

Game of Thrones Episode 5: A Nest of Vipers review: Taken for a ride
10 years ago

Game of Thrones Episode 5: A Nest of Vipers review: Taken for a ride

My, oh my, what a roller coaster Telltale’s Game of Thrones series is turning out to be. The story of House Forrester is in itself incredibly tumultuous, but beyond that, the wild swings in tempo and quality from one episode to the next are equally jarring.

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Game of Thrones Episode 2: The Lost Lords review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Game of Thrones Episode 2: The Lost Lords review (Xbox One)

Game of Thrones Episode 2: The Lost Lords was developed and published on Xbox One and Xbox 360 by Telltale Games. It was released February 4, 2015 for $4.99. A copy was provided by Telltale for review purposes.

telltale game of thrones 3

In my review of Game of Thrones Episode 1: Iron From Ice, I mentioned that whilst things were being set up rather nicely for the series ahead, the episode in isolation was a little uneventful. Thankfully, The Lost Lords goes some way to correcting this and features more action, more opportunity for intrigue and at least one twist which I certainly did not see coming.

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