

Spelunky gets massive patch
12 years ago

Spelunky gets massive patch

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Dying happens a lot in Spelunky, but up until now the game has caused some unfair deaths. The game’s first patch was released recently, and it sets out to improve …
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Bellator MMA patch details
12 years ago

Bellator MMA patch details

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Bellator: MMA Onslaught didn’t exactly win us over with its sloppy gameplay. While it looked pretty, that polish didn’t translate to the controls. But like any good developer/publisher team Kung Fu Factory and 345 Games listened to complaints and released a title update that addresses these concerns. Of the update they stated:

Community feedback has been at the forefront of 345 Games’ development since the launch of Bellator: MMA Onslaught on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in July. Well, players have spoken and 345 Games has listened and answered with a new game patch for XBLA and PSN users that is now available. The patch incorporates the suggestions and comments 345 Games has received through their social media networks over the past month.

Today’s patch is only the beginning of what’s in store for Bellator: MMA Onslaught. Over the next few months, 345 Games will continue to listen to its community on further enhancements and updates as it preps for a significant announcement toward the end of 2012.

Hit the jump for a full list of fixes and updates.

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Awesomenauts community address includes new character, patch
12 years ago

Awesomenauts community address includes new character, patch

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A new challenger is approaching! This new Awesomenaut, for whom we have no name yet, is the first of the characters planned to help sustain the Awesomenauts’ community. Looks like she may have some sort of hoverboard, a bot she can summon, and what appears to be a ball of electricity, but we’re not sure yet.

Awesomenauts has been out just over a week now and the leaderboards are steadily populating. In fact, in our review we gave Awesomenauts a Buy It!, so if you haven’t checked it out already you should. If you have no idea what MOBA is, check out our explanation of it! For those of you who have played it, we have some fantastic news for you.

Ronimo Games has issued a community address, shedding some light on their tribulations of Awesomenauts’ release, as well as what’s coming down the pipe. Read More

Trials Evolution receives server-side fix for Track Central
12 years ago

Trials Evolution receives server-side fix for Track Central

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When browsing the Highest Rated categories in Trials Evolution‘s Track Central users would often find sub-par tracks amidst truly great ones, often with great tracks getting bumped from the …
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Rumor: Minecraft inspiring Microsoft to speed up XBLA patching process?
13 years ago

Rumor: Minecraft inspiring Microsoft to speed up XBLA patching process?

By  •  Rumors, News

Paddy Burns, Chief Technology Officer at 4J Studios (the team handling the XBLA version of Mojang’s smash hit Minecraft) recently told Edge that big changes may be coming to …
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An update on Monday Night Combat … err, updates
13 years ago

An update on Monday Night Combat … err, updates

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It’s a question we get fairly often: Why does the PC version of Monday Night Combat get all sorts of cool updates while 360 players are “stuck” with just the Spunky Cola Special? Well, to those who aren’t regulars on Uber Entertainment’s forums the answer to that question is shrouded in mystery. To bring it out more into the open we’ve summarized what Uber Entertainment’s Chandana Ekanayake (aka Ekanaut or Eka) had to say on the matter. He noted that the Xbox 360 version has more players than the Steam version, so why isn’t there new content? Simply put he said it’s about control and turnaround times.

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XBLAFans Newsbits: May 31

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  • ilomilo has finally been patched. Those having trouble with achievements in the Autumn Tale DLC no longer need to use the workaround we posted a while …
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Editorial: In search of a patch
13 years ago

Editorial: In search of a patch

By  •  Features

It’s happened to all of us — we pick up a game we’ve been waiting to play only to find something horribly broken in it. Achievements don’t unlock, characters get stuck in walls, scripted events don’t fire, or at times even core gameplay feels off.  It’s frustrating, and so often the issues kill sales for what could have potentially been a great game.  So often our hopes lie in a patch, known on Xbox Live as a title update.  But for some games that patch never comes.

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Breach patched on XBLA, trial extended
13 years ago

Breach patched on XBLA, trial extended

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The tactical shooter Breach has been patched. A number of features and issues have been addressed, mostly related online gameplay. The game’s trial has also been extended from 30 …
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