It’s Sunday everyone, and you know what that means, it’s roundup time. In this weekly article, we put together everything worth mentioning that we didn’t get posted. We also link to everything we did on the web, whether on this site or one of the other places you can find us like YouTube or Twitch.

Here’s some of the things we didn’t post

Hunt: Showdown

In Hunt: Showdown you take the role of a monster killing bounty hunter, finding and following clues leading you to the “at large” monster. The twist here is, you’re not alone, there are others hunting the same monster and if you beat them to the kill and get the bounty, then they will be hunting you. Placed in a western FPS setting, this hunter becoming the hunted is hitting Xbox later this year via the Game Preview program.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

While fans eagerly await this sequel, developer Moon Studios revealed a new trailer during Gamescom giving us a closer look at the upcoming Spirit Trials.


Developer Housemarque has announced that they are throwing their hat into the battle royale ring with Stormdivers. In order to stand out in this seemingly flooded market will be “stunning visual effects, gameplay” and an island that is alive and dangerous all in of itself. They are also offering different “classes” to play as that they will add and expand on in the future. There are also plans to expand the world with new areas, as well as adding PvE and co-op missions. If you’re interested in what may be the next big battle royale or just like to get your hands on everything before everyone else, you can sign up for the beta at

Here’s all the things we did post:



