
Sour Patch Kids

World Gone Sour review (XBLA)
12 years ago

World Gone Sour review (XBLA)

World Gone Sour was developed by Playbrains Studios and published by Capcom. It was released on April 11, 2012 for 400 MSP. A copy was provided for review purposes.

World Gone Sour is a fun and sweet little platformer with a weird story to tell. What we find is a dangerous world that exists for Sour Patch Kids as they journey toward their ultimate goal: The human stomach. During your journey you’ll find lots of lost friends who will help you along your way. Like any good platformer there are bosses, and in World Gone Sour they are integral to the story. Many aspects of World Gone Sour will immediately feel and look like games you know and love.

Feeling like games of the past isn’t always a good thing, but for the most part World Gone Sour keeps things simple and sweet. Double-jumping and wall bouncing are an absolute joy. You’ll find additional Sour Patch Kids who will follow you on your journey. They can help you swing, Indiana Jones-style, or sacrifice themselves to help you complete the level. The first time you impale yourself or throw one or your little minions into a fan blade and he is chopped to pieces, you can’t help but laugh. It’ll put a smile on your face that will stay with you the whole game.

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World Gone Sour: gameplay, details and pricing

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We get all sorts of new details on this bite size adventure from Capcom.
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XBLAFans Monthly Roundup (November 2011)
13 years ago

XBLAFans Monthly Roundup (November 2011)

Hey guys, we’re bringing you a new feature that’s simple and helpful in nature, the XBLAFans Monthly Roundup! This as well as other features will be seen a lot more should all things go accordingly, and we’ll even have some new ones on the way, so stay tuned because there’s a lot of awesome in the works here at XBLAFans.

If it wasn’t obvious by the title, this post will be your one-stop-shop to anything that happened this month with links to all our posts and excerpts where applicable. That means news, reviews, guides, features, interviews, podcasts, and even a recount of releases and sales data. Hit the jump for so many links you’ll never not know something about XBLA current events again! Read More

Rumor: Sour Patch Kids adver-game on way to consoles
13 years ago

Rumor: Sour Patch Kids adver-game on way to consoles

By  •  News, Rumors

Following in the long and proud (?) tradition set by classics such as Cool Spot, Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest, and most recently the XBLA Doritos duo: Crash Course
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