

Kim Swift talks Quantum Conundrum, Portal, and a whole lot more

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The folks over at Gamasutra have posted an interesting Q&A with Kim Swift, the lead designer of the mega-popular Portal and the designer of the XBLA-bound FPS/puzzler Quantum Conundrum. …
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Mercury HG trailer makes science fun

Playing with actual mercury isn’t always the best idea but luckily, there’s a game just for that called Mercury HG. It comes out this Wednesday and combines elements of …
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Rotastic launch trailer brings in the right amount of wackiness

With a simple gameplay hook, great style and presentation, Rotastic has a lot going for it through its simplicity. The launch trailer seen above shows off the crux of …
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Mercury Hg will melt onto XBLA September 28
13 years ago

Mercury Hg will melt onto XBLA September 28

UTV Ignition have announced on their Facebook page that puzzler game Mercury Hg will be hitting XBLA on September 28. The game promises to challenge you to try and …
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More puzzling videos from Quantum Conundrum

Quantum Conundrum was announced at PAX Prime this year coming from Kim Swift and Airtight Games with Square Enix publishing. We’ve seen the game in action before but here’s an official trailer that sets the scene for the game as you figure out what dimension your crazy uncle inventor ended up in. After the break, you’ll see another gameplay demo featuring Kim Swift utilizing all of the dimensions from fluffy to slow-time to reverse-gravity. The design when it comes to some of these puzzles looks intelligent and looks to get more challenging as you progress, be on a lookout for this title in early 2012.
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New Storm trailer sets the cool tone of Winter

We’ve seen trailers for Spring and Summer for the weather-based physics game Storm but now we’re finally seeing what the snowy weather looks like. Like the previous trailers, the …
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A Virus Named Tom destined for XBLA
13 years ago

A Virus Named Tom destined for XBLA

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Xbox Live Arcade is filled with all sorts of match-3 style puzzle games and platforming puzzlers, but perhaps it’s been a while since we’ve seen an action puzzler without all the jumping and the falling. Well Misfits Attic’s A Virus Named Tom plans to fill that void, fill it with all sorts of infectious action puzzler goodness. While the game may be a ways off, plenty is known about it and there’s even a gameplay trailer brimming with personality (and viruses). Watch it below the jump, and don’t worry, we guarantee it’s not a security risk.

If you’re too lazy to watch the video or fear the brimming of its hilariousness, we could go at length to describe the game but the developers have said it best:

Imagine trying to solve a simple puzzle. Now imagine people are throwing potatoes at you. So while you’re trying to concentrate, you now have to dodge potatoes (they hurt more than you’d think). Actually it’s more like you’re trying to diffuse a bomb, because there’s a timer that’s counting down to doom-o’clock. Yeah, so it’s basically like you’re a really unpopular bomb squad. But at least you can get your friends to help: by telling you how you’re solving the problem wrong, or kicking the potato-ers in the shin. That’s basically the game. Oh, and there’s also a territory mode you can play against your friends. Make sense?

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Vessel anounced for XBLA

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Developer Zoo Entertainment has announced that their forthcoming game Vessel will be released for XBLA this holiday season. The price is set at 1200 MSP. Vessel is described as …
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Battleblock Theater hands-on preview
13 years ago

Battleblock Theater hands-on preview

Two friends are on an adventure, one finds a gem and one finds a hat. But Hatty wants the gem, so his unnamed friend gives it to him and Hatty starts to cry. Everyone wonders why. The confusion is interrupted by giant cat guards that arrive to send the unnamed friend to prison. Oh, and we’re in a theater. On an island. That’s the setup for Behemoth’s upcoming game, Battleblock Theater.

Battleblock Theater will be a 2D platform puzzle action game, otherwise known as a plactuzzleformer, featuring four player couch and online co-op as well as an online arena for adversarial play. Players can also play solo, but the game is definitely intended as a co-op experience. Levels scale to fit the amount of players to ensure that the difficulty is always appropriate as you advance the story. On the multiplayer side, there will be plenty of different gametypes, ranging from the casual to the hardcore (five have been announced and there are more to come).

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Update: Battleblock Theater features player-to-player trading system
13 years ago

Update: Battleblock Theater features player-to-player trading system

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Update: The trading system does not actually involve ripping off faces of any sort. The Behemoth has clarified that rather there is a trading post in-game where players can view their other players’ inventories and select what they want and the other player can do the same.

The Behemoth, developers behind XBLA sensation Castle Crashers and upcoming title Battleblock Theater, were kind of enough to meet with me at San Diego Comic Con. During that fantastic interview with Dan Paladin he revealed and explained Battleblock Theater’s unlock and trading system. (Link to interview forthcoming)

Fans and players of Castle Crashers will recall the massive frogelope (antler laden frog, I don’t know) wherein all the weaponry was stored was sometimes more trophy case than armory as players without the unlocked weapons could not access them. To circumvent that players would take the weapons into levels, swap them for easy to find weapons and allow newer players to pickup the rarer weapons they didn’t have. Dan says Behemoth got get rid of all that convolution and put in a full-fledged trading system into Battleblock Theater. Read More