
Feature List

Trials Tuesday: Week of May 8
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday: Week of May 8

Another week, another set of great tracks. This time around we’ve upped how many we’re showcasing. Too many great creations come out each week. To download these tracks by entering Track Central, selecting Get Tracks, then pressing X to search. Enter the gamertag below to find the track. Be aware that the search is case sensitive. A big thanks to the Trials Evolution community for the borrowed videos. Hit the jump to see this week’s picks.

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What we are playing: May 6
13 years ago

What we are playing: May 6

What we are playing is a weekly column published on Sunday. Select members of the team talk about the games they’ve been playing over the past week and which they’re …
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Weekly Roundup: May 6
13 years ago

Weekly Roundup: May 6

Weekly Roundup compiles all the biggest news stories, reviews, and releases from the week into one handy post on the weekends.

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Friday Top Five: Top five XBLA in-game songs
13 years ago

Friday Top Five: Top five XBLA in-game songs

You know those songs you come across in a game sometimes that are so good that you find a safe spot, put the controller down and just listen to the music? Those moments where you completely forget what you are doing while you are mesmerized by the melody? Well that’s what this list is dedicated to. Those moments in gaming where the music captures your attention and your imagination. Moments of music so good, you wish the level would never end. Music so captivating that you hum these songs to yourself for days, weeks, months or years later. These are the top five in-game songs in XBLA.

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Trials Tuesday Thursday: Still the week of May 1
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday Thursday: Still the week of May 1

We’ve got to clear out the queue. We have tons of great tracks waiting in the wings to showcase, so we’re periodically going to run Trials Tuesday on Thursdays as well. So here you have it, five more tracks to dig your tires into: three trials, two skill games. As always you can find these tracks by entering Track Central, selecting Get Tracks, then pressing X to search. Enter the gamertag below to find the track. Be aware that the search is case sensitive.

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Editorial: Okay, so maybe HDTVs do make you a better gamer
13 years ago

Editorial: Okay, so maybe HDTVs do make you a better gamer

Whine, whine, whine. That’s all my friends do when they come over to my house to game. I hear stuff like “I can’t see anything!” or “I could actually win a match if we were on my TV.” Whatever, I thought. I still kick their trash when we’re playing online, so why would an HDTV matter? (By the way, that’s not my TV) Then I started playing the first Mass Effect. Having conversations with NPCs was nigh impossible. I had to sit just a few feet from the TV, and that’s saying something because I have great vision. The text was just too small. I couldn’t read HUD values, bios, or pretty much any other text, either. Still, I dismissed it and played through.

I’m a tightwad when it comes to money. When you have a wife and two kids, a mortgage, bills, etc. you will be too. My philosophy has been not to replace a TV if it ain’t broken. To my chagrin both of my TVs are stubbornly resilient. I’ve had ‘offers’ from two brothers-in-law and several friends to sabotage a TV just so I can pick up something that’s HD. Still I resist. Why should I spend money on something I don’t need? Or do I?

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Hopping down the bunny trail with Camille Guermonprez
13 years ago

Hopping down the bunny trail with Camille Guermonprez

The family is about to sit down for dinner and we’ve just wished each other Happy Easter — over the phone. Instead of sitting down at the dining room table with the rest of the family, I’m hours away in Boston for PAX East. A little white bunny is on a screen in front of me, but he’s not that bunny. No, this little rabbit hops down an entirely different trail than Peter Cottontail. The rabbit in question on the show floor, Ash, is the star of Arkedo Studio’s Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit and the Prince of Hell. The independent French studio has previously developed handheld, mobile and XBLIG games, so most Xbox gamers aren’t terribly familiar with it. Well, that’s all going to change this summer when Arkedo releases what studio co-founder Camille Guermonprez would later describe to me as “a [fluffing] video game.”

Easter Sunday was the final day of the 2012 convention hosted by Penny Arcade, and an appointment with Guermonprez to discuss Hell Yeah! was the last one on the XBLA Fans schedule for the weekend. I had passed by the game’s booth many times over the weekend and caught glimpses of what appeared to be a wonderfully insane and gorgeous action title that proudly channels early ’90s Genesis and SNES side-scrollers. Several other members of the team had gotten their hands on it during the first two days of the con and word was that this was not a demo to be missed.

But my schedule was jam-packed with appointments to play other promising games and talk to other developers all weekend. Hell Yeah! would have to wait. When XBLA Fans EiC John Laster, reporter Nick DePetris, photographer Scratch Pratt and I finally arrive to speak with Guermonprez, though, it turns out that we are doomed to wait just a little longer. Guermonprez, surely having spent even more time on his feet and in interviews than I had during the weekend, had given in to exhaustion and headed to lunch. And so we waited.

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XBLAFancast Episode 59 – All four trumpers
13 years ago

XBLAFancast Episode 59 – All four trumpers

No Andrew this week so we brought on PSNFans writer and new podcast producer of the PSNFancast, Josiah Renaudin. He joins us for one of our longest new releases/what we’ve been playing discussions possibly ever, in which we talk about Bloodforge, Deep Black: Episode 1, The Walking Dead and the Hybrid beta.

Perry of course brings all the big news stories, followed by Todd Talk and a twitter topic. You still have another week to play the Remember The Days game, which is Heavy Weapon, and send your thoughts to us on twitter.

Please subscribe, rate and review the podcast on iTunes. We appreciate it! Check us out on twitter (@XBLAFans) where you can win codes for games, give us feedback or just ask a question. We are also now on Stitcher, so you can stream the show on your smartphone, give it a go!

Big thanks to Chris Green for the awesome theme music, be sure to check out his site BlurredEdge and why not follow him on twitter too @BlurredEdge.


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Trials Tuesday: Week of May 1
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday: Week of May 1

Trials Evolution is about to celebrate two weeks since its release, and as expected the really great tracks are starting to surface. There were so many that we’ve upped our showcase this week to five tracks: three trials tracks, one supercross, and a skill game. As always you can find these tracks by entering Track Central, selecting Get Tracks, then pressing X to search. Enter the gamertag below to find the track. Be aware that the search is case sensitive.

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Weekly Roundup: April 29
13 years ago

Weekly Roundup: April 29

After a brief hiatus, Weekly Roundup is back!
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