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Xbox Ones with noise issues to be replaced by Microsoft
10 years ago

Xbox Ones with noise issues to be replaced by Microsoft

In a small percentage of Xbox One consoles, users have reported hearing a loud noise while leaving the system on the dashboard.  The trouble apparently comes from the console …
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XBLA Fans is looking to grow its staff
10 years ago

XBLA Fans is looking to grow its staff

Want to join our team? Then get in here and find out how!
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Community Manager @twixprintmatic steps down, @MRX93 takes over

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After three years here with the Involved Fans staff, the time has come for me to step back as the Community Manager here at XBLA Fans. The reason for my departure is not negative nor are any relationships here the cause of my stepping down. Sometimes life just happens and you need to take a step back. I simply don’t have the bandwidth to keep up with any day-to-day tasks anymore, and the site is better off if I take that step back and give another staff member a chance to take over the community side of things. Who knows, I may be back at some point in the future at some capacity but for now I’m simply a guy who watches from a distance while others continue to make the site thrive and grow every day. The staff here is excellent. Everything is in good hands.

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The Xbox One looks great as an 80s alarm clock
11 years ago

The Xbox One looks great as an 80s alarm clock

As seen on Kotaku.  We can all agree that, given that the system looks like something from the 80s/90s this is actually an improvement. In fact, we now demand …
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PSA: System maintenance

Hey gang, we’re going to be implementing a few new features over the next 24, and this post is where you’ll find our testbed of new gadgets. Things may change …
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Pardon our mess
12 years ago

Pardon our mess

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We’re in the process of upgrading systems. As such you might have noticed a bit of down time. We’re back up now, however and just have a few final …
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Convert your videos for use on your Xbox 360 with EncodeHD
12 years ago

Convert your videos for use on your Xbox 360 with EncodeHD

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The Xbox 360 isn’t known for its wide range of codecs. The list is rather small, and it gets even smaller when you want to run in HD. DivX, …
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When you need a laugh. . .
12 years ago

When you need a laugh. . .

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Occasionally folks contact us after they’ve been banned from LIVE. Can we get them unbanned? Is there someone higher up that we can get them in touch with? Nope. …
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Public Service Announcement: XBLAFans Community Playdate tonight
13 years ago

Public Service Announcement: XBLAFans Community Playdate tonight

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Home alone on a Friday evening? You could do a lot worse than enlist with the XBLAFans team tonight (8-11 PM ET, 5-8 PM PT, 1-4 AM GMT) as …
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Weekend Rant: Halo Anniversary
13 years ago

Weekend Rant: Halo Anniversary

Playing through Halo Anniversary this weekend with my brother-in-law I had a very eye opening experience. After all of the PR fluff and critic reviews based more on nostalgia I found myself more critical of the quality of the updates to the original Halo: CE. I wondered why I was knocking all of these little issues I found when I was having a blast playing through a game that can still suck me in. Then it hit me: Bungie didn’t work on Anniversary, and that’s who I was comparing 343’s work against. Sure, Saber Interactive provided the new HD graphics layer and Certain Affinity developed all of the multiplayer maps, but as the primary developer 343 had the end say as to whether something qualified as Halo-worthy or not.

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