
Avalanche Studios

Renegade Ops getting frosty with new Coldstrike campaign and Vehicle DLC
13 years ago

Renegade Ops getting frosty with new Coldstrike campaign and Vehicle DLC

We posted a rumor that Renegade Ops would be seeing some DLC in the near future and it looks like that turned out to be true. Sega announced today that we’ll be seeing two new DLC packs on December 21 with one for campaign and new vehicles for the other one. In the new Coldstrike campaign, you’ll be facing off against a new villain with three new levels and new enemy types to destroy. It’ll set you back 400 MSP on its release. The new Vehicle Pack DLC will add two new heroes with Crystal using a large-force field and custom armor while Blazemo has an off-road terrain vehicle that’s great against multiple terrains so nothing stands in your path to destruction. It’ll set you back 240 MSP for both heroes and catch some new screenshots after the break of the arctic explosions.
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XBLAFans Monthly Roundup (November 2011)
13 years ago

XBLAFans Monthly Roundup (November 2011)

Hey guys, we’re bringing you a new feature that’s simple and helpful in nature, the XBLAFans Monthly Roundup! This as well as other features will be seen a lot more should all things go accordingly, and we’ll even have some new ones on the way, so stay tuned because there’s a lot of awesome in the works here at XBLAFans.

If it wasn’t obvious by the title, this post will be your one-stop-shop to anything that happened this month with links to all our posts and excerpts where applicable. That means news, reviews, guides, features, interviews, podcasts, and even a recount of releases and sales data. Hit the jump for so many links you’ll never not know something about XBLA current events again! Read More

Renegade Ops getting DLC?
13 years ago

Renegade Ops getting DLC?

By  •  News, Rumors

YouTube user Eufo recently posted a video from his/her Xbox 360 devkit entitled Trucs A Venir (Things to Come). In it we see a glimpse of two pieces of …
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Renegade Ops review (XBLA)
13 years ago

Renegade Ops review (XBLA)

Renegade Ops was developed by Avalanche Studios and published by SEGA. It was released on September 14, 2011 and retails for 1200 MSP.  A copy of the game was provided for review purposes.

Avalanche Studios have quickly become known for over the top action, the Just Cause games allowing players to perform the craziest action movie stunts. Who hasn’t wanted to ride a motorbike off a cliff, open a parachute and glide to safety? No one, exactly. With Renegade Ops Avalanche have brought their brand of over the top action to Xbox Live Arcade in the form of a twin stick shooter. Admittedly it’s not quite as extreme as Just Cause but it easily manages to be just as fun.

You play one of four members of the Renegade Squad, a group setup by the disillusioned General Bryant to bring down the maniacal supervillian Inferno. Each character has a unique special ability to go with their personal vehicle, all of which are equipped with a roof mounted machine gun. Armand has an APC with a shield ability which brings down tough armor plating making him impervious to enemy fire. Diz drives an armored truck which comes with an EMP that can disable enemy weapons. Roxy rides in an especially bouncy buggy and can call down a devastating air strike. Gunnar jumps around in a jeep which has a heavy gun that inflicts way more damage than his regular machine gun, he can’t move while using it though.

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Interview: Axel Lindberg, Director of Renegade Ops
14 years ago

Interview: Axel Lindberg, Director of Renegade Ops

To kick things off can you give us a brief overview of what Renegade Ops is?

Renegade Ops is a top-down, dual-stick shooter, where you get to drive around in cool vehicles, with even cooler weapons, and wreck havoc in awesome environments, with the goal of stopping evil megalomaniac Inferno from taking over the world. You play as one of four characters compromising the “Renegade Ops”-outfit, under the command of their big-muscled-big-mustachioed leader General Bryant. Each of the four characters has a unique vehicle, special ability, and unlockable upgrades earned through an RPG-like leveling system. Renegade Ops is fast, tough, crazy, and loads of fun!

What inspired Avalanche to go from creating large open world games like Just Cause to a digital download title like Renegade Ops? What games out there inspired you guys to go the direction you did with Renegade Ops itself?

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Renegade Ops hands-on preview
14 years ago

Renegade Ops hands-on preview

We got the chance to play Renegade Ops at the Sega Arcade down at San Diego Comic Con and we have to say the game is looking fantastic. Developed using the same engine as Just Cause 2 Avalanche Studios’ Renegade Ops is a twin stick shooter involving a black ops team specialized in vehicular combat–their goal: stop the terrorist agenda of Madman Inferno. Players take control of one of four different operatives each with their own vehicle and special ability. Players can join up alongside a buddy locally or up to three other players online.

A dynamic mission system gives players primary and secondary objectives to score points and advance the story which is voiced over entirely and accompanied by crisp comic-styled panels. Players compete competitively for points and cooperatively for mission completion all while  completing objectives in the most over-the-top, explosive way possible. Renegade Ops came about when Just Cause 2 developers turned the camera top-down and started messing around with the vehicles, so expect all the same fun with explosions, action and chaos. Read More

Renegade Ops shows off the explosives in this new trailer
14 years ago

Renegade Ops shows off the explosives in this new trailer

Are you ready to go off large jumps and destroy bases with weapons on your vehicle? Renegade Ops looks to be that answer from Sega and Avalanche Studios. In …
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Avalanche Studios releases new Renegade Ops screenshots
14 years ago

Avalanche Studios releases new Renegade Ops screenshots

The creators of Just Cause 2 just released new screenshots for their upcoming Xbox Live Arcade title, Renegade Ops. Using the same engine as the aforementioned game, Avalanche hopes to update the genre of vehicular, arcade-like combat much like Shadow Complex built upon the framework of Metroid-style games in a modern context. Renegade Ops is slated to hit this fall on XBLA, so check out the screenshots after the jump to get a sneak peek.

Source: Gamergeddon Read More

Renegade Ops game modes detailed
14 years ago

Renegade Ops game modes detailed

By  •  News

Aside from the initial announcement and teaser trailer, Avalanche Studios has been pretty stingy with information concerning their upcoming title Renegade Ops. In a brief preview with Gaming Age, the Just …
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New teaser trailer for Renegade: Ops
14 years ago

New teaser trailer for Renegade: Ops

The new dual stick action shooter Renegade: Ops from Sega and Avalanche Studios has it’s first teaser trailer. Although they don’t give us much what they do give us …
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