
lord of the rings

The Dwarves review: Small comfort
8 years ago

The Dwarves review: Small comfort

The Dwarves opens with a tutorial battle set in the distant past. Through a sequence of battles and cut scenes, this opening manages within the first five minutes to summarise …
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Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide review: The sincerest form of flattery
8 years ago

Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide review: The sincerest form of flattery

While the gaming community patiently wait for Valve to get their fingers out and make a game ending in a 3, it was only a matter of time before someone …
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Guardians of Middle-earth gets Elrond, Mouth of Sauron DLC characters
12 years ago

Guardians of Middle-earth gets Elrond, Mouth of Sauron DLC characters

By  •  Media, Videos, News

Fans of Monolith Studios’ Lord of the Rings: Guardians of Middle-earth have a vast array of characters to choose from. In addition to the characters included with the game a whopping 14 DLC characters have been released. The latest of these additions are the Elf lord Elrond of Rivendell, and the villainous Mouth of Sauron — once a member of the race of men, now corrupted both morally and physically from years of service to the dark lord.

Both characters are now available for 160 MSP each, and are not included as part of the season pass. Of the 14 released characters, only the first eight are part of that pass. Should you be new to Guardians, the season pass nets you those first eight characters plus a new survival mode for 1200 MSP. Purchasing these nine items separately is 1600 MSP, so you’re saving 25% if you want it all. The Mouth of Sauron character trailer can be viewed above. Hit the jump for Elrond’s.

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Guardians of Middle Earth – Evil Characters Guide

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Welcome to the XBLA Fans GOME Evil Characters Guide. In this article, we’ll offer some invaluable usage tips which are specific to the evil Guardians which, if used in conjunction with our General Strategiies Guide, should enable even the greenest of recruits to become combat effective quickly.

Sauron is a Warrior class Guardian who features a strong basic attack and extremely high durability. These cornerstone statistics, in conjunction with 3 fairly damaging abilities ensure that Sauron is always useful when pushing or holding a lane, because he can engage multiple foes at once with his ‘Might of Barad-Dur’ ability and base attack. ‘Dark Lord’s Reach’ is a great skill when facing a single, weak enemy Guardian, as it roots them and enables Sauron and his ally’s to hammer on the stricken foe. Any team which features a player who is using Sauron should be aware of the fact that his ‘The Lidless Eye’ ability damages ALL enemy Guardians for a small amount of health, meaning that when used it can immediately kill an enemy who is running very low. Use this to your advantage by calling out to your Sauron ally that there is an easy kill available for using his ultimate and remember to do so yourself, when called. Read More

Guardians of Middle Earth – General Strategies

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So you want to succeed in Guardians of Middle Earth?(GOME) right? Well, you’re going to need all the help you can get, because GOME is a complex game which is made even tougher because it is played almost exclusively online against other human beings. Don’t worry though, because XBLA Fans is here to help. Below are some of the most useful hints for new players, along with a few more subtle strategies which even experienced players are sure to benefit from:

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Guardians of Middle Earth: Pro Gamer behind-the-scenes
12 years ago

Guardians of Middle Earth: Pro Gamer behind-the-scenes

By  •  Videos, News

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Warner Brothers Interactive recently released a new behind-the-scenes video of Monolith’s upcoming multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game known as Guardians …
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The next big console MOBA is Guardians of Middle-Earth
12 years ago

The next big console MOBA is Guardians of Middle-Earth

Full disclosure: I’m not a huge fan of or very good at Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA’s). So the thought of playing one based on Lord of the Rings didn’t seem too appealing. But as I walked into Monolith Productions for a studio tour and finally sat down with Guardians of Middle-Earth, I was more impressed than I thought I’d be.

Guardians of Middle-Earth’s sole purpose is bringing the MOBA experience to consoles. Games like League of Legends have propelled the genre to many heights but console MOBA games are few and far between, though Monday Night Combat and Awesomeanuts (the only two I’ve played) are impressive. They’re giving a great focus with its controls and maintaining layers by finding new strategies to take on your foes.

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Guardians of Middle Earth – Galadriel and Uglúk: Battle Profile
13 years ago

Guardians of Middle Earth – Galadriel and Uglúk: Battle Profile

By  •  News

The action is heating up for both the good guys and the bad guys in Guardians of Middle Earth. Here we get a good look at some of the …
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Gandalf and Gollum are Guardians of Middle-Earth
13 years ago

Gandalf and Gollum are Guardians of Middle-Earth

Guardians of Middle-Earth, the upcoming Lord of the Rings-themed MOBA from Monolith, will feature some of the series’ most iconic characters as playable characters. The Battle Profile series will show …
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