It’s Sunday everyone, and you know what that means, it’s roundup time. In this weekly article, we put together everything worth mentioning that we didn’t get posted. We also link to everything we did on the web, whether on this site or one of the other places you can find us like YouTube or Twitch.

Here’s some of the things we missed:

Life is Strange 2

Indigo Pearl, developer of Life is Strange 2 has released the new trailer for Episode 1, Roads. The new season focuses on two brothers, Daniel and Sean Diaz, who are on the run from the cops. Their journey will take them from Seattle to Mexico and force Sean (big brother) to make decisions that will forever affect their lives. Will you steal, lie and cheat your way to get things like food, safe passage, and shelter, or will you choose to stay moral and go without, each decision you make teaches Daniel more about who you are and shapes him into who he will be.

Stranded Deep

Although Telltale games announced some major cuts on their development side, things aren’t all bad. Developer Fun Labs is ready to release there new island survival game Deep Stranded and guess who’s publishing it. Nonother than Telltale Games, well, Telltale Publishing to be exact, but hey, new adventures are always fun. In Stranded Deep the concept is simple, you have survived a plane crash and find yourself alone on a tiny island. If you ever want to a chance at making it home, then you must brave mother nature and battle the deadly sea collecting what you need to stay alive for as long as you can. Strand Deep will hit Xbox digital shelves for $19.99 but can be pre-ordered right now from the Microsoft Store.

Here’s everything we posted:





  • Quick Taste: Razed
  • Quick Taste: Nefarious
  • Quick Taste: ADIOS Amigos
  • Quick Taste: Revenant Dogma
  • Quick Taste: Super Street the Game
  • Quick Taste: Time Carbage
  • Quick Taste: Fossil Hunters