
deadliest warrior: legends

Deadliest Warrior Legends + Joan of Arc DLC 50% off
13 years ago

Deadliest Warrior Legends + Joan of Arc DLC 50% off

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Another daily sale from Xbox Live! Today you can pick up Deadliest Warrior: Legends for 400MSP and its Joan of Arc add-on for 120MSP, both of which are 50% off …
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Deadliest Warrior invading a store near you
13 years ago

Deadliest Warrior invading a store near you

Deadliest Warrior: The Game and Deadliest Warrior: Legends are the latest XBLA hits to receive a retail release. 345 Games revealed this week that both XBLA games will be …
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Deadliest Warrior Legends DLC guide: Joan of Arc
14 years ago

Deadliest Warrior Legends DLC guide: Joan of Arc

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Deadliest Warrior: Legends quick facts:

  • Joan left her peasant life at age 17 to lead France against England in the Hundred Years’ War. Her goal was to reclaim the French throne for the Dauphin (rightful heir) Charles, Count of Ponthieu.
  • Joan always admitted to being a girl. But, she was told she must take the dress and weapons of a knight to be successful in convincing the Dauphan to give her what she needed, so she dressed as a man.
  • Charles tried to trick Joan by dressing as a commoner. She went to him without hesitation. Believing she had divine assistance he gave her horse, armor, sword, and put her at the head of an army.
  • The English hid when Joan arrived at Orleans. On the 4th day another general attacked the English and was losing badly. Joan rode in waving her banner and rallied the French who routed the enemy.
  • Though badly wounded, Joan led a second charge against the English to drive them from Orleans. She followed this victory by reclaiming the royal seat at Rheims. Charles was anointed King Charles VII.
  • Joan stayed on as a general in Charles’ army, and was captured by the English within a year. They tried her as a heretic and burned her alive in Rouen. 25 years later her conviction was overturned.

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Deadliest Warrior: Legends title update incoming next week

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Deadliest Warrior: Legends released two weeks ago for Xbox Live Arcade to strong review scores, including our own “buy” rating. Instead of resting on their laurels, the team behind …
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Deadliest Warrior Legends: Slice Mode Rewards
14 years ago

Deadliest Warrior Legends: Slice Mode Rewards

Deadliest Warrior Legends released this Wednesday, and while we don’t have an official review up on the site yet, we can say it is much better than the original. The entire game feels more fluid. One of the best parts to the Deadliest Warrior games is the unique weapons. Deadliest Warrior Legends pushes this to a whole new level.

Upon killing 25 enemies during a slice mode challenge (you need to have beaten arcade mode with each character to even have this option), players will be rewarded with an extra special set of weapons for each character. These range from a flute to a fish with a half dozen other random ones in between. We have the full list below:

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Avatar Awards: Week of 7/3 *BUMPED*

Another round of Avatar Awards for Xbox Live Arcade games have popped up for this week alongside the release of Deadliest Warrior: Legends. To see more XBLA-based …
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XBLA Wednesday: Deadliest Warrior: Legends, MLB Bobblehead Pros & Dead Block
14 years ago

XBLA Wednesday: Deadliest Warrior: Legends, MLB Bobblehead Pros & Dead Block

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Today is a triple release day on XBLA and all three games share the common price point of 800 MSP. For the history buffs and fighting game fans, there’s Deadliest …
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Deadliest Warrior Legends Warrior guide
14 years ago

Deadliest Warrior Legends Warrior guide

Deadliest Warrior Legends will be releasing this Wednesday, July 6. The team at 345 Games has finally unveiled the entire roster of fighters that will be releasing with the game. At …
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Deadliest Warrior Legends: Sun Tzu
14 years ago

Deadliest Warrior Legends: Sun Tzu

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Image source: Joystiq

Deadliest Warrior: Legends Quick Facts:


  • Sun Tzu was born to a lesser noble family who earned his reputation as a mercenary. After publishing The Art of War he gained the attention of the king of Wu who invited him to court.
  • The king asked if Sun could train anyone, even concubines. Sun said he could. When the women refused to obey his commands he had their leaders beheaded. After that, all of them performed flawlessly.
  • Sun believed that it was his right as a commander to enforce his leadership by any means. However, he valued the bloodless victory over all else- the use of knowledge was more important than force.
  • Sun Tzu’s treatise, The Art of War, put emphasis on using terrain,  spies, deception and breaking the enemy’s spirit so he has no will to fight. Keeping the enemy in a state of chaos was victory.
  • The Art of War was written around 520 BC, and has been studied by Asian commanders continuously. It was not until the 20th century that a reliable translation was made for Western military commanders.
  • Much of Sun Tzu’s life and death are a mystery. His enduring legacy as a military commander is his Art of War and its techniques, which he used to defeat the armies of Chu, Qin and Chi.

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Deadliest Warrior Legends: Alexander the Great
14 years ago

Deadliest Warrior Legends: Alexander the Great

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Image source: Joystiq

Deadliest Warrior: Legends Quick Facts:


  • Alexander inherited from his father the Kingdom of Macedonia, his armies, his treasury, his love of Classical Greek culture and his ambition to unite the world under a single leader.
  • At age 17 Alexander marshaled his own army to put down an uprising by a northern tribe. At age 18 he led the cavalry charge that decided the final battle in the war that won his father all of Greece.
  • By the time of his death at age 33 Alexander of Macedon had conquered the kingdom of Egypt, the Greek states, the Persian Empire and the rest of the known world.
  • Alexander went from being healthy to dead in the span of three days. One theory is that Aristotle poisoned him because Alexander had begun executing people who disagreed with his decisions.
  • Alexander’s tactics, strategies, leadership, application of force, use of surprise, and other methods of war are still studied today in military academies like West Point.
  • Alexander’s companion cavalry was made of about 1800 horsemen. He would routinely ride into the thick of the enemy ranks– sometimes numbering in the tens of thousands.

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