
SEGA Rally Online Arcade

More XBLA games disappear from the marketplace
12 years ago

More XBLA games disappear from the marketplace

To see an Xbox Live Arcade game removed from the marketplace isn’t uncommon. By our counts over 30 have been delisted since the Xbox 360 launched in 2005. Reasons …
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Deal of the Week: Speed Edition
12 years ago

Deal of the Week: Speed Edition

This week’s Deal of the Week is aimed at those petrol-heads amongst us. As well as some offers for Forza fans, 3 XBLA games will get a 50% discount …
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Friday Top Five: Top five XBLA racing games
12 years ago

Friday Top Five: Top five XBLA racing games

Racing games are an interesting sort. Like shooters, they’re at times so oversaturated with decent-yet-forgettable titles that it’s hard to pick the quality ones out from a sea of titles. Luckily XBLA is limited to 20-ish titles that revolve around the genre. Even still we have our favorites that we feel best represent what Xbox Live Arcade racing games should offer. While 20 participants enter the ring, only five make our list.

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Get your wallet out for the Xbox Live Fan Appreciation Sale
13 years ago

Get your wallet out for the Xbox Live Fan Appreciation Sale

Last week we announced that there was set to be a number of sales this month across Xbox marketplace. We now have the full details of the “Fan Appreciation …
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Deals galore on XBLA this November
13 years ago

Deals galore on XBLA this November

The latest Xbox Marketplace release schedule has been published by Major Nelson and according to the Major there will be no XBLA releases for the next two weeks. There …
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PSA: Sega Rally patch goes live today, leaderboards reset
13 years ago

PSA: Sega Rally patch goes live today, leaderboards reset

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Early this morning Sega tweeted that Sega Rally Online Arcade‘s leaderboards were reset in preparation for a patch. “SEGA have reset the leaderboards for SEGA Rally Online Arcade due …
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Xbox Live Arcade sales, May 2011
13 years ago

Xbox Live Arcade sales, May 2011

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Gamasutra editor Ryan Langley has posted their May sales analysis of Xbox Live Arcade titles. For those unfamiliar with the process they come to these numbers by analyzing the …
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Awesome avatar awards: Week of 5/29
13 years ago

Awesome avatar awards: Week of 5/29

We’re starting yet another feature here at XBLAFans that will showcase any newly announced Xbox Live Arcade-based avatar awards from are friends over at AvatarAwards. They’re a great site that somehow gets news on avatar awards for all 360 games before they’re released. Be sure to check them out if you’re curious about any non-XBLA related avatar awards. For simplicity’s sake and so that we don’t leech from them, each of the links below will take you to their site. Remember, these are awards, so they’re given out to the player by completing criteria in each game. For more detail hit up the Avatar Awards site. You can also follow them on Twitter at @AvatarAwards360.

We’ve got a big backlog to fill between the AvatarAwards and things that pre-date their site, so this one’s a lot longer than usual. Hit the jump to see the list. Also, let us know if we missed one.

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Sega Rally Online Arcade review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Sega Rally Online Arcade review (XBLA)

Sega Rally Online Arcade was co-developed by Sega and Sumo Digital and published by Sega. It was released May 18, 2011 for 800MSP. A copy was provided by the publisher for review purposes.

The Sega Rally series has its roots in the arcades. Sega Rally Championship wowed arcade goers in 1995, and since that the time sequels have been released on home consoles and in arcades. Sega Rally Online Arcade (SROA) is the newest installment in the series, and while it doesn’t have the content of something like Sega Rally Revo it still packs a major punch for its 800MSP.

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XBLA Wednesday: Sega Rally Online Arcade & tons of DLC
13 years ago

XBLA Wednesday: Sega Rally Online Arcade & tons of DLC

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Here’s what’s new on the XBLA marketplace for the week of May 18th, 2011.
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