
climax studios

Sunday Roundup: August 13, 2017
8 years ago

Sunday Roundup: August 13, 2017

By  •  News, Videos, Media

It’s Sunday everyone, and you know what that means, it’s roundup time. In this weekly post, we put together everything worth mentioning that we didn’t get posted. We also link …
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Last chance to own over 50 spooky Minecraft skins; support a great cause
12 years ago

Last chance to own over 50 spooky Minecraft skins; support a great cause

What’s better than new Minecraft skins? Halloween-themed Minecraft skins, of course. Oh, better than that? Halloween-themed Minecraft skins for charity? No? Halloween-themed Minecraft skins for FOUR charities?

That’s exactly what’s on the table in this, the final week, of Crafting for a Cause — the Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition event where all proceeds of the limited edition Halloween Skin Pack go directly to charity. Our friends over at PlayXBLA want you to know that Microsoft, 4J Studios and Mojang have selected four great causes, to which they’ll donate the full 160 MSP ($2) value of every pack sold.

In an amazing show of support, the Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition community has already purchased over $700,000 worth of the Halloween Skin Pack in the three short weeks this event has been running, but there’s still time to donate/get-your-hands-on-these-exclusive-skins. Each skin was handcrafted by the hardworking folks at some of the best development studios around, including: 343 Industries, Twisted Pixel, The Behemoth, Climax Studios, Rare, Tequila Works, Mojang and 4J Studios themselves.

In order to whet your appetite, XBLA Fans has lovingly compiled all 55 skins into easy to digest, alphabetically ordered slides for you to peruse at your leisure. Hit the jump for the goods. If even one of these great skins catches your eye, please consider purchasing the pack for 160 MSP before it’s too late! Crafting for a cause will continue to collect contributions until Monday, November 26. You really can make a difference!

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Bloodforge reforged with new title update
13 years ago

Bloodforge reforged with new title update

Gritty hack-n-slasher, Bloodforge, recently received a title update. The game was launched back in April as part of the Arcade Next promotion and despite its unusual graphics style, didn’t impress us much. Our News Editor Perry Jackson awarded the game a “Try It” score on review, criticising shoddy camera angles and a lackluster story. However developers Climax Studios have taken note and addressed some of the issues, including the camera, with the new patch:

“We’ve read the reviews, heard the feedback, and spent some time to trying to improve on the issues that were highlighted by many of you. We always hoped to entertain with the game and this Title Update is intended to provide a more enjoyable experience to players, and make elements less frustrating.

While not being a complete overhaul, which would have taken Bloodforge away from the vision that we still believe in, we hope this update will manage to address and mitigate several issues present in the original release and will be appreciated by the community.”

Have you tried Bloodforge since the patch was released? Do you feel it’s now worth a “Buy It”? Let us know in the comments section. For full patch notes, hit the jump.

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Bloodforge review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Bloodforge review (XBLA)

Bloodforge was developed by Climax Group and published by Microsoft Studios. It was released April 25, 2012 for 1200 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.

Crom isn’t very happy right now, and it shows. While out hunting, he returns to find his village in flames and his family murdered. He learns that the gods who want him dead did this and now, he must seek revenge. Bloodforge is the story of one warrior’s quest for vengeance.

Bloodforge is a hack-and-slash where action is ultimately key. You’ll go through different environments and kill more and more enemies to build up rage. It’s fun for the first couple of hours but quickly becomes formulaic and filled with nonsensical shouting by the end.
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Bloodforge trailer recounts bloody times

Bloodforge is due out in three weeks and we got a new trailer to hopefully tide you over until your own bloody massacre. The trailer involves Crom after a …
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Bloodforge details unveil a bloody end of April release
13 years ago

Bloodforge details unveil a bloody end of April release

By  •  News

In an preview on Hookshot Inc., we got additional details on the upcoming Bloodforge from Climax and Microsoft Game Studios. The story so far involves a warrior named Crom, …
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New Bloodforge trailer shows more bloody action

We haven’t heard a lot about Bloodforge recently, the upcoming hack-and-slash action/adventure from Climax Studios. That’s about to change with this new trailer for the game above. You’ll see …
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New Bloodforge screens have massive enemies
13 years ago

New Bloodforge screens have massive enemies

We haven’t heard much on Bloodforge since the trailer reveal but some new screenshots emerged on their Facebook. What’s interesting to note in these screenshots is the gigantic enemies the are more than double the size of your character. One of the captions mention that the best form of attack is defense which hopefully leads to more blood being shed as you defeat these giant enemies. One thing’s for certain, we can’t wait to see this game more in action early next year. Check out the other screenshot after the break.
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Brand new Bloodforge trailer brings a bloody massacre to XBLA While the tease we got for the upcoming Bloodforge showed off blood and fighting, you aren’t ready for the blood-filled debut trailer on their website. The trailer shows off …
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