
survival horror

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 1: Penal Colony review (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 1: Penal Colony review (Xbox One)

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Penal Colony was developed and published on Xbox One and Xbox 360 by Capcom Entertainment Inc. It was released February 24, 2015 for $5.99. XBLA Fans’ Michael Cheng purchased a copy out of pocket for review purposes.

RER2 Ep 1

As a fan of classic puzzle-style Resident Evil games and someone who has played 270 hours into Resident Evil Revelations 1‘s Raid mode, I had high hopes for Resident Evil Revelations 2 and expected its gameplay to be similar to its predecessor. The kind of high expectations that would fall short.

Admittedly, Episode one is a good game. In fact, it’s the kind of good that fans of Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 would enjoy. The environments feel wide open and danger is ever-present in the form of enemies waiting to ambush around the next corner. Suspense is limited as there is usually enough ammo to handle any situation, and there are mandatory fight segments that require the player to fight back. You will, however, dread of running out of ammo on harder difficulty settings when waves of enemies arrive to cause harm.

Claire’s campaign starts the episode with intrigue. Who did it? Why? Where are we? You’re left to wander around a desolate, rundown detention center while encountering strange humanoid characters that are really happy to bite into you. Barry’s campaign comes in with the intent of having you pick up the pieces from the events of Claire’s campaign. Barry and Natalia venture through the same detention center that Claire and Moira found themselves in before progressing through dark forest areas and eventually making it to the radio tower that Claire and Moira used at the end of their segment. The titular revelation I encountered at the end of all this was, somehow, both expected and unexpected.

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Resident Evil Revelations 2 review hub (Xbox One)
10 years ago

Resident Evil Revelations 2 review hub (Xbox One)

“So much suffering… You don’t even know what to be afraid of yet.”
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Details on the imminent Resident Evil remaster and Resident Evil Revelations 2
10 years ago

Details on the imminent Resident Evil remaster and Resident Evil Revelations 2

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Resident Evil fans will have a lot to rejoice about soon.

Capcom is releasing a remastered HD version of the classic Resident Evil for Xbox One on January 20. Those excited for the release can now pre-order/pre-load it here, so that the game is ready to go the first minute it’s fully released.

An Xbox 360 version of Resident Evil is currently only available on the Japanese Xbox Live Marketplace for digital purchase and is region free. That version was released at the end of November of 2014.

In other Resident Evil news, Resident Evil Revelations 2 will be released less than one month after the Xbox One version of Resident Evil. Well, sort of.

Capcom is taking another new approach to survival-horror by releasing the contents of Resident Evil Revelations 2 in an episodic manner. These episodes will focus on two different pairs of characters. Keep reading for more details.

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AMY takes a second shot with new game patch
13 years ago

AMY takes a second shot with new game patch

Controversial survival horror, AMY has received a title update this week. The game did not get the best start on XBLA, being universally panned by game reviewers then receiving …
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AMY too hard for most gamers?
13 years ago

AMY too hard for most gamers?

Last week’s XBLA release, AMY, recently received a raft of bad publicity with large numbers of negative reviews scored across most gaming review sites. Today a post was made …
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AMY releasing on January 11 for 800 MSP
13 years ago

AMY releasing on January 11 for 800 MSP

By  •  News

When the rating appeared for AMY, we were suspecting a release very shortly. What we didn’t expect was a release date and price announcement in the same day! The …
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New Amy trailer shows off gameplay and a unique relationship
13 years ago

New Amy trailer shows off gameplay and a unique relationship

VectorCell has released a new trailer for its upcoming survival horror title Amy, which shows off brand new gameplay footage, and highlights the unique relationship between the game’s protagonists. …
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Learn to utilize contamination in this new Amy trailer

Amy has been a little quiet in the last while but VectorCell and Lexis Numérique have provided us with a new look into the survival-horror title. In this trailer, …
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E3 2011: Hands-On Preview of AMY

We hate to jinx it, but it looks like XBLA is finally getting the high quality survival horror title that we’ve all been waiting for. We took an intense hands-on tour with Lexis Numérique’s AMY at this year’s E3 in order to give you the inside skinny on this up-and-coming underdog.

First, you’ll need a run-down on the story. AMY‘s dystopian future is set in a 2034 midwestern America ravaged by some kind of comet-borne infection. You play as Lana, an infected woman that is protecting Amy: an eight-year-old autistic girl that is mysteriously immune to the infection. Naturally, Amy is being hunted by just about everyone; monsters, the military, and geneticists are all trying to get a piece of her. Read More

Amy is scared and coming to XBLA
14 years ago

Amy is scared and coming to XBLA

At E3, a survival horror game was shown for XBLA that goes by the name of Amy from VectorCell and Lexis Numerique. You play as Lana who wakes up in Silver City in the year 2034 after a comet attack that caused a virus outbreak, spawning strange creatures. You meet up with an autistic girl named Amy who has mysterious powers and work together in order to escape the virus threat. Unfortunately, Lana is also infected which you will have to keep up to date with on the color-coded meter on your back by healing yourself or by being around Amy to keep from getting too infected. You’ll go through more infected areas and change form from woman to monster which will help around areas with lots of monsters but too much and it’ll be game over. Amy is shaping up to be an interesting XBLA title combining arcade action with survival horror elements, check out some screenshots after the break.
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