
Bang Bang Racing

XBLA hits 600 games
11 years ago

XBLA hits 600 games

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Today XBLA hit an important milestone thanks to two special Friday releases, Fireburst and Storm. These new titles have boosted the XBLA library to a total of 600 games. The image above shows every …
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Bang Bang Racing review (XBLA)
12 years ago

Bang Bang Racing review (XBLA)

Bang Bang Racing was developed and published by Digital Reality. It was released June 6, 2012 for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes

Many racing titles have graced XBLA lately but none have attempted to confuse the player with a dumbfounded title like Bang Bang Racing–the gameplay possibilities with a title like that can begin at generic demolition or race to NSFW hijinks. Joking aside, when you boost into the experience you’ll quickly discover a competent racer with tight controls and a heap of unlockable content but an excluded multiplayer component that places this title in a distant third.

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XBLA Wednesday: June 6
12 years ago

XBLA Wednesday: June 6

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Do you want to race isometrically or fight honorably? XBLA Fans has got what you need in case you need a game immediately in one of those genres. First …
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Bang Bang Racing hits the pits June 6
12 years ago

Bang Bang Racing hits the pits June 6

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Bang Bang Racing is one of those titles that often has its name thrown around here at the XBLA Fans office. Playbox and Digital Reality’s top-down racer was a …
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Digital Reality shows us how to be a bang up racer
13 years ago

Digital Reality shows us how to be a bang up racer

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Bang Bang Racing is a tight-grouped racing game. You’ll need every edge to slip yourself out of the pack and into the lead. For just that reason Digital Reality …
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XBLA Fans: PAX East Preview Hub
13 years ago

XBLA Fans: PAX East Preview Hub

Believe it or not my favorite part about video games isn’t the games themselves but the way they bring people together. Arguably no show demonstrates this bond better than PAX. Thousands of likeminded individuals flooded Boston this past Easter weekend. It didn’t matter where you worked or what you did or what you had to do when you hit the ground again on Monday; for one glorious weekend everyone was an equal: a gamer. It didn’t matter if your weapon was a die, a mouse, a controller or one’s own body. Everyone at this show had a passion for games.

A few of us from XBLA Fans made the trip and had the honor of mingling and checking out some of the upcoming XBLA titles for 2012 and beyond. We were able to hear developers in their element talking to fans about their projects. It was an amazing experience. Our own Andrew Crews has already elaborated on this issue, but in the end you remember the little things. That being said, there were some amazing games. Check out our full breakdown below!

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PAX East: Digital Reality brings the retro with Bang Bang Racing
13 years ago

PAX East: Digital Reality brings the retro with Bang Bang Racing

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If you’ve ever played R.C. Pro-Am, Micro Machines or Pixeljunk Racers, you’re familiar with  top-down racering. Bang Bang Racing from Digital Reality looks to continue that tradition while adding a little more in terms of gameplay.

Going through the demo, you’ll have a choice of all varieties of racers, from better handling to more nitrous to acceleration. It had some pretty standard racing stuff with some neat looking tracks. Nothing too amazing but nothing too boring either.

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Bang Bang Racing trailer has obstacles to avoid and various viewpoints

Digital Reality seem to keep busy with last year’s SkyDrift and the upcoming Sine Mora with Grasshopper Manufacture but they still have some racing spirit in them with Bang …
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Digital Reality discusses Bang Bang Racing’s features and design choices
13 years ago

Digital Reality discusses Bang Bang Racing’s features and design choices

Racing games on XBLA are constantly struggling for uniqueness. These racers, many of which are top-down, have to find a way to stand out and really pull ahead of the pack. Some games go with zany weaponry, some go with a fun and light nature, and some are very competitive. Bang Bang Racing, the upcoming product of a collaboration between well-known XBLA developer and publisher Digital Reality and Playbox, is out to make a name for itself and we just have to find out how they plan to do it! Hit the jump for a Q & A with Bang Bang Racing‘s Digital Reality-side Lead Designer, András “Amper” Timár-Geng. Read More

A handful of new Bang Bang Racing screens
13 years ago

A handful of new Bang Bang Racing screens

Digital Reality has released five new screenshots of its XBLA, PSN and PC top-down racer, Bang Bang Racing. The game features nine tracks and twenty cars in four classes: racing muscle cars, stock car series, world endurance championship and formula one open wheels cars. Take a look at the game in action in the gallery.

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