

Wrath of the Dead Rabbit gets DLC, Hell Yeah!
12 years ago

Wrath of the Dead Rabbit gets DLC, Hell Yeah!

If you enjoyed SEGA’s manic Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, then you’ll be pleased to hear that some DLC is on the way. The first pack, dubbed Pimp …
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Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit review (XBLA)
12 years ago

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit review (XBLA)

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit was developed by Arkedo Games and published by Sega. It was released September 26, 2012 in North America and a week later in the UK for 1200 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.

It’s difficult to classify Hell Yeah! in a single easy statement. Arkedo’s Xbox Live Arcade debut draws heavily upon classic games such as Sonic, Mario, WarioWare, Parodius, Mortal Kombat and just about everything in-between, but remains almost entirely unique at the same time. Put simply, Hell Yeah! is one of the most enjoyable XBLA titles we’ve played this year, despite the occasional flaw and my own reservations about some of the humor.

The game begins with the most tenuous of story lines as Ash (the Dead Rabbit Prince of Hell and main protagonist of Hell Yeah!) is pictured in the act of bathing with his rubber duck by a nosy paparazzi. The pictures are quickly uploaded to the Hell-ternet and much embarrassment follows for our hero. Determined to have his revenge (and to recover the photos) Ash sets out to defeat one hundred and one monsters across a range of unique and interesting worlds.

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Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit unleashes on September 26
13 years ago

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit unleashes on September 26

The excitement train for Sega and Arkedo’s Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit has been rolling for quite some time now. We loved it at E3 and loved …
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Best of XBLA at E3 2012
13 years ago

Best of XBLA at E3 2012

Every year, E3 seems more hectic than the last. We spent five hectic days getting our eyes and hands on every XBLA game possible and we’ve picked out eighteen games that stood out from the crowd. Here is the run-down on the very best XBLA titles from E3 2012. Read More

PAX East: You’ll be saying Hell Yeah! too after playing this game
13 years ago

PAX East: You’ll be saying Hell Yeah! too after playing this game

By  •  Previews

There isn’t a lot to say about Arkedo Studio’s upcoming game Hell Yeah! that you can’t tell just by looking at the name of the game. The art style, the crazy minigames, the twisted humor; all of that feeds into what is going to be without a doubt the most insane game ever to hit XBLA. Of course, this wouldn’t be much of a preview without talking a little bit about what we learned from the demo at PAX, so let’s get on with it!

First things first – the full name of the game is Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, which pretty much sums up the plot. You play as Ash, the Prince of Hell, a dead rabbit who is caught by paparazzi doing some rather obscene things with a rubber ducky. Naturally, this causes the whole of the underworld to lose what little respect they had for you, so in order to gain it back you have to kill, well, everything. Sound awesome? We thought so.

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Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit screens straight from the hellternet
13 years ago

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit screens straight from the hellternet

A few weeks back Sega and Arkedo took the veil off Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, the violence filled platformer formerly known as Project Hell Yeah. At the time of its announcement, only a stylized teaser for the game was released, leaving us to use our imaginations to picture what the game would look and play like. Today, Sega released the first screenshots of the game in action, giving us our first legitimate look at the game. You’ve never seen the rabbit prince of hell getting revenge for the leak of explicit rubber ducky photos like this before! Read on for the gallery of screenshots and expect Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit to hit Xbox Live Arcade sometime later this year.

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Sega and Arkedo officially unveil Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
13 years ago

Sega and Arkedo officially unveil Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit

A few months back we received word that Arkedo, developers of the cleverly named Arkedo Series games on XBLIG were teaming up with Sega to develop something called “Project …
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