
About Todd Schlickbernd

I've been writing off and on since High School and finally decided to try and write for a site; now I write for XBLA Fans. I'm a huge fan of breaking games down into their smaller pieces, and as such I do that as often as possible, with or without a sledge hammer. Writing is fun and I intend to have fun with my writing. And smashing.
Latest Posts | By Todd Schlickbernd
XBLAFancast Special – Awesomenauts Patch 1.1 Discussion with Ronimo Games’ Jasper Koning
13 years ago

XBLAFancast Special – Awesomenauts Patch 1.1 Discussion with Ronimo Games’ Jasper Koning

We have a special bit of podcasting for the universe today regarding the recently patched Awesomenauts. Now we’ve seen Ronimo’s video about the new characters when the patch released, but we hadn’t heard much about the many changes which the original six characters underwent. We reached out to Ronimo Games’ Jasper Koning to hear his thoughts on what they did to Leon, Voltar, and the rest of the crew and why.

Please subscribe, rate and review the podcast on iTunes. We appreciate it! Check us out on twitter (@XBLAFans) where you can win codes for games, give us feedback or just ask a question. We are also now on Stitcher, so you can stream the show on your smartphone, give it a go!

Big thanks to Chris Green for the awesome theme music, be sure to check out his site BlurredEdge and why not follow him on twitter too @BlurredEdge.


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Awesomenauts Guide – Derpl Zork
13 years ago

Awesomenauts Guide – Derpl Zork

Special 1: Siege Mode – Derpl’s Siege Mode skill when activated turns his combat walker into stationary turret. While the turret can be moved by attacks and other moving …
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Awesomenauts Guide – Coco Nebulon
13 years ago

Awesomenauts Guide – Coco Nebulon

Special 1: Ball Lightning – This ability is a sort of like a projectile time bomb. Press the button once to launch the ball in any direction, then press …
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Team 17 designer Kevin Carthew says a Worms revamp was long overdue, Worms: Revolution to be the “blockbuster”
13 years ago

Team 17 designer Kevin Carthew says a Worms revamp was long overdue, Worms: Revolution to be the “blockbuster”

Since its creation in 1995, Worms has been leading the way in the artillery shooter genre. With its slapstick humor, turn based strategy and tried-and-true formula, Worms became a brand with a massive following and history. Team 17, the developers of Worms, has remained small throughout however. The studio’s other franchise Alien Breed and a few Worms spin-offs (like Worms Blast and Worms Golf) are Team 17’s only true ventures outside the turn-based artillery action gameplay featured in Worms. Due to this, they’ve been called risk averse, they’ve been criticized for clinging to the Worms franchise, so of course their upcoming Worms revamp, Worms: Revolution, may be met with cynicism by some. We talked to lead designer on the upcoming game and 14-year member of Team 17 Kevin Carthew about working with the rest of Team 17 to revamp the Worms franchise.

According to Carthew, most of the group at Team 17 felt like a Worms revamp was long overdue before Worms: Revolution had a single line of code. Roughly two years ago, before true development on Worms: Revolution had begun, a presentation was given by key members of Team 17; it was a studio-wide event. Words were said, pictures were shown, heads were nodded — Worms: Revolution would be the “blockbuster” Worms game. “We aren’t just making another Worms game, we’re making the Worms game.” said Carthew. “Of course we’re going to call it Worms something”, but “revolution” really is the point of this new game, and everybody at Team 17 feels it. Read More

Sunday Night Streaming: Dishwashing in The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile
13 years ago

Sunday Night Streaming: Dishwashing in The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile

The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile has been out for quite some time now, but if you haven’t played it you certainly should. This frenetic 2D hack n’ slash is one …
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XBLA Wednesday (Thursday) – Video Show pilot
13 years ago

XBLA Wednesday (Thursday) – Video Show pilot

We’ve been doing XBLA Wednesday posts for quite some time (in fact, it was my idea) but originally each post was going to be accompanied by a quick video …
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E3 Hands-on: The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing off to a solid action-RPG start
13 years ago

E3 Hands-on: The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing off to a solid action-RPG start

The traditional action-RPG experience and what is sacred to it is, for the most part, set in stone. The isometric camera, stat increases on level up, new skills, tons of loot with each miniscule bonus making one item infinitely more worthwhile than another, all of that good stuff. Games like Diablo and Torchlight embody that experience, and The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing endeavors to join the diagonally-skewed club. You play as the great Van Helsing’s son, Van Helsing, in a world overflowing with the occult surrounded by the marriage of science and magic that could be considered fantasy steam punk.

As a bit of a disclaimer, developer Neocore Games is still rather early in the development process, so our hands-on is of pre-alpha gameplay. In fact, not only did we have to use a keyboard and mouse to play, they still haven’t decided on how to map the controls to the controller. This puts a shimmering asterisk on all of our experience with it seeing as the way a game controls is of grievous importance. That said, what we experienced hinted at something solid and enjoyable, albeit at the moment not particularly unique. Read More

Sunday Night Streaming: Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft!
13 years ago

Sunday Night Streaming: Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft!

This Sunday night our guide coordinator will be back at it again, this time streaming Minecraft. We could’ve had some glorious world for you to see, or some cool game …
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Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead season one is just the beginning
13 years ago

Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead season one is just the beginning

By  •  News

Telltale Games is off to an impressive start with their The Walking Dead adventure game series. Critically speaking we’ve given both episode one and episode two ‘Buy It’ scores, …
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Awesomenauts 1.1 patch notes released, DLC characters detailed
13 years ago

Awesomenauts 1.1 patch notes released, DLC characters detailed

By  •  News

The rumors were true! Ronimo Games has confirmed Coco Nebulon and Derpl Zork as their upcoming DLC characters for their 2D multiplayer online battle arena game, Awesomenauts. Not only …
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