The new update for World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition adds a collection of artillery for Britain, “including the iconic Crusader, ConquerorGC, Bishop, and Sexton II,” as well as …
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Available until August 13th, three events will run simultaneously for the free-to-play Happy Wars. The first of these experiences will be that of the Newcomer Welcoming Campaign. All players …
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Abyss Odyssey was developed by ACE Team and published by ATLUS. It was released on Xbox 360 for $14.99 on July 16, 2014. A copy was provided for review purposes.
At first glace, Abyss Odyssey seems relatively simple. It looks like a basic side-scrolling hack and slash game with dungeon-crawling elements, but it is weirdly different. It’s actually more of a rougelike, sporting a combat system better compared to a fighting game than an action one. Taking place inside of a warlock’s dreams, a dungeon of multiple levels has been created, with monsters breaking through the surface and causing destruction to the world above. It’s up to you to take control and put an end to the warlock’s carnage, one floor at a time. Ironically enough, Abyss Odyssey has you descending its depths in hope of reaching the final foe – all while lacking “depth” in the process.
According to Undead Labs’ Twitter feed, a remaster of the original State of Decay for Xbox One is certainly a possibility. The tweet came Tuesday in response to Twitter …
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The 15th title update for Happy Wars is now live. This update features numerous defect fixes including a fix for players who were not receiving invites under certain conditions.
The 2015 set of Magic: The Gathering cards is on its way very soon, and with them comes the Magic 2015 – Duels of the Planeswalkers digital edition of the …
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The 2015 set of Magic: The Gathering cards include a number of cards created by people involved with the video game industry. A subset of those cards will be …
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Blood of the Werewolf was developed by Scientifically Proven and published by Midnight City. It was released on June 11, 2014 on Xbox 360 for $6.99. A copy was provided for review purposes.
In Blood of the Werewolf, players take on the role of Selena, werewolf mother out for revenge. The game is made up of various combinations of two types of gameplay — indoors, Selena is a crossbow-wielding vampire hunter, and at night, she transforms into a vicious werewolf. The game attempts to recapture the best of classic games like Capcom’s Ghouls ‘n Ghosts by focusing on difficult sidescrolling gameplay. Unfortunately, it is an attempt only, thanks to extreme repetition of the worst elements of those games without success at carrying over much of the charm of the classics. A lack of enemy variety and a failure to integrate many of the game’s abilities into the core gameplay hampers what might have been an enjoyable experience.
The one-year anniversary of the Games with Gold program brings with it the standard two titles each for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, as well as a bonus game for Xbox 360.
The first title for Xbox 360 is Dark Souls. This is an action-RPG for those who enjoy a grueling, teeth-grinding challenge, perhaps even to a masochistic level. The difficulty is legendary, and not for the faint of heart; however, for the grand total of no money, it might be worth it for those on the fence to give Dark Souls a chance and forever be trapped in the mindset of “just one more try.” The game will be free June 1-15.
Originally released for the Xbox One, Press Play’s Max: The Curse of Brotherhood has finally leaped onto the Xbox 360 and PC after a short delay. The game, …
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