
About Michael Cheng

Michael Cheng is a University of California, Riverside graduate with a degree in Business Administration - Accounting. He is a long time video game player spanning many console generations and is currently an achievement hunter on the Xbox 360, Windows 8 and Xbox One. Self-proclaimed champion of niche Xbox 360 games, he can be reached on Twitter
Latest Posts | By Michael Cheng

Riptide GP2 is out now for Xbox One

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From Vector Unit, the makers of Hydro Thunder Hurricane for Xbox 360 and Windows 8, Riptide GP 2 is out now on Xbox One for a low starting price …
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Unmechanical: Extended Edition hovers to Xbox One on January 30

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U:EE banner

Grip Games, Talawa Games and Teotl Studios have announced that their hit game Unmechanical will now see an Xbox One release as Unmechanical: Extended Edition featuring an additional new story level with its own set of puzzles to solve. This title is releasing on January 30, 2015 for a price of $9.99 / 9.99 EUR.

The story is about a little robot that is trapped in an underground complex and his journey to freedom by means of solving puzzles that impede his path.

One of the prominent features of the game as quoted on the developer’s site is “Intuitive and simple controls, applied to a great range of interactions.”

Featured below is a trailer of the game in action.

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Resident Evil review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Resident Evil review (Xbox One)

Resident Evil was developed and published on Xbox One and Xbox 360 by Capcom Entertainment Inc. It was released on January 20, 2015 for $19.99. An Xbox One copy was provided by Capcom for review purposes.

Resident Evil Title Screen

So for those of you that have been living under a rock, this is the Resident Evil that started it all in remastered HD glory. This is the start of the franchise that eventually grew into a larger series with many sequels, animated movies and even live action movie spin-offs that played in movie theaters. We’re up to Resident Evil 6 and I’m sure Resident Evil 7 is hiding somewhere in the shadows. So right, my rock has been rather comfortable. This is my first time playing through the entirety of Resident Evil. I might have played it briefly when I was young but I don’t remember a thing.

My historical experiences start with playing Resident Evil Outbreak: File 2 online non-stop on PlayStation 2 before playing the first game of that spin-off, Resident Evil Outbreak. Since then I’ve played Resident 4 on the Nintendo Wii, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations, and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. Oh, I’ve also played Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City which many people try to pretend never existed. I’ve watched my friends stream Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, and Resident Evil 3 and enjoyed it. The plot and background stories of Resident Evil the franchise are quite interesting to me. I’d like to think I’m as well informed as it can be without playing the earlier games of the series. I plan to play the rest of the series one day and it starts here. So what are my thoughts of the beginning of the franchise?

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Magnetic: Cage Closed coming to Xbox One in March
10 years ago

Magnetic: Cage Closed coming to Xbox One in March

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magnetic: cage closed

Coming to Xbox One in March, Magnetic: Cage Closed is a first person puzzle game that takes place in a strange deadly facility filled with traps and secrets. As a prisoner, the only chance of survival lies in a magnet gun that can create electromagnetic fields that can repel or attract objects.

Some of the key features to this game include that “no playthrough is the same” and that puzzles will have multiple solutions. The developers claim that there will be diversity and environments will have its own theme and unique features. To survive, players will have to master magnetic forces.

The warden says “There is always a way out.”

Check below for a trailer of Magnetic: Cage Closed.

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Details on the imminent Resident Evil remaster and Resident Evil Revelations 2
10 years ago

Details on the imminent Resident Evil remaster and Resident Evil Revelations 2

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Resident Evil fans will have a lot to rejoice about soon.

Capcom is releasing a remastered HD version of the classic Resident Evil for Xbox One on January 20. Those excited for the release can now pre-order/pre-load it here, so that the game is ready to go the first minute it’s fully released.

An Xbox 360 version of Resident Evil is currently only available on the Japanese Xbox Live Marketplace for digital purchase and is region free. That version was released at the end of November of 2014.

In other Resident Evil news, Resident Evil Revelations 2 will be released less than one month after the Xbox One version of Resident Evil. Well, sort of.

Capcom is taking another new approach to survival-horror by releasing the contents of Resident Evil Revelations 2 in an episodic manner. These episodes will focus on two different pairs of characters. Keep reading for more details.

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Come see the first developer’s diary for Life is Strange
10 years ago

Come see the first developer’s diary for Life is Strange

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Last time on Life is Strange, XBLA Fans introduced details about this episodic narrative driven adventure game here.

This time,  the developers have released their first developer’s diary for Life is Strange showing …
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Funk of Titans review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Funk of Titans review (Xbox One)

Funk of Titans was developed and published on Xbox One by A Crowd of Monsters. It was released on January 9, 2015 for $12.49. A copy was provided by A Crowd of Monsters for review purposes.

Funk of Titans start screen

“Cool Daddy-o!”

It’s motivational speaking at its finest, and it comes from main character Perseus, to whom Zeus has assigned the task of defeating the Music Titans. The player is sent to clear three different worlds of music consisting of Pop, Rap and Rock. At first glance of screenshots and trailers of the game, I assumed this was another traditional platformer in which the player runs and jumps and attacks on command. Nope. Funk of Titans is actually a runner-type game in which the character automatically runs, and the player commands the jumping and combat. This revelation completely changed my outlook on the game. Let’s dig into the finer details of how it did so.

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XBLA Marketplace sees multiple game delistings before year end
10 years ago

XBLA Marketplace sees multiple game delistings before year end

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XBLA Fans Newsbits

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to everyone!

Unfortunately, it also comes that time when games may disappear from the marketplace for any number of reasons and is usually assumed as licenses expiring.

On December 30, 2014, Eastern Standard Time, the following games were removed from the Xbox Live Arcade Marketplace:

1. WRC Powerslide. Original release date: March 8, 2013.
This game wasn’t out for very long and never saw a XBLA sale. It was also a member of the games in that event in September of 2013 involving foreign countries.

2. Marvel vs. Capcom Origins. Original release date: September 26, 2012.
This game was announced for removal at the end of the year by Capcom ahead of time. While it is sad to see it go, at least it wasn’t a surprise.

3. Battle: Los Angeles. Original release date: March 11, 2011.
This game was a movie tie-in released around the same time the movie was released with very little fanfare. It has been around for some time and has gone away as quietly as its arrival.

There are more delisted games from December 30, 2014 below. Continue to find out.

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