

Rewind Review: Penny Arcade Episode 1 and Episode 2 (XBLA)
14 years ago

Rewind Review: Penny Arcade Episode 1 and Episode 2 (XBLA)

Penny Arcade: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 1 and Episode 2 were developed by Hothead Games. They originally retailed for 1600 MSP and 1200 MSP respectively. They now both have been permanently reduced to 800 MSP each.

The Penny Arcade games are both fairly traditional RPG’s put together in an episodic format. With the third episode finally having been announced this is the perfect time to revisit these titles. Episode 2 makes some improvements over the first but they are largely similar except as far as story is concerned. With that in mind this will be a joint review for both episodes. The theme of the games is difficult to define. Seemingly set in the past it also contains a great deal of futuristic technology. But those up for an interesting mix of themes will be in for a treat.
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Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax review (XBLA)
14 years ago

Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax review (XBLA)

Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax was developed by Marvelous Entertainment, Inc. and Opus Studios, Inc., and retails for 800 MSP.

Half-Minute Hero arrives on XBLA after enjoying substantial success on the PSP. The game is what its name implies, more or less: a traditional Japanese RPG style hero, who saves the world in 30 seconds, give or take a reset from the Time Goddess, over and over again.

For the most part the game works like this: hero appears in an area, an evil lord announces that he will cast the spell of destruction, which will destroy the world. The spell takes 30 seconds to complete. A timer appears at the top of the page and our hero must rocket into action. Thanks to the Goddess, the timer can be paused while in towns or reset if enough cash is on hand (the goddess has to make a living, after all). In the time allotted, the player must advance to a level at which they can beat the local evil lord, and possibly solve a side quest or two.

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Half Minute Hero looking great even over a minute This trailer for the upcoming Half Minute Hero Super Mega Neo Climax is longer than half a minute but it definitely details some of the finer aspects of the …
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More Bastion is always for the better
14 years ago

More Bastion is always for the better

Supergiant Games along with WB Interactive are set to bring you Bastion during this years Summer of Arcade and it keeps looking more wonderful with each passing image and video. In the E3 trailer, we get a sense of how the action is played in this action/RPG romp and how incredibly detailed the art is. Check out the video above and after the break for some screenshots and virtual box art.
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Crimson Alliance now has a teaser and screenshot
14 years ago

Crimson Alliance now has a teaser and screenshot

Early this morning we brought you all the info we knew about Crimson Allinace; the next title coming from Certain Affinity. Of course no sooner do we drop the news, Certain Affinity dropped this here new trailer.
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Crimson Alliance: what we know so far
14 years ago

Crimson Alliance: what we know so far

Recently on the Australian rating boards, we saw a new game from Certain Affinity pop up called Crimson Alliance. Certain Affinity has had there hands in many, many things over the years from creating maps for Halo 2 and Reach, Call of Duty: World at War and Black Ops; they also created Age of Booty for XBLA. Certain Affinity has now released some info about the game and some new art. It has been confirmed that Crimson Alliance is for XBLA and more prominently, XBLA exclusive.
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Torchlight XBLA trailer
14 years ago

Torchlight XBLA trailer

By  •  News, Videos, Media

Runic Games has given players a first look at the Xbox Live Arcade version of Torchlight. It shows gameplay footage as well as the new HUD changes. Other than …
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Runic Games Illuminates Torchlight Changes for XBLA
14 years ago

Runic Games Illuminates Torchlight Changes for XBLA

By  •  News

Runic Games just announced Torchlight will be coming to XBLA, and instead of leaving the air full of questions and concerns, they quickly followed up with a load of information regarding the upcoming release. Read More

Torchlight Dungeon Crawls its way onto XBLA
14 years ago

Torchlight Dungeon Crawls its way onto XBLA

By  •  News

Runic Games has just announced that their PC powerhouse dungeon crawl RPG Torchlight is joining the Xbox Live Arcade House Party lineup. The game has been completely revamped (e.g. …
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Epic Dungeon Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Epic Dungeon Review (XBLIG)

Epic Dungeon is the latest release from Eyehook Games, and it was released during the Indie Games Winter Uprising.

Epic Dungeon boasts 4 playable classes, dozens of monsters, loads of glittering loot, unique encounter system, 50 deadly dungeon levels and the low price point of 80MS Points ($1 US).   Upgrade your skills, stats, and equipments as you forge your path to victory in this rougelike RPG.

So how does it fare?  Click read more to find out of course. Read More