

Gotham City Imposters now free for Gold users
11 years ago

Gotham City Imposters now free for Gold users

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As of today Games with Gold has now been updated to include Gotham City Imposters and it will remain there until July 16th when Battleblock Theater will take its …
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July Games with Gold titles announced
11 years ago

July Games with Gold titles announced

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Just in from Major Nelson today is the list of games that Xbox Live Gold members can download for free during the month of July. For the Xbox One, …
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Bringing a MOBA game to XBLA: Guardians of Middle-earth detailed
12 years ago

Bringing a MOBA game to XBLA: Guardians of Middle-earth detailed

XBLAFans was able to sit in on a conference call last week with Guardians of Middle-earth Producer Bob Roberts and Senior Producer Ruth Pomandl. They shared intricate details about the game’s development process, what it was like to balance a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game for the console space and some details about how various systems will work in the game.

Players new to the MOBA genre should consider checking out Monolith’s own video tutorial series explaining it. The basic idea, though, is that players choose one of a number of heroes (five of them are unlocked initially, and the others are unlocked via in-game currency), and fight on a team of five champions against a team of five other champions. While each champion has unique talents and attributes, there are five basic character archetypes. These include:

  • Enchanters –- low maximum health and low physical damage, but they output lots of ability damage and withstand ability damage better than other classes.
  • Defenders –- high survivability but low damage.
  • Warriors –- the most balanced class and the most versatile as a result. They take a fair amount of damage and deal a fair amount in return.
  • Strikers –- the physical damage equivalent of Enchanters, meaning lots of damage but very low survivability.
  • Tacticians –- slightly more survivability than average but focus on AOE disruption and controlling the flow of movement across a lane.

In most PC MOBA games, players shop at an item store for items to upgrade their characters as the game progresses. Guardians mixes things up by introducing a less UI-intensive series of systems that should help make the console experience go more smoothly. Players can set loadouts similar to League of Legends rune and mastery systems  before a game begins, except that the loadout options in Guardians are even more extensive. There are three loadout systems in place for players to manage and utilize throughout a game — Potions, Commands and Guardian Belts.

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Guardians of Middle-earth profiles more characters; MOBA Mastery continues
12 years ago

Guardians of Middle-earth profiles more characters; MOBA Mastery continues

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The Guardians of Middle-earth promotional train keeps on rolling as Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Monolith Productions reveal two new characters en route to a December 5 release. Guardians of Middle-earth is a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) title that pits legendary characters from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey against each other in team-based combat. The newest additions to the already hefty roster include Thrain, the exiled Dwarven warrior, and Gothmog, the master strategist.

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Character reveals for Guardians of Middle-earth
12 years ago

Character reveals for Guardians of Middle-earth

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Monolith and Warner Bros. recently released a bunch of new information on Guardians of Middle-earth, an upcoming multiplayer online battle-arena game for XBLA. The game is set to release in December, which will also see the release of the highly anticipated film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, marking Peter Jackson’s return to the fantasy world of J.R.R. Tolkien.

First, two new characters were revealed, one from the forces of good and the other from Mordor. The first of these new characters is Eowyn, shieldbearer of Rohan. Her skill set should position her well to be a supportive hero capable of standing in the front lines during engagements, helping make the Defender class an active participant in combat. She focuses on healing and shielding others, with her ability to stun nearby enemies if they approach keeping her safe while she provides support for champions more focused on dishing out damage.

Dishing out the damage is the specialty of the other hero just revealed, Mozgog the orc. A Warrior designed to go toe-to-toe with others in melee range, Mozgog’s abilities increase his damage and mobility, sometimes at the expense of his health. Mozgog’s ultimate ability included a fear effect, nicely referencing the emotional effect the orcs had in the films. The above video highlights both of these new heroes in a bit more detail — for those readers new to the genre, Monolith has released a series of introductory clips discussed after the jump.

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Two new Guardians of Middle-earth characters revealed

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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has unveiled two new playable characters for its upcoming Lord of the Rings: Guardians of Middle-earth. Beregond and Felgrom have been announced in the latest …
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Guardians of Middle-earth details reveal price and DLC support but no XBLA release date
12 years ago

Guardians of Middle-earth details reveal price and DLC support but no XBLA release date

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A slew of Guardians of Middle-earth information was released today, confirming pricing details, DLC support models and box art. Unfortunately, that information didn’t include a release date for the Xbox …
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Guardians of Middle-earth profiles new characters
12 years ago

Guardians of Middle-earth profiles new characters

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A new gameplay trailer for Guardians of Middle-earth has revealed the latest playable characters in the upcoming massive online battle arena (MOBA) title for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation …
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Guardians of Middle Earth: Pro Gamer behind-the-scenes
12 years ago

Guardians of Middle Earth: Pro Gamer behind-the-scenes

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Warner Brothers Interactive recently released a new behind-the-scenes video of Monolith’s upcoming multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game known as Guardians …
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Gandalf and Gollum are Guardians of Middle-Earth
13 years ago

Gandalf and Gollum are Guardians of Middle-Earth

Guardians of Middle-Earth, the upcoming Lord of the Rings-themed MOBA from Monolith, will feature some of the series’ most iconic characters as playable characters. The Battle Profile series will show …
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