
Windows 10

Oculus Rift will stream Xbox One games in a VR home theater
10 years ago

Oculus Rift will stream Xbox One games in a VR home theater

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Gamers with an eye on E3, which seems to have started earlier than ever this year, knew Oculus Rift was set to hold a media briefing full of announcements …
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Microsoft to make Xbox presentation at E3 PC Gaming Show
10 years ago

Microsoft to make Xbox presentation at E3 PC Gaming Show

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Xbox at E3 PC Gamer Show

XBLA Fans may not seem the proper venue for a bit of PC gaming news, but Microsoft has given us reason to talk about that other platform it’s known for. And it’s probably going to give us even more reasons to do so at this year’s E3.

Most Xbox fans are already aware that Microsoft is set to make its annual E3 media briefing on Monday, June 15 at 9:30 AM PDT, during which time the console holder will show off its console gaming plans for the second half of 2015 and beyond. But that won’t be the only media briefing Microsoft will take part in this E3. Microsoft will also make an appearance at the first ever PC Gaming Show, which starts on Tuesday, June 16 at 5 PM EST.

Microsoft has joined chip maker AMD in co-sponsoring the event being put on by the folks over at PC Gamer. Xbox head honcho Phil Spencer will be joined by some game developers to share Microsoft’s plans for spelling Xbox as Windows 10.

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Cross-play in Fable Legends makes no platform distinctions
10 years ago

Cross-play in Fable Legends makes no platform distinctions

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During the Game Developers Conference earlier this month, Lionhead’s head of engineering touched on the philosophy and technology that will be used for Fable Legends‘ cross-platform play. Raymond Arifianto explained …
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Xbox One wireless accessories to work with Windows 10
10 years ago

Xbox One wireless accessories to work with Windows 10

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All future Xbox One wireless accessories will be designed with not only the Xbox One in mind but also with Windows 10 PCs. This news comes from Phil Spencer’s talk …
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Xbox One and Windows 10 continue to grow together
10 years ago

Xbox One and Windows 10 continue to grow together

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xbox and windows 10

Yesterday at GDC Phil Spencer shone more light on how Xbox Live and Windows 10 will be further brought together when Windows 10 launches later this year. The biggest announcement in regards to the union of the two services is the Windows Universal App Platform. This new Platform means that a developer can build one project to target multiple devices with what appears to be relative ease. Hopefully this means that there will be more PC ports to the Xbox One and vice versa. An additional benefit of the Windows Universal App Platform is that players will soon be getting a cross-buy feature, meaning that games that choose to opt-in to the program will only require a single purchase on one platform and the ability to play on both will be unlocked.

The Xbox Live SDK will also be making its way over to Windows 10 which means that we should be seeing more cross-platform play between Xbox One and Windows 10. The first example of this is Motiga’s first game, Gigantic, a new MOBA that will allow players on Xbox One to face-off against their friends on Windows 10. Another game that will be making it’s way over from PC is Elite Dangerous; it will be launching at some point during the summer as a timed console exclusive. It seems that players of both platforms will be playing in the same galaxy and their actions will affect the world for each other but no concrete word as of yet on if players of different platforms will be able to play with and against one another.

The ID@Xbox Program will also be making it’s way over to Windows 10, which should lead to only greater games for everyone and even more cross-buy opportunities. For those curious about what this means for players check out the video below to see just how many games and developers are already taking advantage of all the new tools at their disposal.

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Xbox to PC streaming with simultanous television viewing a goal
10 years ago

Xbox to PC streaming with simultanous television viewing a goal

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Playing games from the comfort of other devices in one’s own home holds promise in itself if implemented properly, and with the Xbox One aiming to be the all-in-one …
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Opinion: Xbox One to PC streaming is almost too good to be true
10 years ago

Opinion: Xbox One to PC streaming is almost too good to be true


Yes, you read that headline correctly. Your Xbox One games will soon be stream-able to any Windows 10 PC or tablet. If you weren’t able to watch the Windows 10 Consumer Preview on Wednesday the 21st, then you missed out. It was a great show, and a lot of cool stuff was revealed for the Windows 10 platform.

The entire time I was watching, I had this feeling that streaming Xbox One games would finally be announced. Just before Phil Spencer — head of Xbox — said the magic words, I tweeted this:


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Xbox One is coming to Windows 10, and Windows 10 is coming to Xbox One
10 years ago

Xbox One is coming to Windows 10, and Windows 10 is coming to Xbox One

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Xbox Windows 10

All eyes were on Microsoft a few days ago as the tech giant revealed Windows 10, HoloLens and many more shiny new things. Xbox fans (like us) were rewarded with the announcement that Windows 10 is coming to Xbox One, and a whole lot of features will be coming with it. Your PC is about to become the ultimate companion to your living room entertainment.

Perhaps the biggest announcement is that you will be able to stream your Xbox One games to any Windows 10 device, like a laptop or Surface tablet. Nintendo and Sony have already demonstrated the value of this coveted feature, but your tablet will make a bigger screen than a Wii U GamePad or a Vita. You just need a good spot to prop it.

There will also be games playable on both platforms, starting with Fable Legends. Game DVR will be accessible from your PC where a mouse and keyboard make better editing tools. And, DirectX 12 should make a big difference to graphics with its optimization black magic. Check it out in the video below:

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