

Gigantic open beta squeezing in a 2016 release on December 8
8 years ago

Gigantic open beta squeezing in a 2016 release on December 8

Member 2015? Member E3? Member Gigantic? Well it’s finally, almost, here as the long awaiting open beta launches next week on Xbox One. For those don’t quite remember, Gigantic is …
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Awesomnauts Assemble! Review: An intergalactic blast
8 years ago

Awesomnauts Assemble! Review: An intergalactic blast

Awesomenauts Assemble! is a 2D action-platforming MOBA. It seems like such an odd and simple concept; taking everything you love about games Like DOTA and League of Legends and simplifying it …
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Motiga confirms Gigantic now delayed to 2016
9 years ago

Motiga confirms Gigantic now delayed to 2016

Upcoming free-to-play MOBA Gigantic has now been officially delayed to 2016. The 5 v 5 shooter where players fight alongside massive guardians, was set to release this holiday season on …
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Smite Open Beta review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Smite Open Beta review (Xbox One)

I am an enormous lover of MOBAs and esports in general, so it may come as a surprise that I had never played Smite before it launched on Xbox. Read More

Smite is coming to Xbox One
11 years ago

Smite is coming to Xbox One

By  •  News

The free-to-play 3rd person action MOBA Smite is coming to Xbox One in 2015. Developer Hi-Rez studios launched Smite in 2014 and already has an astounding 5 million players …
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Guardians of Middle Earth – Good Characters Guide

By  •  Guides

Welcome to the XBLA Fans GOME Good Characters Guide. In this article, we’ll offer some invaluable usage tips which are specific to the good Guardians which, if used in conjunction with our General Strategiies Guide, should enable even the greenest of recruits to become combat effective quickly.


ArathornFather of Aragorn, Arathorn is found in the Warrior section and proves to be a very powerful character. His basic attack is very strong, and is what most builds will be centered around. He has 3 main skills that he will utilize during combat. Staggering Shot is a long range stun that does moderate ability damage. It has a reasonable recast timer, so when attack other Guardians open up with this move. You then have a choice of two moves to follow up with. Chieftain’s Focus is a forward facing attack, that not only slows the enemies movement but increases your attack speed. The other choice is Ranger’s Strike. This is a power move that does massive damage, slows the enemy and renders you invisible. Using a combination of these three skills, or all three back to back will likely kill most weaker Guardians and stronger ones will think twice about continuing the fight. His final skill is less useful in direct combat, and should be used more when killing monsters in lanes. Dunedain Blade is a close range attack that will deal damage over time while also slowing the afflicted targets.

For Gems and Relics, it is suggested you boost his basic attack damage and speed. His basic attack is quite high already, and adding on to this only makes him stronger. With the right gems in place, his damage can reach 300+ on regular attacks. Couple this with attack speed increases and you will have a very powerful Arathorn, who can net kills even without his abilities. An alternate build involves stacking a lot of ability power with cooldown reduction. This will allow for the player to cast abilities more frequently, for more damage. Potions and Commands that increase damage or speed are both recommended for this character.

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Guardians of Middle Earth – Evil Characters Guide

By  •  Guides

Welcome to the XBLA Fans GOME Evil Characters Guide. In this article, we’ll offer some invaluable usage tips which are specific to the evil Guardians which, if used in conjunction with our General Strategiies Guide, should enable even the greenest of recruits to become combat effective quickly.

Sauron is a Warrior class Guardian who features a strong basic attack and extremely high durability. These cornerstone statistics, in conjunction with 3 fairly damaging abilities ensure that Sauron is always useful when pushing or holding a lane, because he can engage multiple foes at once with his ‘Might of Barad-Dur’ ability and base attack. ‘Dark Lord’s Reach’ is a great skill when facing a single, weak enemy Guardian, as it roots them and enables Sauron and his ally’s to hammer on the stricken foe. Any team which features a player who is using Sauron should be aware of the fact that his ‘The Lidless Eye’ ability damages ALL enemy Guardians for a small amount of health, meaning that when used it can immediately kill an enemy who is running very low. Use this to your advantage by calling out to your Sauron ally that there is an easy kill available for using his ultimate and remember to do so yourself, when called. Read More

Guardians of Middle Earth – General Strategies

By  •  Guides


So you want to succeed in Guardians of Middle Earth?(GOME) right? Well, you’re going to need all the help you can get, because GOME is a complex game which is made even tougher because it is played almost exclusively online against other human beings. Don’t worry though, because XBLA Fans is here to help. Below are some of the most useful hints for new players, along with a few more subtle strategies which even experienced players are sure to benefit from:

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Guardians of Middle-earth skirts recertification with cloud storage
12 years ago

Guardians of Middle-earth skirts recertification with cloud storage

We’ve been talking a lot about Guardians of Middle-earth over the past few months, with a steady stream of character reveals and tutorial videos for the Tolkien-inspired MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) title. Though beyond the multimedia fanfare preceding its imminent release, Guardians of Middle-earth carries weighty ambition as the first true title of the genre developed specifically for consoles.

The MOBA is a notoriously delicate genre, requiring nearly constant post-launch supervision in order to maintain the balance of character power as player strategies evolve over time. That balance necessitates regular updates and patches, the kind of support that’s seemingly at odds with the “closed system” of a console, which normally requires any changes be vetted by the manufacturer’s certification process.

When we spoke with producers Bob Roberts and Ruth Pomandl last month, they briefly touched on their plan to issue real-time updates without needing to repeatedly pass through the lengthy and expensive, recertification process. In an interview with VG247, Roberts further explained the importance of fine-tuning character balance and how they intend to continue those tweaks after the title has gone live.

“We did also build a system for having a lot of our balance database saved in cloud storage, that you’re going to download every time you launch the game. It’s a very small, quick update that doesn’t have to go through certification, so we can update it every day, every week – however often we need to if we see critical balance issues.”

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