What we are playing: Week of July 3
What we are playing is a weekly column that appears each Sunday. Various staff members let the world know what games had them hooked the past week and which ones they look forward to.
Steve Melton – Played Lucha Fury for review. Not a bad game. If you’re a fan of brawlers pick it up when it’s 1/2 off. Also working through the indie game Shield the Beat for an upcoming review. It’s a total blast. We should have a code to give away in the future. Also picked up a few cheevos in Crazy Taxi.
Perry Jackson – Picked up Comic Jumper in the Deal of the Week sale and I’m thoroughly enjoying it after debates with the other writers. It’s got the right amount of character and style that I love with maybe a little flawed shooting but it’s still good and well worth 400 MSP. Also gonna finish up Shadows of the Damned and my rental of [easyazon-link asin=”B002I0HAC6″]Duke Nukem Forever[/easyazon-link] which was probably better off as vaporware.
Ben Fisher – Still playing Trenched which you can buy on XBLA for [easyazon-link asin=”B001V7QIDO”]Xbox 360 Live 1600 Points (Online Game Code)[/easyazon-link] and having fun with [easyazon-link asin=”B002I0HIC8″]Rift[/easyazon-link]
John Carson -Oh wow. What haven’t I been playing? In the past two days alone I’ve played Half-Minute Hero–something you all should play–, Bust-a-Move Live, Galaga Legions DX, Trenched, Magic 2012, Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, and a questionable MMO called Gods and Heroes. I somehow feel that list will expand even more over the holiday weekend.
John Drawdy – Hmmm…..lets see, for the most part my week has been occupied by Trenched which is just load of fun and Backbreaker: Vengeance which I wrote a review for this week. About the only other thing I played was one game of X-Men Arcade with my 5 year; it makes me happy to know he loves the classics.
Kenneth Rufo – I’ve been playing a metric ton of Duels 2012, mostly the 2HG mode, a fair amount of Monday Night Combat, and then some sweet little Indie titles: TIC, part 1, and Lair of the Evil Doer.
James Heiger – I downloaded Hard Corps: Uprising because it was on sale. That game is hard but rewarding. I have also been spending some time with Red Dead Redemption, but it remains to be seen if I finish it.
Jonathan Cole – The whole last week of my life has almost been solely dedicated to Trenched, which has been an absolute blast. Steam’s current Summer Camp Sale has kept me enraptured, however, stealing all the money from my wallet and incentivizing some digging through the backlog for chances to win a big prize.
Nathan Bowring – Finished the final episode of the Back to the Future game, which was utterly fantastic. Now I’m waiting to get my copy of L.A. Noire. Great Scott, I do love adventure games!
Todd Schlickbernd – I’ve been playing Half-Minute Hero after work ’cause it’s light and I’ve been coming home tired. Before that I was playing sandbags full of Trenched with intermittent spots of Borderlands and Saints Row 2. Lotta’ co-op goin’ on.
John Laster – I’m in the process of moving so my Xbox is boxed up this week. No gaming for me sadly…
Andrew Crews – I’ve finally gotten around to playing Trenched. It’s a fun game and I recommend checking it out if you haven’t already. I’ve also been playing a lot of Akane the Kunoichi on XBLIG.
Damon Fillman – I must admit, I’ve returned to the original Condemned to see if it has survived the test of time–and it has! Also, I can’t stop looting and shooting in Trenched. Mechs and loot? Seriously, what is better than that?