
Trials Tuesday

Trials Tuesday: Week of May 8
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday: Week of May 8

Another week, another set of great tracks. This time around we’ve upped how many we’re showcasing. Too many great creations come out each week. To download these tracks by entering Track Central, selecting Get Tracks, then pressing X to search. Enter the gamertag below to find the track. Be aware that the search is case sensitive. A big thanks to the Trials Evolution community for the borrowed videos. Hit the jump to see this week’s picks.

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Trials Tuesday Thursday: Still the week of May 1
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday Thursday: Still the week of May 1

We’ve got to clear out the queue. We have tons of great tracks waiting in the wings to showcase, so we’re periodically going to run Trials Tuesday on Thursdays as well. So here you have it, five more tracks to dig your tires into: three trials, two skill games. As always you can find these tracks by entering Track Central, selecting Get Tracks, then pressing X to search. Enter the gamertag below to find the track. Be aware that the search is case sensitive.

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Trials Tuesday: Week of May 1
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday: Week of May 1

Trials Evolution is about to celebrate two weeks since its release, and as expected the really great tracks are starting to surface. There were so many that we’ve upped our showcase this week to five tracks: three trials tracks, one supercross, and a skill game. As always you can find these tracks by entering Track Central, selecting Get Tracks, then pressing X to search. Enter the gamertag below to find the track. Be aware that the search is case sensitive.

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XBLA’s Most Wanted: Trials Evolution Nitro Pack
13 years ago

XBLA’s Most Wanted: Trials Evolution Nitro Pack

Today’s Most Wanted is our first downloadable content article. As such it has a slightly different format.

The world has been bitten by the Trials Evolution bug. Over 100,000 players saddled up in the first day, and close to 350,000 after just one week. It shattered sales records on Xbox Live Arcade. DLC has been promised. Though we’re more than satisfied with the game’s default content and the endless supply available via Track Central we’re still itching for more. But what are they going to put in? We’ve got some ideas, and even a name: the Nitro Pack, inspired from RedLynx’s own Monster Trucks Nitro.

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Trials Tuesday: Week of April 24
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday: Week of April 24

We’re coming up on a week since Trials Evolution‘s release, and in that short time the community has already dished out several great tracks. We featured one, “AMA Supercross 4P” by sVVa eXTR3MZ yesterday in our preview. Today we’ve got even more great tracks. Hit the jump to find today’s gems, and if you’ve found a great user track post the name of it along with the author’s gamertag in the comments below.

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Trials Tuesday preview: our new format
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday preview: our new format

Tomorrow we’re re-launching our Trials Tuesday. Today we’re giving you a sneak peek at our revamped format and how to get the best tracks available. Each week we’ll feature 2-4 custom tracks or skill games we think need to be on every player’s hard drive. For the aspiring creators, here’s what we look at when seeking potential Trials Tuesday feature candidates:

  • Does it play well? We look at whether the checkpoints set up correctly, if it works for 2-3 different bikes, and if it feels like some thought was put into it.
  • Is it unique? It can be hard to sift through the ho-hum levels, particularly in the Skill Games category where every other level is a incredibly minor change on the Icarus Factor or Hill Climb defaults. That’s not to say we don’t look at those, but rest assured if all you’ve done is add one extra ramp you won’t be featured.
  • Are the medals set up well? In other words, are bronze, silver, and gold realistically attainable and spread out well?
  • Is it quality? Are you someone who spent time giving your track or skill game pizazz with things like explosions, physics hinges and the like? Bonus points if so.
  • Does it have a decent name? Tracks named “Test” or “Dave’s Aw3sUm Track!!1!11” need not apply.

And that’s really it. Long story short we’re looking for the best of the best. To submit your level for feature simply reply in the comments with your level name and gamertag so we can search for it. YouTube videos (if they are HD) are welcome, but we can record them if necessary (and if you’re a featured track). Hit the jump for our first featured track, available as a sneak peek.

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Trials Tuesday: Mindbender
13 years ago

Trials Tuesday: Mindbender

We’re making a quick exception for this week’s Trials Tuesday post by showing off a track made by Redlynx that will be included in Trials  Evolution when the game …
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What we expect to see made in the Trials Evolution editor
13 years ago

What we expect to see made in the Trials Evolution editor

We love community content. Mods are what make good games great and great games love affairs. Mods can make a game last long after developers and publishers have lost interest in it. But mods are a bit of a taboo thing on consoles. How do you do it without sacrificing security of the system? It’s kept great expansions from console gamers, but RedLynx is one of the few that actually embraces mods with an in-game editor.

We’ve seen the amazing things that can be done in Trials HD, but Trials Evolution looks to throw away everything you know about ‘weak’ console mods. Its pro editor unlocks all of the power of the engine, and we’ve already seen RedLynx create a number of crazy scenarios — from Angry Birds to ‘Splosion Man. Here’s what we expect to see from the talent Trials community. We’re not saying these are guaranteed, just merely suggestions:

Trials 2 and Trials HD remakes – Obvious? Maybe, but we’re still throwing it out there.  Director of Marketing Jason Bates already stated that RedLynx fully expects remakes, and we’re hoping they’re right. And you know what? We’ll fill our hard drive with as many tracks and minigames as folks make.

Well, maybe not all the Extreme ones . . .

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