

Skullgirls trailer readies your move set

Skullgirls isn’t due out until early 2012 but this new trailer might help out some of your moves before its release. The trailer helps you in showing some counter …
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New character brings the pain to Skullgirls
13 years ago

New character brings the pain to Skullgirls

A new addition to the Skullgirls fighting team has been revealed by Dark new character Painwheel is an “aerial dominance” character, and can fly using the blades in her back. She is said to be in constant pain and full of rage with the ability to charge up her normal attacks. Read her full bio below:

Once a normal schoolgirl named Carol, Painwheel was kidnapped by Valentine and delivered to the Anti-Skullgirls Labs’ secretive Lab Zero. There she was implanted with the synthetic Buer Drive and Gae Bolga parasites and infused with experimental Skullgirl blood, transforming her into the monster she is today. Violent and unstable as a result of these experiments, as a precaution she’s mentally controlled by Lab Zero’s powerful psychic director, Brain Drain. Fueled by rage, she draws her power from her pain and fury. Despite that, the soul of that scared young girl still lives on inside this monstrous body, desperately fighting off the onslaught of voices that would control her.

Skullgirls is set to launch on XBLA early 2012. Head over the page for more images of Painwheel.

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Get an A+ in Skullgirls with Mrs Victoria
13 years ago

Get an A+ in Skullgirls with Mrs Victoria

Starting a new fighting game can be a lot like starting school. You might have a great time, meet new friends and excel at everything. Or you might just …
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Skullgirls sneaks fifth character, Ms. Fortune, onto home site
13 years ago

Skullgirls sneaks fifth character, Ms. Fortune, onto home site

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Skullgirls has been around lately, very around, going from convention to convention to fighting event to fighting tournament, all the while having all sorts of updates made to it …
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Introducing Skullgirls: Friday Night Fights

Revenge Labs have posted the first in a series of videos showcasing their upcoming Skullgirls. Every Friday evening they will upload a new match video taken from the latest …
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Skullgirls Q&A with Reverge Labs’ Mike Z and Alex Ahad
14 years ago

Skullgirls Q&A with Reverge Labs’ Mike Z and Alex Ahad

Gamers the world over exude opinions and complaints about the games they love, and lament at the fact that developers hardly ever seem to hear them. Mike “Mike Z” Zaimont, Project Lead and Designer on Reverge Labs’ upcoming fighting game, Skullgirls, is just such a gamer. A long time lover and competitive player of fighting games, Mike Z has used his programming expertise and fighting engine in combination with the art and characters of Alex “o_8” Ahad, Creative Director on the game, to create the game he’s always wanted to play. Skullgirls is many things, but at it’s heart it’s what happens when a gamer takes his expertise and makes a game out of it. Of course, that could mean anything, that could mean making another Marvel vs. Capcom 2 just because that’s one of the games Mike Z loves, but instead Reverge Labs has taken it one step further and is implementing a myriad of conveniences and thoughtful design changes that fighting game enthusiasts such as myself have been clamoring for, unwilling to be complacent with the traditional fighting game design and features. Check out the Q&A after the jump and find yourself exclaiming “That’s amazing! Why hasn’t anyone done that yet?” all the way through the interview. Read More

Skullgirls panel at Evo 2011 write up
14 years ago

Skullgirls panel at Evo 2011 write up

Skullgirls, a fighting game being developed by long time pro Mike “Z” Zaimont and his team at Reverge Labs, plans to do a lot of things that fighting game enthusiasts have been wanting for years. Reverge Labs wants to make a solid game full of interesting mechanics, but also do little things here and there to remove the minor irritations that people can’t stand about games or fighting games in specific. During this panel at Evo 2011 much was discussed including all of the characters, game mechanics and features, and we’ve gone through and picked up as much of the relevant info as possible provided below the jump and cut into neat, cheweable pieces. Let us know if you need more steak sauce with that: Read More

Skullgirls announces new character Parasoul at Evo 2011
14 years ago

Skullgirls announces new character Parasoul at Evo 2011

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Upcoming fighting game Skullgirls got some love at Evo 2011 recently and Reverge Labs has unveiled a new character, their fourth to date, Parasoul. Parasoul is a very large …
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Skullgirls may eventually include Skullguys
14 years ago

Skullgirls may eventually include Skullguys

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Skullgirls is showing signs of progress with Peacock playable at E3 this year and Reverge has talked briefly on the prospect of DLC. According to Reverge Labs may feature …
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Making training better with Skullgirls
14 years ago

Making training better with Skullgirls

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One of the most obscene issues with fighting games these days is the near unapproachable learning curve to high level play. Jumping into a match against a player who is proficient with both an arcade stick and precise button presses can spell instant doom to your roster of choice as well as your ego. Reverge Labs is taking matters into their own hands with their game Skullgirls to move the bar forward in the art of teaching someone how to brawl effectively.

Street Fighter 4, for example, has a set list of moves for a player to learn in which they later bring into combos. The hardest part of these lessons are how to bring what you’ve learned in training mode and use them against an opponent. It’s never really made clear when certain combos should be used and in what situation, which begs the question: What good is a weapon if you don’t know how to use it? Read More