
Halfbrick Studios

Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 review (Xbox One)

Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 was developed and published by Halfbrick Studios. It was released on March 17, 2015 for $14.99. A copy was provided by Halfbrick Studios for review purposes.

Fruit Ninja Kinect 2

Who knew fruit could be so fun? Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 is the follow-up to the popular Fruit Ninja Kinect on Xbox 360. As an avid Xbox 360 Kinect user experienced with games such as The Gunstringer and Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, I was used to the usage and limitations on the last-gen device. Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 was my first Xbox One Kinect-only game (Blue Estate being my first Xbox One Kinect-optional game), so I was eager to experience it.

The gameplay is very simple. Slice, dice, chop and cut up fruit to gain high scores. Along the way, different obstacles will attempt to impede your path to success. With the power of Kinect, players will feel like they are in the moment on screen and look good in the process. But can such a simple concept carry a second game in this franchise?

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Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 slices more fruit on Xbox One on March 18
10 years ago

Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 slices more fruit on Xbox One on March 18

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Fruit Ninja Kinect 2

Get ready to slice and dice more fruit.

Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 hopes to build on the success that its predecessor had with a bigger and better experience. The game will feature five new game modes, four-player multiplayer and a new progression system that allows players to earn new blades, dojos and belts as challenges are completed. A brand new set of characters named Katsuro, Mari, Han and Nobu lead the way through the Blueberry Moon Festival. Players will be dodging shurikens, avoiding spot lights and cutting up forests of bamboo on their way to being a champion of stealth.

Halfbrick Studios CEO Shainiel Deo had this to say about Fruit Ninja Kinect 2: “This is the most satisfying, complete and accessible party game ever created. The new Kinect sensor makes a world of difference, and Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 has been built from the ground up to take full advantage of the latest hardware.”

The sequel to the Xbox Live Arcade classic Fruit Ninja Kinect is making its way exclusively to Xbox One on March 18 for $14.99.

Check out Fruit Ninja Kinect 2‘s live action trailer after the jump.

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Beam Fruit Ninja Kinect into the future with some High-Tech Vault DLC

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Despite Fruit Ninja Kinect being over a year old, developer Halfbrick will continue to support the ever popular game with another new …
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Halfbrick Studios acquires Onan Games
13 years ago

Halfbrick Studios acquires Onan Games

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Australian developer Halfbrick Studios (Fruit Ninja) has gobbled up Spanish middleware developer Onan games, Halfbrick has revealed. Onan is responsible for crafting Mandreel, a tech that permits iOS, Android, Flash …
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Fruit Ninja Kinect slashes through the one million download mark
13 years ago

Fruit Ninja Kinect slashes through the one million download mark

Australian game developers Halfbrick have a lot to celebrate this week after the announcement that their hit XBLA game Fruit Ninja Kinect, has now exceeded 1 million downloads since it’s …
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Analyst firm reports 18% revenue growth for XBLA in 2011

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Analyst firm Forecasting and Analyzing Digital Entertainment (FADE) has released a new report that shows XBLA revenue increased 18 percent last year to $144 million. From Dust, created by Eric Chahi (Another World) and developed by Ubisoft Montpellier, and The Behemoth’s popular game Castle Crashers earned the most money with $4.6 million each in revenue off 308,000 and 335,000 units sold respectively. Microsoft Games Studio’s Full House Poker moved the most units with 375,000 units sold but was fourth overall in revenue with $3.6 million.

From Dust was part of Microsoft’s “Summer of Arcade” promotion and joins Bastion, Toy Soldiers: Cold War, and  Fruit Ninja Kinect among the top grossing XBLA games of 2011. In total, the Summer of Arcade games listed in the top ten sold over 1.1 million units and grossed $15 million in revenue. Hit the jump for the full list issued by FADE (ordered by units sold):

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Fruit Ninja Kinect gets into the holiday spirit with free DLC

The festive season is in full swing on XBLA with Fruit Ninja Kinect being the latest game to bring out some holiday DLC. The Christmas Present add-on contains a Candy Cane …
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Fruit Ninja plushies for offline ninja training and cuddles
13 years ago

Fruit Ninja plushies for offline ninja training and cuddles

Finding it too cold this winter to keep up with your ninja training? Then why not just snuggle up to these cute Fruit Ninja plushies instead. The new Fruit …
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XBLAFancast Episode 29 – Forgetting how to talk
14 years ago

XBLAFancast Episode 29 – Forgetting how to talk

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It’s a madcap episode this week, in which everyone on the show forgets how to speak English at least once. I’m once again joined by Perry and Todd jumps on to talk some Crimson Alliance. In case you were wondering, he rather likes it as you can read in his review.

We quickly run through the news, as there isn’t too much worth talking about and then there’s even less to talk about game wise as we haven’t played too much of the recent releases. Thankfully Todd saves us with Crimson Alliance talk and we slip in a little (slightly related) iOS game discussion.

Please subscribe, comment, review and spread word about the podcast. We appreciate it! Check us out on twitter (@XBLAFans) where you can win codes for games, give us feedback or just ask a question.


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Fruit Ninja DLC available now
14 years ago

Fruit Ninja DLC available now

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It’s a dark and stormy night in the new DLC pack for Fruit Ninja Kinect. The Storm Season pack will feature new content, including “The Storm Castle” background, “The …
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