
Summer of Arcade

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is complete
14 years ago

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is complete

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Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is slated as the last game to be released for Microsoft’s Summer of Arcade and is being shown much love. It was on display here recently at E3 for people to play and have questioned answered. Many people took advantage of this situation, quickly taking a liking to it, which is clear through all the positive feedback it has received. Even our own John Laster went hands on and had some really good things to say about it in his Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Preview.
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E3 Preview: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet: Art takes time
14 years ago

E3 Preview: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet: Art takes time

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During E3 week, I had the opportunity to speak in great depth with Michel Gagne about the upcoming title Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet as well as pilot the demo for myself. The result was an entirely original experience from anything I have ever seen or played before. It was impossible to not be impressed.

The full story of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet starts nearly five years ago when Joe Olson, head of Fuelcell Games approached Michel about bringing feature quality animation to video games. Known for his unique style of animation Michel was a well-respected figure in the movie industry working on titles such as Prelude to Eden, The Iron Giant, Osmosis Jones, and Ratatouille. At the time, Michel was hesitant citing his lack of knowledge of the game industry. Michel informed me that before he started work on Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (ITSP) he did not know simple video game concepts like what a boss was. Joe was persistent and thankfully persuasive and eventually got Michel onboard under one condition. They would not make a game, but a work of art.

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What is XBLA?
14 years ago

What is XBLA?

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The simple answer is that it is an acronym that stands for Xbox Live Arcade. But that answer in itself just brings the inevitable question of what is Xbox Live Arcade? I’ve always known that XBLA was a niche sector of the games market, and numerous friends and family members had never heard of it until we started this site just over a year ago. The constant prodding by our team to our friends asking them to like us on facebook, brought an abundance of questions and a hunger to learn more we couldn’t satiate fast enough. And it was for them I initially intended to write this post. However, believe it or not over the past week while at E3, numerous industry professionals have asked me these same two questions. They too are unaware of the hundreds of quality titles under the Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA) platform.

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Fruit Ninja Kinect deems feet to be ninja
14 years ago

Fruit Ninja Kinect deems feet to be ninja

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The team at Halfbrick recently convened in an undisclosed location to cast judgment on how exactly to properly slice fruit as a ninja. In a plume of smoke the …
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Summer of Arcade 2011 trailer released

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Yesterday Microsoft announced the official lineup for the 2011 Summer of Arcade and now we have an official trailer for the promotion showing off gameplay from each title. No …
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From Dust: Interview Video
14 years ago

From Dust: Interview Video

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Eric Chahi, Creative Director for From Dust, talks up the game with Wired, describing the dynamic terrain, the importance of music in the game, and the real time evolution of …
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XF: E3 2011 XBLA Coverage
14 years ago

XF: E3 2011 XBLA Coverage

By  •  Features, News

E3 is upon us again, and XBLAFans has your Xbox Live Arcade coverage. We’ve got four of our talented staffers on the show floor and the rest of us are holding the fort down here on the site. Check back frequently as XBLA Fan breaks Xbox Live Arcade news and previews upcoming games. All our E3 coverage can be found below. Make sure to follow us on twitter and like us on facebook as well.

Thursday: Man, as busy as we’ve been E3 is just flying by. But what a great year it’s going to be for Xbox Live Arcade, and what a rush of news! In the past 72 hours our team has been getting hammered with news, and we’ve put out a record 38 articles in that time. The best news is there’s more to come. We’ve got over 25 games we’ll be previewing in the coming weeks along with interviews, special developer guests on our podcasts, giveaways and more! Time to dig our heels in for one last awesome day at E3. At this point we’re keeping fueled solely by caffeine and adrenaline, but man is it worth it. Time for the gang to hit the show floor! — Steve

Awesomenauts screenshots and details are awesome

Mad Catz brings us a FPS designed controller

Tablets are in our future

Bloodforge: officially an XBLA title

Making training better with Skullgirls

Trenched unlocks and innovates with Regiments

Rock of Ages rolling to XBLA on August 31

Bloodrayne Betrayal boasts blood bath bursts this August

XBLA developers representing in the top 100

Bloodforge: officially and XBLA title

Tablets are in our future

Mad Catz brings us a F.P.S. designed controller

Kinect: now small space friendly

Just a little more info on Crimson Alliance

Wrecked: Revenge Revisited almost ready

An explosion of Dungeon Defender information

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Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet final trailer, new screenshots
14 years ago

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet final trailer, new screenshots

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Newly announced inductee to the Summer of Arcade 2011 lineup, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, looks to be the artsy game of the bunch. Following the big reveal Fuelcell Games released some new screenshots of the game as well as their “final” trailer. Also, expect more news on XBLA at E3 all week. Enjoy. Hit the jump for the trailer and gallery.

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Summer of Arcade games confirmed
14 years ago

Summer of Arcade games confirmed

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In what seems like a last minute move, Microsoft’s Phil Spencer sat on the GameTrailers TV couch during their live show and spilled the beans on the Summer of …
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Contest: Guess the 2011 Summer of Arcade Games
14 years ago

Contest: Guess the 2011 Summer of Arcade Games

By  •  Contests

As anyone who plays XBLA games knows, Summer of Arcade is a big deal. It’s a spotlight of some of the season’s most promising games. Summer of …
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