

Rayman 3 HD shows off its powers

Your favourite limbless hero is coming back on XBLA after his retail stop in Rayman Origins in a brand new HD remake of Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc. In this …
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Sega and Arkedo officially unveil Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
13 years ago

Sega and Arkedo officially unveil Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit

A few months back we received word that Arkedo, developers of the cleverly named Arkedo Series games on XBLIG were teaming up with Sega to develop something called “Project …
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Shoot Many Robots goes customization crazy

Which game let you equip fairy wings, a viking helmet, tighty whities, and a flamethrower? No it’s not Gotham City Impostors (next DLC pack perhaps?) but upcoming 4-player co-op, run-n’-gun action shooter Shoot Many Robots. Demiurge Studios have released a new gameplay trailer today, highlighting the game’s light RPG aspects and fun customisations. They’ve also revealed that there will be hundreds (and hundreds) of guns and gear for you to find, and that you can tailor the gear you wear to your play style. For example, if you want to play as a tank class, just equip gear with health boosts and grab a huge gun or if you prefer a stealthier approach then get a sniper rifle, a jetpack and pick off robots from the distance. Or you can just play as a crazy person wearing fishnet tights and a powdered wig…the choice is yours.

Shoot Many Robots blasts it’s way onto XBLA on March 14 for 800 MSP. Check out some new screen shots after the jump.

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I Am Alive dev diary recommends thinking before shooting

By  •  Videos

You approach a stranger in I Am Alive‘s Haventon. He’s a dirty, grungy type of wanderer bearing a knife. You could unholster that pistol at your side and unload a few rounds into him. Oh yes, you could do that. Thing is, you might actually only have a few rounds on you. So then what’s your course of action once he’s lying in a pool of his own blood and his menacing buddies come ambling out from around the corner? Uh-oh.

Furthermore, what if the stranger wasn’t a bad guy at all? Judging the true intentions of wanderers in Darkworks’ action-adventure title won’t be easy, and players will have to carefully scope out situations before acting. Well, if they want to live long enough to get a crack at sizing up the next poor soul wandering the city’s wastes they will, anyways.

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Crimson Dragon officially debuted

Further information about upcoming XBLA game Crimson Dragon was revealed at an event in Tokyo yesterday. Previously known as Project Draco the kinect game was officially renamed at the event by lead developer at Grounding Inc, Yukio Futatsugi. We knew all about that already thanks to the Australian ratings board, but it was also revealed that the game plays as an on-rails shooter with online multiplayer co-op for up to three players. The game hosts six different dragon types to play with, each with different attributes and three of these were demonstrated at the event: the balanced “Blood Skin”, strong but slow “Dark Shoulder” and “Snow Wing” who excels in learning new skills. Futatsugi favoured Snow Wing, for its learning ability since new skills can be gained by eating food in the game, though it’s not guaranteed to take every time.

Famitsu also published a wealth of new screens for the game and you can check these out after the jump.

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Arena Shooters Reloaded in new Nexuiz launch trailer

By  •  News, Videos, Media

XBLA House Party promotion continues on February 29 with the launch of Nexuiz for 800 MSP. To whet your appetite for the release, a new launch trailer was can be seen above showing the action packed gameplay of the first person shooter. In addition to the launch trailer, check out the extended coverage of the game in the video below. Nexuiz is a game that aims to reboot the classic genre of arena shooters and features over 100 different mutators to add to the excitement. Be sure to check out the release dates and prices of all the House Party games and our interview with Kedhrin Gonzalez from Illfonic where we speak about the game.

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Ronimo showcases Awesomenauts’ audio and Prestige mode
13 years ago

Ronimo showcases Awesomenauts’ audio and Prestige mode

Ronimo Games has published an ear pleasing feature on their website delving into the audio aspects of their upcoming MOBA title Awesomenauts. The feature gives us an in depth …
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Witness a warrior’s rise in debut trailer for Kung Fu Strike
13 years ago

Witness a warrior’s rise in debut trailer for Kung Fu Strike

Update: Rob Burman of 7Sixty states that there is no current release date so we’ll keep you up to date on when it’s released.

7Sixty and Qooc Games …
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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II gameplay trailer reveals Spring 2012 release

From the early screenshots we saw earlier, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II was showing off some neat levels involving Sonic & Tails and now we have our first …
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Bang Bang Racing trailer has obstacles to avoid and various viewpoints

Digital Reality seem to keep busy with last year’s SkyDrift and the upcoming Sine Mora with Grasshopper Manufacture but they still have some racing spirit in them with Bang …
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