
team 17

Team 17 designer Kevin Carthew says a Worms revamp was long overdue, Worms: Revolution to be the “blockbuster”
13 years ago

Team 17 designer Kevin Carthew says a Worms revamp was long overdue, Worms: Revolution to be the “blockbuster”

Since its creation in 1995, Worms has been leading the way in the artillery shooter genre. With its slapstick humor, turn based strategy and tried-and-true formula, Worms became a brand with a massive following and history. Team 17, the developers of Worms, has remained small throughout however. The studio’s other franchise Alien Breed and a few Worms spin-offs (like Worms Blast and Worms Golf) are Team 17’s only true ventures outside the turn-based artillery action gameplay featured in Worms. Due to this, they’ve been called risk averse, they’ve been criticized for clinging to the Worms franchise, so of course their upcoming Worms revamp, Worms: Revolution, may be met with cynicism by some. We talked to lead designer on the upcoming game and 14-year member of Team 17 Kevin Carthew about working with the rest of Team 17 to revamp the Worms franchise.

According to Carthew, most of the group at Team 17 felt like a Worms revamp was long overdue before Worms: Revolution had a single line of code. Roughly two years ago, before true development on Worms: Revolution had begun, a presentation was given by key members of Team 17; it was a studio-wide event. Words were said, pictures were shown, heads were nodded — Worms: Revolution would be the “blockbuster” Worms game. “We aren’t just making another Worms game, we’re making the Worms game.” said Carthew. “Of course we’re going to call it Worms something”, but “revolution” really is the point of this new game, and everybody at Team 17 feels it. Read More

Team17 releases fourth Worms Revolution developer diary
13 years ago

Team17 releases fourth Worms Revolution developer diary

Team17 Software has released its fourth video diary for its latest title, Worms Revolution. Each week, Team17 will be describing new aspects of their new game. This week’s edition featured …
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Team 17 details the environments and engine of Worms Revolution
13 years ago

Team 17 details the environments and engine of Worms Revolution

A few weeks back Team 17 announced Worms Revolution, an all new Worms game set to be released on XBLA sometime during the third quarter of this year. Fans of the franchise immediately began to wiggle with joy upon hearing news of the game being built from the ground up on a completely new engine. Today, we’re able to deliver the first concrete details on that engine. In a nutshell, Revolution‘s environment’s will be rendered in 3D, with the game outwardly looking like a classic 2D Worms game, with much better graphics. Team 17 has promised that deformation and destruction of the game’s environments will be on par with the franchise’s classic side-scrolling entries. Team 17 has also revealed that Revolution‘s environments will have four central themes; sewers, gardens, farms, and a beach known as “Rock Pool”. You can check out concept art of each setting by following the link below. Don’t even try to claim you’re not already thinking about blowing these places to bits.

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Team 17 announce Worms Revolution

Team 17’s mystery announcement has finally been revealed as a…Worms game! But this one is brand new and developed from the ground up with a new engine. The game …
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Rumor: Team 17 making a Worms related announcement this month
13 years ago

Rumor: Team 17 making a Worms related announcement this month

By  •  Rumors, News

Team 17 has revealed via Twitter that they will be making a “BIG” Worms related announcement later this month on March 30th. While speculation will certainly run rampant until …
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Worms: Ultimate Mayhem review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Worms: Ultimate Mayhem review (XBLA)

Worms: Ultimate Mayhem was developed by Team 17 and retails for 1200 Microsoft Points. It was released on Septemer 28, 2011. A copy of the game was provided for review.

If you’re reading this review, chances are you’ve heard of the Worms franchise. Debuting back in 1995, Team 17’s flagship franchise has graced over a dozen platforms since it first emerged from its digital hole. Known for its mix of strategy, action and humor, the franchise made its mark and has for the most part stuck to its classic 2D formula. In 2003, the Worms franchise went 3D for the first time with Worms 3D, marking a major departure for the series. In 2005, Team 17 followed the game up with a sequel, Worms: Mayhem. Fast forward to 2011, where Team 17 has compiled the content of both 3D Worms offerings into one package for Xbox Live Arcade aptly titled, Worms: Ultimate Mayhem.

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Interview: John Dennis on Worms: Ultimate Mayhem
13 years ago

Interview: John Dennis on Worms: Ultimate Mayhem

We recently had the chance to ask John Dennis of Team 17 some questions about the upcoming Worms: Ultimate Mayhem. Check out the full interview after the jump! Worms: Ultimate Mayhem will be hitting Xbox Live Arcade on September 28, retailing for 1200 Microsoft Points.

Can you start us off by giving us an overview of what Worms: Ultimate Mayhem is?

Hi, of course, Worms Ultimate Mayhem, for us, is the definitive 3D Worms game. The game is a “best of” compilation of the very best content from both Worms 3D and Worms 4: Mayhem, so it’s got loads of the weapons, tons of the customization options plus a selection of new ones, making for well over 100 individual customization elements in total, and it has 60 single player missions from games both as well, making it a just massive game.

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Worms: Ultimate Mayhem gets a release date and new trailer
13 years ago

Worms: Ultimate Mayhem gets a release date and new trailer

Microsoft and Team 17 have announced that Worms: Ultimate Mayhem will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade on September 28, retailing for 1200 Microsoft Points. That’s next week! Along …
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Worms 2: Armageddon goes retro with new DLC
13 years ago

Worms 2: Armageddon goes retro with new DLC

By  •  News

The plethora of new Worms content from Team 17 just keeps on coming! The Worms 2: Armageddon Retro Pack hit the Xbox Live Marketplace today, adding 20 new missions …
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New Worms: Ultimate Mayhem trailer shows off customization
13 years ago

New Worms: Ultimate Mayhem trailer shows off customization

Team 17 has released a new trailer for the upcoming Worms: Ultimate Mayhem which compiles Worms 3D and Worms 4: Mayhem into one neat package for XBLA. The new …
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