
double fine productions

Weekend Rant: The seven (or so) deadly sins of cooperative play
13 years ago

Weekend Rant: The seven (or so) deadly sins of cooperative play

Weekend Rant is a non-regularly occurring weekend mini-editorial. In layman’s terms that basically means that if a staff member has something they want to rant about they can do so on any given weekend.

There’s a list of disturbing trends that have developed within the gaming industry this generation, and they revolve around cooperative play. Co-op is nothing new to gaming. It has existed since the earliest days of coin-op arcade machines going back decades. This generation however, co-op has evolved. No longer do we just get to tread through a game’s campaign with a friend, sometimes we get an entire stand alone co-op campaign. In other instances, we get completely unique cooperative modes with their own setup and rules like the highly successful Horde mode in Gears of War, or Zombie mode in Call of Duty. More than ever, developers are taking advantage of the fact that its just plain fun to play games with your friends. The evolution of co-op has also unfortunately created problems. And its about time we start talking about them.

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Double Fine head Tim Schafer speaks out on publisher’s reluctance to invest in new IP’s
13 years ago

Double Fine head Tim Schafer speaks out on publisher’s reluctance to invest in new IP’s

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Tim Schafer, founder of Double Fine Productions has spoken out on publishers’ reluctance to invest in new intellectual properties. Opening up to DigitalSpy.Com, Schafer states that “Publishers often don’t …
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Iron Brigade: Rise of the Martian Bear review (XBLA DLC)
13 years ago

Iron Brigade: Rise of the Martian Bear review (XBLA DLC)

Iron Brigade: Rise of the Martian Bear was developed by Double Fine Productions and published by Microsoft. It was released February 1, 2012 for 400 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.

Iron Brigade is a game with a rich history. That history involves a plethora of fun, customization, shots fired, explosions, lawsuits, name changes, and now, a chapter about bears in outer space. Rise of the Martian Bear is the first downloadable content to be released for Iron Brigade, Double Fine Productions’ take on tower defense originally released in June of last year. The add-on expands upon Iron Brigade in almost every way imaginable, giving fans more of what they loved, and plenty of new toys to boot. By now you’ve certainly heard that two-handed salutes have made their way into the game, but let’s dive into the rest of what awaits us on Mars.

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XBLAFancast – Iron Brigade interview
13 years ago

XBLAFancast – Iron Brigade interview

I recently had the chance to talk to Iron Brigade (AKA Trenched) Project Lead Brad Muir from Double Fine. Brad talks a bit about the upcoming update and European release for Iron Brigade, which will include a bunch of new content. He also outlines what we can expect from the first DLC pack, Rise of the Martian Bear which sees the Iron Brigade story take the fight against the tubes to Mars.

After that we get into a discussion of XBLA in general and talk about some of the pros and cons of the service as well as what the service will hopefully evolve into.

Thanks to Brad for coming on the show and keep checking back for news on that update, which should be out very very soon.

Please subscribe, comment, review the podcast on iTunes and tell your friends! We appreciate it! Check us out on twitter (@XBLAFans) where you can win codes for games, give us feedback or just ask a question.

Big thanks again to Chris Green for the awesome theme music, be sure to check out his site BlurredEdge and why not follow him on twitter too @BlurredEdge.


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Rewind Review: Costume Quest (XBLA)
13 years ago

Rewind Review: Costume Quest (XBLA)

Costume Quest was developed by Double Fine Productions, and published by THQ. The game was released on October 19th, 2010.

In October of 2010, Double Fine Productions introduced the world to a colorful classic in the making known as Costume Quest. Players are introduced to the brother-sister duo of Reynold and Wren on the night of Halloween. The pair head out trick or treating but the night quickly spins out of control as monsters kidnap one of the two, and reveal a plot to steal all of the neighborhood’s candy. What is a kid to do when monsters take your sibling away and plan to ruin every youngster’s Halloween? Take on a quest to free your family member and stop the monsters from ruining everyone’s holiday that’s what!

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The Martian Bear rises in Iron Brigade DLC

Double Fine have finally detailed the DLC pack for Iron Brigade (formerly Trenched), it will be called Rise of the Martian Bear. Before being defeated at the end of Iron Brigade Vlad, creator and evil overlord of the Monovision, managed to download his consciousness into his pet bear. Clearly the only logical step from there is to go to Mars, so that’s what he does. It’s there he plans to rebuild his Monovision empire, so the mobile trench brigade must follow and take Vlad down again.

In addition to new campaign missions the DLC will include more levels for the games soon to released survival mode. The survival mode itself will be part of the upcoming title update/European release of Iron Brigade. There’s no release date for either the update or the DLC, but the update is expected very soon.

Check after the jump for some screens as well as an interview with Brad Muir from Double Fine conducted by Gamespot, which includes some footage of the new content.

Sources: Kotaku & Joystiq

Images courtesy of GiantBomb

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Trenched to become Iron Brigade everywhere, DLC to come
13 years ago

Trenched to become Iron Brigade everywhere, DLC to come

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Brad Muir and Greg Rice of Double Fine Productions have just announced on Whiskey Media’s Big Live Live Show Live that Trenched will be known as Iron …
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Trenched becomes Iron Brigade for European release
13 years ago

Trenched becomes Iron Brigade for European release

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Double Fine’s tower defense/mech mash-up Trenched will finally be released in Europe this September, under the name Iron Brigade. That’s according to a press document being handed out by …
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Iron Brigade (Trenched) review (XBLA)
14 years ago

Iron Brigade (Trenched) review (XBLA)

Iron Brigade (Formerly Trenched) was developed by Double Fine Productions, published by Microsoft Games Studios and will be released on June 22nd, 2011 for 1200MSP. A copy of the game was provided to us for review purposes.

Double Fine has found great success so far with their downloadable titles. Costume Quest and Stacking were well received, critically and commercially. Each title has been unique in gameplay, setting and style. Trenched is no different, a mech-based tower defense game set in an alternate history with all the charm and character you’ve grown to expect.

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Trenched gets a release date
14 years ago

Trenched gets a release date

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Trenched, the third of Double Fine Production’s downloadable titles, finally has a release date. We’ll all be able to take up arms in our walking trenches on June 22. The announcement comes by way of the above video which also shows the games opening cutscene and sets up some of the backstory.

While you wait try out the game next month, check out the dev diary after the break to hear some of the guys behind Trenched talk about how the game came about. Read More