Do you have a thirst for zombies or possibly hungry for more rock? XBLA Wednesday has got something for both of those appetites this week. Starting off first with …
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What Rock Band Blitz Song are you most excited to add to your Rock Band Collection? …
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Rock Band Blitz brings the largest music library in gaming to Xbox Live Arcade in the form of a fast-paced, controller-based rhythm title. Shipping with over twenty hit songs, Rock Band Blitz will introduce new music to the Xbox while supporting all previously downloaded Rock Band tracks. Pick your favorite song, turn the volume up, and take down your friends’ top scores. Rock Band Blitz tracks will immediately be compatible with Rock Band 3, adding even more value to the package.
Rock Band Blitz was developed and published by Harmonix. It will be released on August 29, 2012 for 1200 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.
With the emergence of online gaming, calling up friends to come over and play a video game seems like a distant memory. The most prominent party game a few years ago was Rock Band. Harmonix had struck gold with the be-all-end-all of party games. Hours passed as friends played the drums, keyboard, guitar, and of course the vocals. Everyone had “that friend” who tried to hit the falsetto on Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. While we all had fun with the “wannabe Freddie Mercury”, Harmonix has developed a new way to enjoy their rhythm-based game with the release of Rock Band Blitz on XBLA.
Rock Band Blitz is an entertaining music game utilizing controller-based play. Touting 25 songs, Harmonix channels their popular PS2 game Frequency; players control all of the tracks in a song and use power-ups to accumulate stars and points. An interesting twist is earning multipliers for each track, and players must get the maximum number of multipliers on all tracks to raise their level cap. Another way to gain points is to enter Blitz Mode. While hitting every note is impossible, hitting many of them in a row will put players into this mode, where they’ll start earning additional points for every tenth note hit.
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Over the course of the last few weeks, Harmonix has been announcing tracks for the new PSN and XBLA game: Rock Band Blitz. While you won’t be seeing Ballroom Blitz by Sweet (the song was already on the original title), you will be able to rock out to 25 different songs. Also, you won’t need to drag your old instruments out of storage, because Harmonix is introducing controller-based play system.
Rock Band Blitz offers a setlist to satisfy many music tastes. While classic and modern rock are quite prominent, the game also mixes in a bit of Top 40. In addition to the songs with Rock Band Blitz, all songs from previous Rock Band titles will be playable. The 25 tracks will also be able to be played on Rock Band 3 with full instruments.
Rock Band Blitz hits XBLA August 29 and will be available or 1200 MSP. Read the entire setlist after the break.
Just as Rock Band Blitz passed certification, it seems a release date was on the horizon for this downloadable installment of Rock Band. The game feels like a throwback …
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Over the past few weeks several games have passed Microsoft’s certification process, the last milestone developers must complete before negotiating a release with their publisher and Microsoft. We’re only …
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Rock Band Blitz will let players experience their favorite Rock Band DLC in a new way, shifting the note-pressing craze to an arcade-style format. Players will compete on the leaderboards for the top spots, and the new power-ups will make the competition even tougher. The trailer above proves how power-ups can really rack up points, but have to be used properly for full scoring potential.
The focus may have been taken away from plastic instruments, but the game is still all about the music. A total of 11 songs have been announced from the set list, which can be seen after the jump. Get ready to make some noise, Rock Band Blitz releases this summer.
Believe it or not my favorite part about video games isn’t the games themselves but the way they bring people together. Arguably no show demonstrates this bond better than PAX. Thousands of likeminded individuals flooded Boston this past Easter weekend. It didn’t matter where you worked or what you did or what you had to do when you hit the ground again on Monday; for one glorious weekend everyone was an equal: a gamer. It didn’t matter if your weapon was a die, a mouse, a controller or one’s own body. Everyone at this show had a passion for games.
A few of us from XBLA Fans made the trip and had the honor of mingling and checking out some of the upcoming XBLA titles for 2012 and beyond. We were able to hear developers in their element talking to fans about their projects. It was an amazing experience. Our own Andrew Crews has already elaborated on this issue, but in the end you remember the little things. That being said, there were some amazing games. Check out our full breakdown below!