Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD was developed by Robomodo and published by Activision. It was released on July 18, 2012 for 1200 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.
The Tony Hawk games–everyone’s played at least one, and most have people have 1-2 favorites from the series. Their success paved the way for extreme sports games like the SSX and Skate series, and their soundtracks helped to bring the slightly obscure Punk Rock genre into the mainstream. Over the years the games have continued to try to expand and build on each preceding title. Pro Skater 2 brought the create-a-skater feature, Pro Skater 3 brought Tony and company to a new generation of consoles. Underground brought off-the-board gameplay and a story. Ride attempted to bring players even closer to skating realism with a skateboard controller. For better or worse, each new feature attempted to keep the series fresh and enjoyable.
But Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD is a trip back to the series’ roots. It puts a controller back in players’ hands. It strips out the story mode. You can’t get off the board. It’s just vanilla Pro Skater, and while some may prefer more flavorful ice cream, vanilla is the perfect flavor for Tony’s games.
Dungeon Fighter Live: Fall of Hendon Myre was co-developed by Nexon Korea Corporation, Neople Inc. and Softmax Co., Ltd. and published by Microsoft. It was released on July 13, 2012 for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.
One year and change ago Nexon’s free-to-play dungeon crawler, Dungeon Fighter Online (DFO), surpassed 300 million registered users, redefining the phrase “massively multiplayer.” Last week the franchise made the leap to console in the form of Dungeon Fighter Live: Fall of Hendon Myre. Hendon Myre is a pseudo-sequel that takes place in a slice of the original’s map; features the same fighting game-inspired combat that has hooked so many PC gamers; and three of the original’s nine base classes. Yes, only one-third of the original character classes have made the transition to console (gunner, fighter, slayer).
It’s not all addition by subtraction, though; the visuals have gotten a slight bump from those featured in the now eight-years-old DFO, and split-screen drop-in/drop-out co-op has been tossed in to go along with online play. That’s important, too, because the game is infinitely more enjoyable with a group of four than it is when flying solo. Dungeon Fighter Live has tried and true mechanics at its core: raid a dungeon(s), return to town, buy/sell/craft goods, rinse and repeat. Designed to be replayed many times over on different difficulties and in search of new quest items, Nexon’s action-RPG is great button-mashing popcorn entertainment with your chums — not so much by your lonesome. One can only plow through so many waves of identical gray goblins in grassy fields before the very notion of starting the cycle anew induces sighs of tediousness. But by introducing a trio of friends to the equation, the game remarkably becomes enjoyable once more.
Bellator: MMA Onslaught was developed by Kung Fu Factory and published by 345 Games. It was released on July 11, 2012 for 1200 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.
Bellator: MMA Onslaught brings mixed martial arts (MMA) to Xbox Live Arcade for the first time. Onslaught is based on the Bellator Fighting League so it will likely be unfamiliar to those who only know about the UFC. Bellator utilizes a tournament system to determine who will get a title shot. Otherwise the rules in Bellator are largely the same as any other MMA organization. Onslaught’s main game mode revolves around the tournament and becoming the champ. The real question is whether or not Onslaught can compete with the MMA video game big boys the same way the Bellator league is attempting to compete in the MMA scene.
Quantum Conundrum was developed by Airtight Games and published by Square Enix. It’s was released on July 11, 2012 for 1200 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.
There are some people who don’t like visiting their relatives since it wastes your weekend of fun in the sun. Now imagine if that person you’re visiting was your uncle. Uncles are fun right? They sometimes give you candy or money, but this time, he’s gone missing.
In Quantum Conundrum, you play the nephew of Professor Fitz Quadwrangle who’s just learned his uncle is in another dimension. It’s up to you to try and locate him throughout the many rooms in his mansion. Entrusted in you is a glove called the IDS that can switch dimensions. This is the latest from Portal creator Kim Swift and if Portal is a dark comedy, this is a Saturday Morning Cartoon that can appeal to any age demographic.
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Spelunky was developed by Mossmouth and was published by Microsoft Studios. It was released on July 4, 2012 and retails for 1200 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.
Spelunky casts you as a nameless adventurer seeking treasure in a deep cave. Blocking you from your bounty are countless enemies, traps, and other hazards. The way you choose to tackle these challenges really defines how the game will play for you. Some may crash ahead fearlessly while others will be more cautious. Spelunky is technically an action/platformer, but it also has roguelike qualities as well. You run and jump, whip and shoot. What’s surprising is to learn that death is permanent here and one false move sends you back to the very beginning. It’s a truly unique game and is presented in a very attractive manner. It does everything it sets out to do, even when it’s rejecting modern gaming conventions.
The Walking Dead was developed and published by Telltale Games. It was released June 27, 2012 for 400 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.
With the first episode of The Walking Dead, Telltale Games gave us something very special. It was a game with a compelling story in which choice mattered. You cared enough about the believable characters and world they had created that the decisions were never easy.
We thought Episode 1 was pretty amazing so Episode 2, Starved For Help, had a lot to live up to. If you’re reading this then you probably already played the first episode, and you will have to own it to play this one. You’ll be pleased to know Telltale has not only met the expectations set by the first episode but easily exceeded them. Read More
Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad was developed by 2XL Games and published by D3 Publisher. It was released on June 27, 2012 for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.
Off-road racing is a relative newcomer to Xbox Live Arcade. Only two other titles have braved otherwise untouched territory, Sega Rally Online Arcade and the Mad Riders, left us feeling that as good as they were they could have been more. 2XL Games’ Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad is the third competitor in this relatively small market. It pits would-be racers against McGrath and six other racers in varied environments and vehicles. Unfortunately it doesn’t stack up to expectations, and while there’s a solid racer underneath, whether it’s a solid game is another story.
Bang Bang Racing was developed and published by Digital Reality. It was released June 6, 2012 for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes
Many racing titles have graced XBLA lately but none have attempted to confuse the player with a dumbfounded title like Bang Bang Racing–the gameplay possibilities with a title like that can begin at generic demolition or race to NSFW hijinks. Joking aside, when you boost into the experience you’ll quickly discover a competent racer with tight controls and a heap of unlockable content but an excluded multiplayer component that places this title in a distant third.
Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 was developed by Stainless Games and Wizards of the Coast and published by Microsoft Studios. It retails for 800 MSP and was released on June 20, 2012. A copy was provided for review purposes.
Stainless Games and Wizards of the Coast have brought us our third iteration of the ridiculously named “Magic: the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 201X” series. That means new cards, more missions, new modes, a redesigned interface, and yet the game’s name is still far too long. As such, while discussing the aforementioned inclusions, we will be referring to Magic: the Gathering Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 as Magic 2013 for the remainder of this review.
For the uninitiated, Magic 2013 pits you against several AI duelists throughout its multiple campaigns. Use cards to generate resources which you spend to summon creatures and cast spells. Learn about the different decks throughout the campaign and unlock them for your own use. Red, white, blue, black and green cards populate each deck and all have different signatures; for instance, green features powerful creatures, where-as black specializes in manipulating the dead. Handy tips and a thorough tutorial do a comprehensive job of teaching newcomers to the franchise, so don’t be afraid to jump right in.
As an up-front for interested veterans, no you still cannot freely create decks or mix and match cards, unfortunately, however Magic 2013 has the most cards in the series to date. If you want the card game in video game form, this is it, but if you want all of the Magic: the Gathering culture, you’d best go down to your local game store and participate there. Since this is the third iteration and many of you are simply curious about what’s new here, Magic 2013’s cards are all from the upcoming Magic 2013 core set. On top of that there are four campaigns including two different sorts of puzzles and the all new game mode Planechase.
Marvel Pinball: The Avengers Chronicles for Pinball FX 2 was developed by Zen Studios and published by Microsoft Studios. It retails for 800 MSP and was released on June 20, 2012. A copy was provided for review purposes.
Marvel Pinball: The Avengers Chronicles is the latest addition to the ever growing Pinball FX 2 library. This is a four table pack themed around the Avengers. With so many tables now available this needed to be a special collection to stand out. After playing this set for some time it’s clear that Zen Studios put something really special together. The four tables are based on the the Avengers, Infinity Gauntlet, World War Hulk, and Fear Itself. Each strikes a perfect balance in style, theme, speed, and challenge. Each table is a worthy addition by itself, but as a set they seem all the more cohesive. Deftly mixing new twists with solid gameplay, The Avengers Chronicles does everything right.