Starting January 18th, EA will be holding a sale on quite a large variety of downloadable items including some great XBLA games. The sale will last until January 24th and it will include 50% discounts on the following items: Read More
Major Nelson has just posted next weeks deals of the week, complete with undead theme. There are three XBLA games included in the deals, including Zombie Apocalypse, The Dishwasher: …
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We’ve spent the past week searching the internet and hounding our industry contacts in an effort to compile the ultimate 2011 XBLA Game Release List. We anticipated on heck of a year for Xbox Live Arcade. So epic we couldn’t even fit everything on one page. So without further ado, check out the list:
Check out the rest here:
XBLA Fans Anticipated 2011 Releases: A-C
XBLA Fans Anticipated 2011 Releases: D-F
XBLA Fans Anticipated 2011 Releases: G-M
XBLA Fans Anticipated 2011 Releases: N-R
XBLA Fans Anticipated 2011 Releases: S
XBLA Fans Anticipated 2011 Releases: T-Z
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The following article is based around an email interview conducted by our team with Naked Sky’s CTO Joshua Glazer. Naked Sky is also known for their previous XBLA title RoboBlitz, which was released back in November 2006z.
Microbot is a twin stick shooter that lets the player battle malicious viruses and diseases as a microscopic nanotech robot injected into someone’s bloodstream. As players travel travel through veins, bones, lungs and other organs, they can collected data fragments that allows them to customize their microbot with powerful weapons, defensive systems, movement parts, and special abilities. What got yours truly’s blood pumping about this title, is the planned cooperative drop-in/drop-out mode.
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EA goes out on a buying spreed, this time they have smaller indie developers in their sights. Read More
Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and Star Trek star Simon Pegg named as the voice talent for upcoming EA’s Bright Light title.
Today EA revealed their new title, Microbot, the unique arcade-shooter that takes place in a new locale: the human body.Read on for the full scoop!
Originally meant to be a downloadable title with the now delayed (possibly forever) NBA Elite 11, which was supposed to come out almost 2 weeks ago, the game was delayed into 2011 a week before release. But what was to become of NBA Jam?
Full story after the jump
That’s right, the prequel to January’s Dead Space 2 is coming soon, October 13th soon! The unusual thing? The game actually isn’t a game, but an interactive comic!
When we first reported that companies were considering releasing Demos on Xbox Live Arcade, we were a little wary. Back this spring, EA made it clear they …
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