Telltale Games are to offer a free copy of The Walking Dead XBLA version to players suffering severe hitching and freezing with the Xbox 360 disc version. After collecting reports from players, …
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Dungeon Fighter Live: Fall of Hendon Myre received a title update on XBLA this week. The update adds three new difficulties of Expert, Master and King’s Road to the …
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In preparation for the upcoming Origin of Pain downloadable content for Trials Evolution RedLynx is releasing a title update which addresses issues and readies the game for the DLC. …
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Harmonix have announced some changes to the in-game coin rewards for Rock Band Blitz following player feedback. Coins are spent on the game’s power-ups which are required to earn …
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Bellator: MMA Onslaught didn’t exactly win us over with its sloppy gameplay. While it looked pretty, that polish didn’t translate to the controls. But like any good developer/publisher team Kung Fu Factory and 345 Games listened to complaints and released a title update that addresses these concerns. Of the update they stated:
Community feedback has been at the forefront of 345 Games’ development since the launch of Bellator: MMA Onslaught on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in July. Well, players have spoken and 345 Games has listened and answered with a new game patch for XBLA and PSN users that is now available. The patch incorporates the suggestions and comments 345 Games has received through their social media networks over the past month.
Today’s patch is only the beginning of what’s in store for Bellator: MMA Onslaught. Over the next few months, 345 Games will continue to listen to its community on further enhancements and updates as it preps for a significant announcement toward the end of 2012.
Hit the jump for a full list of fixes and updates.
Gritty hack-n-slasher, Bloodforge, recently received a title update. The game was launched back in April as part of the Arcade Next promotion and despite its unusual graphics style, didn’t impress us much. Our News Editor Perry Jackson awarded the game a “Try It” score on review, criticising shoddy camera angles and a lackluster story. However developers Climax Studios have taken note and addressed some of the issues, including the camera, with the new patch:
“We’ve read the reviews, heard the feedback, and spent some time to trying to improve on the issues that were highlighted by many of you. We always hoped to entertain with the game and this Title Update is intended to provide a more enjoyable experience to players, and make elements less frustrating.
While not being a complete overhaul, which would have taken Bloodforge away from the vision that we still believe in, we hope this update will manage to address and mitigate several issues present in the original release and will be appreciated by the community.”
Have you tried Bloodforge since the patch was released? Do you feel it’s now worth a “Buy It”? Let us know in the comments section. For full patch notes, hit the jump.
Call in sick to work, because the 1.7.3 update for Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition lands tomorrow. The title update will go live at 2AM UTC. Among the new features and fixes are the inclusion of Pistons, a character skin selector, and precautions to keep unwanted players out of your game. Also detailed recently were a number of new skins for the upcoming Skin Pack 1 downloadable content. Banjo is joined by additional characters from the Banjo-Kazooie universe, and more variants of the Trials riders have been revealed. These skins join a growing list of characters including Master Chief, ‘Splosion Man, and Jack of Blades. Priced at a cool 160 MSP the pack will include 40 skins for players to choose from.
Hit the jump for a full list of features and updates included in 1.7.3 along with a glimpse of the new Trials rider skins.
Trials Evolution is set to receive it’s first title update tomorrow, May 30 at 2:00 AM PST (10:00 AM GMT). As well as addressing a few issues with the game, …
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South Park fans will be please to hear that the disappointing South Park: Tenorman’s Revenge is set to receive a title update. The 4 player platformer was heavily criticised for it’s sluggish controls, poor level design and insane difficulty level. In fact our Community Manager, Andrew Crews, reviewed the game for XBLA Fans and found it difficult to say anything nice at all. However it looks like developers, Other Ocean Interactive, have taken note and made more than a few changes in the right direction. One of the biggest changes will be the addition of a new Character Swap ability. Players can now change characters at any time, meaning you don’t need to keep replaying the same level with different characters in order to get all the collectables required to move on.
It’s always nice to see a developer continuing to support a game post release, but is all forgiven? Let us know what you think the comments section. For the full patch details, click over the page.
Update: The Title Update will actually coincide with the upcoming DLC release, apologies for any confusion.
Original Story: Dungeon Defenders received its first console patch earlier this week and fans of the game will be pleased to hear it addresses a number of minor bugs and increases the game’s level cap. The patch is great news for XBLA gamers since it was stated a while back that all DLC available for the PC version might not reach consoles. Trendy Entertainment revealed the full patch details on their official forums or you can read the full list here after the jump.