
warhammer 40000: kill team

XBLA Wednesday plus this week’s sales – October 17
12 years ago

XBLA Wednesday plus this week’s sales – October 17

This week sees two XBLA releases. Firstly Zombie Driver HD is released for 800 MSP, a game which sees players driving over hordes of zombies in a top-down world. …
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Deal of the Week plus a Konami super sale
13 years ago

Deal of the Week plus a Konami super sale

Deal of the Week is back! Ok, so it didn’t actually go anywhere but XBLA games have been curiously missing from the past few, so you’ll be pleased to …
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Weekend Rant: The seven (or so) deadly sins of cooperative play
13 years ago

Weekend Rant: The seven (or so) deadly sins of cooperative play

Weekend Rant is a non-regularly occurring weekend mini-editorial. In layman’s terms that basically means that if a staff member has something they want to rant about they can do so on any given weekend.

There’s a list of disturbing trends that have developed within the gaming industry this generation, and they revolve around cooperative play. Co-op is nothing new to gaming. It has existed since the earliest days of coin-op arcade machines going back decades. This generation however, co-op has evolved. No longer do we just get to tread through a game’s campaign with a friend, sometimes we get an entire stand alone co-op campaign. In other instances, we get completely unique cooperative modes with their own setup and rules like the highly successful Horde mode in Gears of War, or Zombie mode in Call of Duty. More than ever, developers are taking advantage of the fact that its just plain fun to play games with your friends. The evolution of co-op has also unfortunately created problems. And its about time we start talking about them.

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Introducing a universe through XBLA
13 years ago

Introducing a universe through XBLA

While playing Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team this past week something occurred to me; Xbox Live Arcade is the perfect venue for developers and publishers to introduce players to a gaming universe. Kill Team is a perfect example. Here you have a straight forward old school arcade style co-op shooter set in the Warhammer universe. I bought it because I had always read a lot about the Warhammer universe online and because I’m a fan of shooters. I invited a buddy down, we had our fun with the game and I quickly picked off the last few achievements in Kill Team by myself in the following days to officially “complete” everything the game had to offer.

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Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team review (XBLA)

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team was developed and published by THQ. It was released on July 13, 2011 for 800MSP. A copy of the game was provided for review purposes.

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team is an action-shooter that takes place in the Warhammer universe. Your objective is to board and halt an Ork Kroozer from reaching Imperial Forge World. Along the way, you’ll be fighting various enemies along with destroying many vital sections of the Kroozer. At only five levels, the game may seem short at first. But the replay value shines bright in the character select screen. That along with great pacing and an excellent upgrade system make Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team stand out in a way that not many Xbox Live Arcade action games have done before.

As a side bonus for fans of the franchise, purchasing this game unlocks an exclusive Power Sword weapon to use in the upcoming game: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. Read More

Red Faction: Battlegrounds developer closed
13 years ago

Red Faction: Battlegrounds developer closed

By  •  News

Eurogamer has reported that THQ Digital Warrington, the studio behind Red Faction: Battlegrounds, has been shut down. TIGA, a UK games industry body, has blamed the closure on the poor …
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Bite-sized Warhammer 40K coming to XBLA
14 years ago

Bite-sized Warhammer 40K coming to XBLA

By  •  News

XBLA tie-ins are a great way to build hype for an upcoming release. The tactic has been used by two large games recently: Dead Space 2 and …
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