Private Helmet
It’s name may be slightly misleading; the Private Helmet should not actually be used to protect your privates.
Unlock method: Unlocked in the shop at Rank 2.
Trench Pot
The Trench Pot not only protects from falling debris, but also doubles as a field latrine.
Unlock method: Unlocked in the shop at Rank 2.
Sergeant Cap
It’s not the most functional or stylish hat, but it does allow you to show your superiority over others.
Unlock method: Awarded for 500 personal weaponized kills.
Press Hat
This just in-Trenched Released to Rave Reviews!
Unlock method: Special hat for members of the press.
Bowler Hat
It’s stylish, classy, and perfect for slapstick comedy.
Unlock method: Unlocked in the shop at Rank 4.
Trench Helmet
A special helmet designed to protect against the force of a direct Blitzer explosion.  That is, so long as it only hits you in the head.
Unlock method: ???
Chemical Mask
Perfect for startling your bunkmates in the middle of the night.
Unlock method: Unlocked in the shop at Rank 2.
Blast Cap
This helmet was designed to withstand any explosion.  WARNING: Head inside may not survive explosions.
Unlock method: Awarded for 3500 Regiment emplacement kills.
Desert Hat
There’s nothing wrong with a man wanting to protect his neck from the sun.  Don’t worry no one will make fun of you for wearing this.
Unlock method: Unlocked in the shop at rank 5.
Dress Hat
The Dress Hat is standard attire for the MTB Winter Ball.  Unfortunately, the festivities have been canceled the past few years due to lack of female participation.
Unlock method: Awarded for 2500 personal weapon kills.
Standard Helmet
Classic and elegant in its simplicity, this helmet will be your best friend out on the battlefield.  Seriously.  It can get really lonely out there.
Unlock method: ???
Flight Helmet
When the Air Force was shut down, many pilots signed up for the Mobile Trench Brigade.  Unfortunately, the skill set did not transfer over as the piloting controls are inverted.
Unlock method: Awarded for personally collecting 5000 scrap.
Gas Mask
While the Gas Mask is able prevent airborne pollutants and toxic gases from entering the body, it is not able to prevent them from exiting the body.
Unlock method: Unlocked in the store at Rank 8.
With built-in voice recognition, this Headset will cut down on nearly 90% of emplacement deployment errors.
Unlock method: Awarded for achieving 500 personal Emplacement kills.
Pith Helmet
Knob hunting has become an extremely lucrative business as of late.  A wall mounted knob will fetch nearly $1000 on the black market.
Unlock method: Unlocked in the store at Rank 5
PSI Goggles
Experimental eyewear developed by the mysterious Psionic Weapons Division. Specifications, warnings, and instructions for use are all classified.
Unlock method: Awarded for reaching 2500 emplacement kills.
Red Bandana
We had to do something with the leftover fabric from all those Ripped Shirts.
Unlock method: Awarded for 3500 Regiment weaponized kills.
Sailor Hat
An entire crate of these were found after the Navy was dismantled.  Honestly, we’re just trying to get rid of them.
Unlock method: Unlocked in the shop at Rank 3.
Special Forces Helmet
A serious helmet for a serious man.  The Special Forces Helmet just screams, “I mean business.”
Unlock method: Unlocked in the shop at Rank 9.
These glasses not only block out the sun’s harmful rays, but also help reduce the blinding effects of the Monovision glow.
XBLAF Note: These are the recommended gear (Moxie) for the Farnsworth level.
Unlock method: Awarded for personally deploying 500 emplacements.
Tiki Mask
It’s yet to be proven, but the mask’s previous owner swears he sometimes saw its mouth moving in the middle of the night.
Unlock method: Chance to get from Pacific missions loot.
Top Hat
Our Top Hats are Top o’ the line.  How can you tell?  Because they’re so dang expensive!
Unlock method: Unlocked in the shop at Rank 10.

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