

Ultratron review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Ultratron review (Xbox One)

Ultratron was developed by Puppy Games and published by Curve Digital on Xbox One. It was released on May 8, 2015 for $9.99. A copy was provided for review purposes.


If any long forgotten genre of videogames has benefited most from the advent of digital distribution and the influx of creative, independent game developers over the last few years, it must surely be the shoot-em-up. We’ve seen more or less every obvious take on the theme imaginable, yet I’m almost always pleasantly surprised by the next innovation or twist.

Ultratron is the latest twin-stick shooter to launch on the Xbox One and it promises a number of interesting features, including “unique retro-futuristic sound and graphics, player responsive difficulty, and a subtle system of tactics combined with classic gameplay.” At first glance, Ultratron looked like a fairly uninspiring arena based shooter, but I’m pleased to report that despite a few minor complaints, there’s more to it than meets the eye.

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Sales & Specials: bullets everywhere!
13 years ago

Sales & Specials: bullets everywhere!

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More Sales and Specials for all you schmup lovers.
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Score Rush Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Score Rush Review (XBLIG)

Score Rush is a mix between a schmup and a dual-stick shooter.  It’s the latest installment from seasoned XBLIG developer, Xona Games.  It sells for 80MS points ($1) on the XBLIG section of the marketplace. Read More

Decimation X3 Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Decimation X3 Review (XBLIG)

Decimation X3 is a 4 player shoot ’em up and thrilling sequel to the #1 Japan hitDecimation X, and proud member of the Indie Games Winter Uprising. Back with intensified gameplay, extra power-ups, more firepower, improved retro graphics, huge bosses, and a beautifully remixed Imphenzia soundtrack. Developed by the “empower the player” philosophy of Xona Games, award-winning creators of Duality ZF and Score Rush.  It currently is selling for 80MS Points (1 USD) in the Indie Games section of the marketplace.

How does it hold up to my rigorous tests?  Well you know you have to click read more to find out.

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Indie Games Winter Uprising is Here!
14 years ago

Indie Games Winter Uprising is Here!

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The time is upon us! Just say NO to cheesy massage simulators and poorly done clones in the indie games section of the market place, and hello to gaming goodness! The uprising is here, and all of us gamers are going to benefit from it!

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Guwange Review (XBLA)
14 years ago

Guwange Review (XBLA)

Guwange is a vertical scrolling shooting game, launched in Japanese arcades in 1999.  Set in the Muromachi period of Japanese history, Guwange tells the tale of the “Shikigami users”, hosts to ghostly avatars called Shikigami. Unlike other CAVE shooting games, known for their fighter craft and destructive machinery, the heroes of Guwange walk across the demonic landscape on their quest to rid themselves of the Shikigami curse, cutting a swath through enemies.

You have to click read more to get my thoughts on it now.

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XBLIG needs you!
14 years ago

XBLIG needs you!

By  •  News, Features

First they get moved from the games and demos page, then they get moved back.  And now, they are planning to fight back to prove that there is a lot of worth within their store. You need to click read more to hear their story. Read More

Inferno Review (XBLIG)

Inferno was the second release title for Radian Games.  It was released September 1st, 2010 for the price of 80 Microsoft Points ($1 US).   So how does this game stand up to other XBLA titles, and XBLIG titles?

Well you are going to have to click read more! Read More

Explosionade Review (XBLIG)

Explosionade, while causing a stir within the XBLIG developers community, is another release from Mommy’s Best Games.   See if I keep reviewing Mommy’s Best Games, or schmups, you are going to start things that I either A. work for Mommy’s Best Games (I don’t) and B. Play nothing but schmups.  Though, I am playing this XBLIG title until my xbox screams for me to stop, I might as well tell you why it’s worth the 80 Microsoft Points ($1).

All your friends are storming the Horronym Fortress but Colonel Bouche left you to guard the supply depot.  Disregarding orders to clean the toilets, you open the depot to find a gigantic, prototype mech!  You jump into the mech, and you head down into the sewers for a little fun shooting things, only to find the Horrornym right at your back door.

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Guwange, Cave’s shoot’em up hitting XBLA

By  •  Screenshots, News

Shoot’em up developer Cave officially announced today that it will be releasing Guwage on XBLA  World wide.

Guwange is a popular Japanese “medieval” bullet hell style schmup that was released in Japanese Arcades back in 1999.   It’s a vertical scrolling shooter that has a very retro and classic style about it.

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