
Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones choice data not transferring between episodes for some players
10 years ago

Game of Thrones choice data not transferring between episodes for some players

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Game of Thrones Xbox One choice data error

Choice is everything in episodic titles from Telltale Games like Game of Thrones. Players make decisions in conversation trees and during action sequences that affect how the remainder of a season will play out. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work.

But for some players of Game of Thrones Episode 2: The Lost Lords, in-game choices aren’t amounting to much. Some copies of The Lost Lords for Xbox One are plagued by an issue preventing players’ choice data from migrating across episodes.

“We are aware of an issue with the Xbox One version of Game of Thrones – Episode 2: The Lost Lords, where customers’ choice data may not carry over correctly from Episode 1,” Telltale wrote on its forums. “We are working to determine the cause and will update here as soon as we have more information to share. We appreciate your patience and want to get you playing with your choices intact as soon as possible.”

That forum post was made on February 4 when the game was released. Today, Telltale posted an update explaining that it had submitted a patch it believes will resolve the issue to Microsoft for certification. The studio estimates this patch will be available within the next seven to 10 days.

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Game of Thrones Episode 2: The Lost Lords review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Game of Thrones Episode 2: The Lost Lords review (Xbox One)

Game of Thrones Episode 2: The Lost Lords was developed and published on Xbox One and Xbox 360 by Telltale Games. It was released February 4, 2015 for $4.99. A copy was provided by Telltale for review purposes.

telltale game of thrones 3

In my review of Game of Thrones Episode 1: Iron From Ice, I mentioned that whilst things were being set up rather nicely for the series ahead, the episode in isolation was a little uneventful. Thankfully, The Lost Lords goes some way to correcting this and features more action, more opportunity for intrigue and at least one twist which I certainly did not see coming.

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Take a look at the Game of Thrones: The Lost Lords launch trailer
10 years ago

Take a look at the Game of Thrones: The Lost Lords launch trailer

By  •  Videos, News

Did you like Episode 1 of Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game Series? Can’t wait for Episode 2? Well, you won’t have to wait for much longer.

Episode 2: …
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XBLA Fans’ 25 most anticipated games of 2015
10 years ago

XBLA Fans’ 25 most anticipated games of 2015

You’ve read our picks for the best XBLA and ID@Xbox games of 2014. Now it’s time to look forward with us at what might be the best games of 2015. While fully acknowledging that some of these games likely won’t up to their billing and others may get pushed into 2016, these are the 2015 games that XBLA Fans is currently most looking forward to. If these releases aren’t on your radar yet, they will be after you’re done reading.


Developers: Other Ocean Interactive and The People of the Internet

#IDARB is a particularly interesting game to say we’re anticipating in 2015, seeing as XBLA Fans got our hands on what we were told was the “final” game in December and published our review already. This zany handball-meets-platformer game from Other Ocean Interactive and the fine folks of the internet — many features crowd sourced — isn’t officially out until February, though, when it will be part of the Games with Gold promotion. It’s difficult to explain just what #IDARB is, but it’s easy to recommend that you go play it when it releases next month.

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Game of Thrones episode 2 coming February 4
10 years ago

Game of Thrones episode 2 coming February 4

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Winter may be coming, but the next episode of Telltale’s Game of Thrones is going to arrive sooner. Episode 2: The Lost Lords will continue the story of House Forrester, a household caught in the middle of the War of the Five Kings. Telltale released a first look at the episode, and while it doesn’t give away much it seems players can at least count on visiting The Wall. The Lost Lords launches February 4 on Xbox 360 and Xbox One for $4.99, and is available as part of the season pass. Check out the first look trailer after the jump.

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Telltale Games has new CEO and is working on original IP

By  •  News

Telltale Games is planning to have a big year in 2015, and it all begins with the announcement of a new CEO. Co-founder Kevin Bruner has taken over the …
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The Telltale Game Collection is currently 50% off
10 years ago

The Telltale Game Collection is currently 50% off

The Telltale Game Collection was just released for the Xbox One on December 21, 2014, and even at the original price of $109.99 it was a pretty good deal – saving gamers over $20 on five of the best titles to hit the console since launch. Two days after release, and just in time for Christmas, Telltale and Xbox have put the entire collection on sale for $55.00. That is a savings of 50%, arguabaly one of the greatest deals Xbox has ever offered. Continue reading to find out what is included in The Telltale Game Collection.
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Game of Thrones Episode 1: Iron from Ice review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Game of Thrones Episode 1: Iron from Ice review (Xbox One)

Game of Thrones: Iron from Ice was developed and published on Xbox One and Xbox 360 by Telltale Games. It was released December 3, 2014 for $4.99. A copy was provided by Telltale for review purposes.


Having recently played through the first episode of Telltale Games’ Game of Thrones, I’m pretty thankful for XBLA Fans’ new approach to reviewing episodic games. No doubt you’re wondering why, and the answer is simple – because whilst this episode shows a lot of promise for the rest of the season, it is generally uneventful in isolation and scoring it as a standalone game would be quite a challenge.

The season begins during the Red Wedding and introduces us to a new family in the form of House Forrester. These loyal followers of House Stark are immediately thrown into a difficult position both at home and away because of their allegiance. This first episode does a decent job as the introduction that it aims to be by placing us in the shoes of Lord Ethan, his sister Mira and the house squire Gared. Thankfully, Telltale has created a generally likable cast of heroes in this trio. Lord Ethan is suitably believable as our main character, stepping into his father’s shoes following the outcome of the Red Wedding. His sister Mira occupies an interesting and entirely different position as the handmaid of Queen-in-waiting Margaery Tyrell, whilst the final character is the house squire, Gerad.

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XBLA Fans reviews policy update
10 years ago

XBLA Fans reviews policy update

While Microsoft’s stance on games may be that “a game is a game“, there is a huge breadth of experiences on the Xbox One. The console boasts some fantastic …
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Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game Series launches today
10 years ago

Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game Series launches today

Game of Thrones Iron from Ice for Xbox One

Hot off the heels of Tales from the Borderlands, Telltale Games has launched the premier of their highly anticipated Game of Thrones series. The first episode, Iron from Ice, is out now on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The episode costs $4.99, and you can upgrade to the season pass for $19.99.

Game of Thrones is a six-episode series based on the HBO show of the same name. The story will start around the end of season three, and end before the start of season 5. Characters from the show will appear in the game, played by their respective actors, but the main story will follow brand new characters. The game’s five playable characters are members of House Forrester, a noble house of the North whom are loyal to the Starks. The family is scattered across the lands of Westeros and Essos, taking players to new and familiar locations. The focus of the game is tough choices, as all five characters will have a part in saving House Forrester from a grim fate.

Check out the launch trailer for Iron from Ice after the break.

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