
Pinball FX 2

Will we see some Super Meaty pinball in the future?
14 years ago

Will we see some Super Meaty pinball in the future?

By  •  News, Rumors

A few days back Zen Studios sought to defend Microsoft from the consistent attacks by naysayers. In a press statement they not only detailed their own positive experience, but  …
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Editorial: Not everyone thinks Microsoft is evil
14 years ago

Editorial: Not everyone thinks Microsoft is evil

By  •  Features

It seems like everyone likes to gang up on Microsoft, but I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s for attention, maybe it’s from bitterness, maybe they’re ignorant to the goings on behind the scenes, and maybe, just maybe, their beef with MS is justified. But honestly I’m tired of what I largely consider to be whining. I just want to break out the world’s smallest violin and play a sad song for them. I realize that sometimes the process developers must follow complying with Xbox Live is tough, but that’s why we don’t get several patches for a game, why we have the most secure network, and why we as consumers are happy with our service.

What’s coming next may seem a little sharp to some. Please remember that this is an editorial, so it’s my opinion, and mine only.

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What we are playing: Week of September 4
14 years ago

What we are playing: Week of September 4

What we are playing is a weekly column that appears each weekend. Various staff members let the world know what games had them hooked the past week and which ones …
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Ms. Splosion Man Pinball FX 2 table review (XBLA DLC)
14 years ago

Ms. Splosion Man Pinball FX 2 table review (XBLA DLC)

The Ms. Splosion Man table for Pinball FX 2 was developed by Zen Studios and retails for 240 MSP. It will release on August 31, 2011. A copy of the table was provided for review purposes.

Ms. Splosion Man is the latest table for Pinball FX 2 and the first non-Marvel table in some time. This time the theme is none other than the Twisted Pixel heroine, Ms. Splosion Man. But instead of platform action this battle will be won with a silver ball and a pair of flippers. Ms. Splosion Man must battle the agents of Big Science and Mr. Destructoid himself if there is to be any hope of rescuing Splosion Man. This table is rather short in length but doesn’t play particularly fast. It’s in the middle of the line as far as difficulty goes compared to other tables in the series.

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Captain America Pinball FX 2 table review (XBLA DLC)
14 years ago

Captain America Pinball FX 2 table review (XBLA DLC)

The Captain America table for Pinball FX 2 was developed by Zen Studios and retails for 240MSP. It will release on June 29, 2011. A copy was provided for review purposes.

Captain America is the latest addition to the Pinball FX 2 family of pinball tables. This table is a continuation of the Marvel Pinball table series and features none other than the red, white and blue hero in his fight against the Red Skull. Cap is one of Marvel’s most beloved superheroes but really hasn’t been in the spotlight in recent years. With an impending feature film that will likely change. But don’t let any unfamiliarity scare you away, this table is great fun on its own. This is a medium length table and it plays on the fast side. Zen Studios continues to improve its offerings and Captain America is one of the best tables available.

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Captain America to be next Marvel Pinball addition *UPDATED*
14 years ago

Captain America to be next Marvel Pinball addition *UPDATED*

By  •  News

We had a hunch back in February that Cap would be the next pinball table following the initial release. Well, we were off. The Fantastic Four had a spin in the arcade first. Still, today Marvel announced that the patriotic Avenger will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade’s Pinball FX 2 as part of the ever-growing Marvel Pinball downloadable content. Captain America will battle his archenemies Baron Zemo, Sleeper and Red Skull. The table is based on Captain America 65th Anniversary Special by Ed Brubaker. The table will be available on June 29 for 240MSP. Hit the jump for a screenshot gallery.

*UPDATE* trailer added

Source: Kotaku

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What we are playing: Week of June 5th
14 years ago

What we are playing: Week of June 5th

Here’s what games the staff at XBLAFans have been playing. What have you been playing?
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Awesome avatar awards: Week of 5/29
14 years ago

Awesome avatar awards: Week of 5/29

We’re starting yet another feature here at XBLAFans that will showcase any newly announced Xbox Live Arcade-based avatar awards from are friends over at AvatarAwards. They’re a great site that somehow gets news on avatar awards for all 360 games before they’re released. Be sure to check them out if you’re curious about any non-XBLA related avatar awards. For simplicity’s sake and so that we don’t leech from them, each of the links below will take you to their site. Remember, these are awards, so they’re given out to the player by completing criteria in each game. For more detail hit up the Avatar Awards site. You can also follow them on Twitter at @AvatarAwards360.

We’ve got a big backlog to fill between the AvatarAwards and things that pre-date their site, so this one’s a lot longer than usual. Hit the jump to see the list. Also, let us know if we missed one.

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Fantasic Four coming to Pinball FX 2
14 years ago

Fantasic Four coming to Pinball FX 2

By  •  Media, Videos, News

Zen Studios just announced via their Twitter account that the Fantastic Four would be joining other Marvel Comics tables as the next table for Pinball FX 2. The choice …
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Pinball FX 2 to recieve Sorcerer’s Lair table
14 years ago

Pinball FX 2 to recieve Sorcerer’s Lair table

By  •  Media, Videos, News

Zen Studios confirmed via their twitter account that Sorcerer’s Lair, the upcoming table for the PlayStation 3 game Zen Pinball, will be coming to Pinball FX 2. Responding to …
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