
board game

Armello review: knights of the kitchen table
9 years ago

Armello review: knights of the kitchen table

Board games are having something of a renaissance of late, and I, for one, am delighted by that. Long before I first picked up a control pad, board games like …
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Friday Top Five: Top 5 board games that should be on XBLA
13 years ago

Friday Top Five: Top 5 board games that should be on XBLA

Board games are making a comeback. While everyone remembers the classics – Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue (and so many others) – the board game industry has expanded dramatically over the past decade or so, thanks in part to the success of Settlers of Catan. Many of the most popular board games of today have made the transition over to XBLA, including Catan, Carcasonne, and Ticket to Ride. Despite that, we think there are some others that would fit right in among their XBLA brethren. Read More

Fable Heroes review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Fable Heroes review (XBLA)

Fable Heroes was developed by Lionhead Studios and published by Microsoft Studios. It was released May 2, 2012 for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.

Action-RPG series Fable first landed on the original Xbox back in 2004. It’s had two sequels released since then for the Xbox 360 with another two on the way including the Kinect exclusive, Fable: The Journey. Lionhead have already proved to be fans of the spin-off genre with Fable Pub Games released for XBLA in conjunction with Fable II and the Kingmaker mobile phone game for Fable III. However while those have proved to have been little more than amusing ways to earn money for the main retail game, Fable Heroes looks a little more promising.

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