

Avatar Motocross Madness gameplay shows big air and tricks galore
13 years ago

Avatar Motocross Madness gameplay shows big air and tricks galore

Avatar Motocross Madness might have only been announced a couple days ago but we’ve only seen some screenshots. Now, courtesy of IGN, we have some of the very first …
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Happy Wars displays cuteness with gameplay and customization
13 years ago

Happy Wars displays cuteness with gameplay and customization

Happy Wars, the upcoming 15-vs-15 hack-n-slash from Japanese developer Toylogic, is showing just how fun war can be in these two new trailers. The above trailer gives the run-down of a typical online match. All 30 players begin the match by spawning in their team’s castle, and once the war begins you have to advance the enemy line by building towers. Towers act as a spawn point once built, but can be destroyed by the opposing team. Dying means having to select one of the three classes and choosing from the avialable spawn points. Battle the other team but be on the look-out for deadly gimmicks, some of which are player-controlled. Once your team reaches the enemy castle, fight your way inside and destroy the big tower in the center. At this point, your team wins! If you’re looking for something more team oriented, there is also a co-op mode where your team defends a castle from swarms of AI. Each map will feature themed swarms, from zombies to sentient tomatoes.

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The Summer of Arcade is in this guy’s briefcase…for some reason
13 years ago

The Summer of Arcade is in this guy’s briefcase…for some reason

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Microsoft’s Summer of Arcade lineup was revealed earlier today as part of the console holder’s many Electronic Entertainment Expo announcements. Apparently just …
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Microsoft announces Xbox Music at E3 media breifing

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Microsoft, as part of its pre-E3 2012 media briefing, today announced Xbox Music, Zune’s replacement. More than 30 million songs are promised …
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E3: Signal Studios announces Ascend: New Gods
13 years ago

E3: Signal Studios announces Ascend: New Gods

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Ascend: New Gods, Signal Studios’ (Toy Soldiers) latest game, was revealed today with the above trailer that aired during Microsoft’s pre-E3 2012 media briefing. The cinematic trailer is full of blood and gore — the main character does a lot of stabbing and then flies through the air towards a Titan in a scene that channels God of War 3. Speaking of the main character, he is a member of Caos, “a gigantic race of mighty warriors.” The player-character’s appearance, weapons and armor will all be upgradeable.

Signal says that an ancient prophecy has predicted that the Titans’ reign will come to an end and whichever of the Three Gods is triumphant over them shall rule over mortals in their place. The player must choose one of the (the chaotic goddess of darkness, the zealous god of light or the manipulative lord of the void) to serve as a champion for in this war being waged to bring about the end of the Titans’ rule.

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Twisted Pixel announces Lococycle for 2013
13 years ago

Twisted Pixel announces Lococycle for 2013

Update: More details came from a press release shortly after the press conference. It’s attached after the jump

Announced during Microsoft’s E3 press conference, Twisted Pixel have a new game up their sleeves. It’s an XBLA game entitled Lococycle and that’s all we really know beyond that and a 2013 release. Looks to us like it’s a racing game with crazy cycles of sorts. Whatever it is, Twisted Pixel knows how to make games, so this will be something to look forward to in the next year. Catch the teaser after the break and look out for more XBLA info at E3 from XBLA Fans as we cover one of the biggest events in gaming.
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New Hybrid gameplay trailer
13 years ago

New Hybrid gameplay trailer

The beta for 5th Cell’s cover-based multiplayer shooter Hybrid has come and gone, which can only mean the game is that much closer to a full release. To find …
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Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds media teases 2013 release

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds, the XBLA 2D side-scroller outed the other day by Famitsu, will release exclusively on XBLA in 2013, the above debut trailer reveals. This first trailer is obviously meant for Japan, with an HD version said to be coming at some point during E3 next week. It’s unknown whether or not the high-def cut will be redone for the English-speaking world or not.

Either way, eager gamers can peruse the gallery down below there full of in-game screens and character art emphasizing the new 8-bit-inspired art style. The visuals are a stark departure from the original title’s looks. Conversely, the game’s controls are said to be almost an exact match of those found in the fighting game that preceded it, allowing vets to easily jump right into the fray. Speaking of jumping in, the only characters playable from the start of the adventure will be Mikoto, Waka, Itsuki and Yuzuha. The remainder of the cast will presumably be unlocked as players progress through levels.

Pricing has not yet been decided upon for the spin-off of the 2009 fighting game known simply as Phantom Breaker. A few solid gameplay details have now shaken lose thanks to Famitsu, though. In addition the main game featuring 4-player co-op, there will also be a “Battle Royale” mode that pits players against each other in different scenarios, such as one player taking on three others by his lonesome.

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Retro City Rampage will include Virtual Meat Boy mini-game
13 years ago

Retro City Rampage will include Virtual Meat Boy mini-game

We’ve known there were going to be some special XBLA character cameos in the upcoming 8-bit 80’s homage Retro City Rampage, and we couldn’t wait to see our favorite characters in lower resolutions. One …
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Jet Set Radio’s full soundtrack revealed
13 years ago

Jet Set Radio’s full soundtrack revealed

One of the most important parts of the original Jet Set Radio was its soundtrack, and thankfully Sega has chosen to keep all of the original music completely intact. As if that wasn’t enough, the game will include the worldwide soundtrack, including every song from the original North American, European, and Japanese soundtracks. If you want to see the list of all the songs, follow the jump, and treat your ears to the musical samplings in the newest trailer.

Jet Set Radio is the highly anticipated HD remake of the Dreamcast classic. The goal of the game is to skate through every level, graffiting your tag in certain areas. Things get serious when the police come in, and will do anything in their power to stop you. The game will release in all its cell-shaded glory this summer.

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