What a week it has been, so much has happened in our small gaming world. A few games have been announced or officially confirmed, many more have been narrowed down to a specific date. This week we also saw many previews go up for sale and even got a quick impression on a new game from PAX east.

Rhythm, horror, rogue-like, and, weirdly enough, a new FMV game fun here is this weeks edition of the a href=”https://xblafans.com/tag/sunday-roundup”>Sunday Roundup.

The Banner Sage 3

Stoic started this epic Saga on Kickstarter and now they’re back to finish it on Kickstarter. Their goal of $200,000 was met and passed, collecting a grand total of $418,00. Now that the funding is done Stoic is guessing a December 2018 release date.

Blackwood Crossing

Blackwood Crossing gets a release date of April 18th. Made by PaperSeven Studio, we follow the strange story of two orphaned siblings, Scarlett and Finn.


Flinthook is randomly generated rogue-like side-scroller coming from Tribute games and hitting the Xbox store April 18th

Late Shift

Late Shift is a new FMV interactive experience from CtrlMovie where players will take the roll of one of the characters, Matt.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series
Telltale games released the first screenshots and cast details about the upcoming release. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series follows our heroes as they find an artifact of “unspeakable power.” Here’s the cast as we know it so far: Scott Porter as Star-Lord, Emily O’Brien as Gamora, Nolan North as Rocket, Brandon Pall Eells as Drax and Adam Harrington as Groot.


Hitting the Xbox store March 17, Neurovoider is a procedurally generated rogue-lite twin-stick shooter.

This is the Police

In This is the Police you have been fired and given 180 days to leave the force. Weappy Studio has released a new console trailer and the release date of MArch 22nd, no official pricing yet, but we assume it’s the same as Steam, $14.99.


Critically acclaimed rhythm attack game Thumper gets an Xbox release this Spring.

Voodoo Vince: Remastered

Voodoo Vince: Remastered, a remake of the original Xbox exclusive title, has a release date and price: April 18th for $14.99.

Wrap up



