It’s Sunday everyone, and you know what that means, it’s time for the Sunday Roundup. In this weekly post, we put together everything worth mentioning and link to everything we did around the web, whether on this site or one of the other places you can find us like YouTube or Twitch.

The Round up:

The Long Dark

The Long Dark will see the official 1.0 update this August, bringing with it the first two parts of story mode called Wintermute. This information comes from a huge article about Hinterlands, the developers on It covers how they helped pioneer the Game Preview program and the journey that got them where they are.

Mayan Death Robots: Arena

Mayan Death Robots: Arena is a multiplay death battle arena game coming May 19th with both online and local multiplayer.

Outlast 2

Outlast 2 is getting a much-wanted update that will hopefully smooth out the difficulty for everyone while still keeping the levels of fear at an all time high. No official date as to when it will be hitting Xbox One, but it is live on PC, and you can see the full patch notes here.


Spellspire is a 2D action-adventure game where you play as a wizard who gathers magic powers from spelling words. It’s made by 10tons, the developers that made King Oddball and Tennis in the Face and its available for pre-order now at the discounted price of $8.49.

The Town of Light

The Town of Light is a psychological thriller about a girl named Renee who suffers from mental illness. The game is being released on the Xbox One both digital and retail on June 6, 2017 for $19.99.

The Wrap Up:





New Releases
