Signal Studios has released yet another trailer showcasing a playable unit in Toy Soldiers: Cold War. This time around it’s the AC-130 gunship which sports the scale version of …
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Bastion is set to kick off the Summer of Arcade next Wednesday and we’re pretty excited about it. Supergiant Games’ debut title looks set to be a quirky and very …
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This year at E3 there were lots of games, developers, publishers and the likes, every where you went. Even through all this commotion, XBLA still managed to make waves …
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The lineup for this year’s Summer of Arcade was announced at E3 earlier this month, but today the dates and prices for each and every game was revealed. The lineup …
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We’ve been following Summer of Arcade’s Bastion since last summer, when we first saw the game’s official trailer. Imagine our excitement when we got our greedy gamer paws on Supergiant’s playable demo at E3. With vibrant environments, intuitive gameplay, and excellent voiceacting, Bastion is shaping up to be everything we ever hoped for—and more. Read More
One of the most promising and anticipated titles of the Summer of Arcade this year has got to be Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. Our best of show winner has …
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When I look at From Dust I see the vast, treacherous deserts plaguing an aboriginal society. I see people literally walled off by rocks formed from years of volcanic ash. I see a lifestyle of forced reliance on the temperamental flooding, life-giving waters. I see a microcosm of human history, and it’s all under my control.
Launching this summer, From Dust is a god game where players will have to keep their villagers alive without directly controlling anyone of them. Instead players will have to shape the landscape of the earth to make inhabitable for their people. A typical interaction requires players to create a pathway from one totem to another, before a timer runs out. Players can pick up and drop sand, water or lava and utilize these in any combination to accomplish their goal. Should they be unsuccessful a roaring flood will wash away their village and they will need to start over.
I’ve always agreed with the comedian Whitney Brown one thing: if I became a vegetarian it would not be because I love animals but because I hate plants. Thankfully someone heard my cry. Halfbrick has adapted their bestselling iOS game Fruit Ninja, bringing it the Xbox 360 and trading in touchscreens for full body tracking. Until the actualization of Fruit Ninja Kinect, there has never been an adequate way to unleash this pent up rage against nature’s bounty. All joking aside, coming into E3, I was skeptical if Kinect could handle the precision required for a title like Fruit Ninja. By the end of the week, I was not only a believer but an advocate.
Éric Chahi is well-known in the industry for his innovative work on Another World (called Out of This World in the U.S.) and Heart of Darkness—and for his nearly ten-year absence from the industry. XBLA Fans sat down at E3 2011 with the legendary game designer for a quiet chat about art, inspiration, and the craft of telling stories.
Co-written by Kaitlyn Chantry
Now that our trip to video game heaven has come and gone, it’s time to give you the run-down on the very best XBLA titles from E3 2011. We spent five hectic days getting our eyes and hands on every XBLA game possible and we’ve picked out fifteen games that stood out from the crowd.