
Trouble Witches Neo

Deal of the Week: SNK Playmore Special
13 years ago

Deal of the Week: SNK Playmore Special

Deal of the Week for April 3 to April 9 sees 50% off a number of games from Japanese developers and creators of the Neo Geo, SNK Playmore.

Massive XBLA sale
13 years ago

Massive XBLA sale

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Good news for XBLA Fans, as it looks like we are currently in the middle of one of the biggest Xbox Live Arcade sales, ever! There are …
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XBLA Wednesday: Sega Rally Online Arcade & tons of DLC
13 years ago

XBLA Wednesday: Sega Rally Online Arcade & tons of DLC

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Here’s what’s new on the XBLA marketplace for the week of May 18th, 2011.
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Trouble Witches Neo review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Trouble Witches Neo review (XBLA)

Trouble Witches Neo was released by SNK Playmore. It was released on May 5, 2011 and retails for 800 MSP. A copy was provide for review purposes.

Trouble Witches Neo is a horizontal shooter that clearly takes inspiration from Deathsmiles. Putting that aside it is easy to see that it’s a fun and fundamentally sound shooter that most players will enjoy. The premise of the game is simple; an apprentice witch must complete her mission to become a full fledged witch. The story doesn’t really matter, but for those who care there is a story mode that details the characters’ outcomes. The real draw here is the action, and Trouble Witches Neo has plenty of it.

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XBLA Wednesday: Outland, Trouble Witches Neo!, NIN2-Jump
13 years ago

XBLA Wednesday: Outland, Trouble Witches Neo!, NIN2-Jump

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Today three new Xbox Live Arcade games hit the scene. First up for 800MSP is Outland, a platformer with a polarization element. Enemies, ordnance, and objects are …
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Trouble Witches Neo to hit XBLA April 27
14 years ago

Trouble Witches Neo to hit XBLA April 27

SNK and Bouken’s upcoming title Trouble Witches Neo Episode 1 Daughters of AMALGAM has finally been priced and dated. This new title will be hitting XBLA April 27, 2011 for a MSRP of 800MSP.

Trouble Witches Neo is 2-D side scrolling shooter meant for hardcore gamers despite its cute appearance. Players have eight maid-witches to choose from, each with a little bit different handling and shooting style. One thing that will set this game apart from the rest is the ability to perform alchemy. Each witch has the ability to cast a magic barrier that transforms bullets into gold which then can be spent at the pumpkin shops to buy magic cards. Each magic card can be used to unlock a special ability to help you through you battle.

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XBLA Gets Geo’d with Trouble Witches Neo

Who says that America never gets all the best Japanese games? Japanese developer SNK, originators of the home and arcade videogame system, Neo Geo, have announced a console version of Trouble Witches, the hardcore arcade shoot ’em up full of cute witches, flowers petals, and magic. Hardcore shoot ’em up with flower petals? Trust us. It’s awesome.

And we’ve got the gritty details, the colorful screenshots, and the gameplay trailer to prove it…

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