
XBLIG Reviews

Pixelbit Snooker & Pool Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Pixelbit Snooker & Pool Review (XBLIG)

Pixelbit Snooker and Pool is an Xbox Live Indie Game that was released on January 10, 2011 for 240 Microsoft Points.   It’s Pixelbit’s first offering and it doesn’t include avatars!  But how does the game fair as a pool simulator?  How does it stand up on it own?  How does it compare to other similar titles?  Find out after the jump Read More

Cthulhu Saves the World Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Cthulhu Saves the World Review (XBLIG)

Cthulhu Saves the World was developed by Zeboyd Games, released December 30, 2010 and is available for 240 Microsoft Points in the Indie Games section of the Xbox Live dashboard.

Cthulhu Saves the World is a throwback to the times of old, when all a game needed to captivate an audience was decent graphics, interesting music and a lofty level cap with plenty of level grinding to reach. And while not Cthulhu’s first game, it is definitely the first to feature him as the protagonist. Developed by Robert Boyd of Zeboyd Games (of Breath of Death VII fame) for the Indie Games Winter Uprising, a promotion intended to show gamers that just because a game is independently developed it doesn’t have to be lackluster. Does Cthulhu hurt or use his full heal spell on the Xbox Live Indie Games image?  Find out after the jump!

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Ubergridder Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Ubergridder Review (XBLIG)

Ubergridder was developed by BadgerPunch Games, and is available for 80 Microsoft Points ($1) under the Indie Games section of the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Xbox Live Indie Games are quickly becoming one of the best places to find retro-inspired games from the arcade and NES era. One of these latest games is Ubergridder, a maze-chaser that features gameplay mechanics similar to Pac-Man, which was a clear influence here for BadgerPunch Games. As Robert the robot, players must move along grid lines to repair a busted ship, all while being chased by aliens. It’s not the most original idea, but it accomplishes what it sets out to do.

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Drizzle Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Drizzle Review (XBLIG)

Drizzle is a game that is damn hard to assign to any specific genre.  You could call it a puzzle game, a strategy game or a casual/family game.  It was developed by Annihilated Games although the marketplace lists the developer as AnonymousDevs.  This game has been well over a year in the making after many setbacks.  It sells for 240MS points ($3) on the Indie games section of the Xbox marketplace.

Drizzle places you in charge of riding the world of pollution.  You control a robot hand that places cups under acid rain clouds in order to filter and recycle the rain water.  Different colored clouds require different colored cups to collect the rain.  The water is used to grow trees and make the world a better place.  A few unlockable robot friends will help you along the way while evil corporate robots will try to stop your progress.  It sounds like a terrible idea but it’s actually pretty fun. Read More

Score Rush Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Score Rush Review (XBLIG)

Score Rush is a mix between a schmup and a dual-stick shooter.  It’s the latest installment from seasoned XBLIG developer, Xona Games.  It sells for 80MS points ($1) on the XBLIG section of the marketplace. Read More

Decimation X3 Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Decimation X3 Review (XBLIG)

Decimation X3 is a 4 player shoot ’em up and thrilling sequel to the #1 Japan hitDecimation X, and proud member of the Indie Games Winter Uprising. Back with intensified gameplay, extra power-ups, more firepower, improved retro graphics, huge bosses, and a beautifully remixed Imphenzia soundtrack. Developed by the “empower the player” philosophy of Xona Games, award-winning creators of Duality ZF and Score Rush.  It currently is selling for 80MS Points (1 USD) in the Indie Games section of the marketplace.

How does it hold up to my rigorous tests?  Well you know you have to click read more to find out.

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Break Limit: Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Break Limit: Review (XBLIG)

Let’s just make a shooter where you have to go really, really fast…

Break Limit by Zombie Monkey Games is an indie game title that combines the old school challenge of a space shooter with a strong emphasis on performing a “speed run” (aka go as fast as possible without dying).  Your ship flies through space shooting anything and everything in its way, but weapons aren’t enough.  You can also use a speed boost that makes you invincible, but hurls you through space so fast it can give you whiplash.  Motion sick prone people take note…
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Epic Dungeon Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Epic Dungeon Review (XBLIG)

Epic Dungeon is the latest release from Eyehook Games, and it was released during the Indie Games Winter Uprising.

Epic Dungeon boasts 4 playable classes, dozens of monsters, loads of glittering loot, unique encounter system, 50 deadly dungeon levels and the low price point of 80MS Points ($1 US).   Upgrade your skills, stats, and equipments as you forge your path to victory in this rougelike RPG.

So how does it fare?  Click read more to find out of course. Read More

Agent MOO Review (XBLIG)
14 years ago

Agent MOO Review (XBLIG)

Agent MOO: Maximum Overdeath (AMMO) is a 2D deathmatch game featuring weapons such as rockets, guns, and the trusty sack of oranges. If that doesn’t suit your fancy, climb in a car to get some vehicular homicide kills! The cast includes Agent MOO, Hippies, Dinosaurs, and members of the video game blogging community such as Mr. Destructoid, Ron Workman and Cheapy D. The game features an original soundtrack by I KILL PXLS.

AMMO is now available on the XBOX Live Indie Games Marketplace for 240 points. It has been developed in Microsoft’s XNA game programming platform.

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Hypership Out of Control Review (XBLIG)

Hypership out of control is a retro 8bit graphic 2d shooter with a unique twist.   Your spaceship had some serious issues, and now your throttle is stuck, the brakes are broken.  The only things keeping you from sheer disaster are the ships guns, and steering control.   Do you have what it takes to get your speeding ship from becoming a splatter mark on the side of some asteroid, or something bigger and worse, like space bees! Read More