

Counter Strike: Global Offense early details
14 years ago

Counter Strike: Global Offense early details

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Valve’s newest installment in the Counter Strike series was announced not that long ago, yet it has already been played by twenty lucky people. Valve invited the twenty best Counter Strike: …
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Counter-Strike returns with a Global Offensive in 2012

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In a press release following some rumors this morning, it seems the famous Half-Life mod that created a franchise and an online community is coming to XBLA with Counter-Strike: …
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Rewind Review: Portal: Still Alive (XBLA)
14 years ago

Rewind Review: Portal: Still Alive (XBLA)

Portal: Still Alive was developed by Valve and published by Microsoft. Portal was released November 22, 2008 and cost 1200MSP.

In Portal you are a subject in a test study; not by choice. You are given a ‘portal gun’ and forced to defy the laws of physics in order to escape each test room. Equipped with just the ‘portal gun’ and your wits, it is your task to figure out how to avoid all the obstacles that stands in your way.

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