, and one of the most useful. …
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